Picture Puzzle Test: Only the Top 3% With Great IQ can Spot These Five Lemons In 20 Seconds

In this puzzle, find 10 five lemons in 20 seconds.

This visual puzzle features five lemons hidden among everyday objects. It’s not as easy as it sounds! Only 3% of people with exceptional IQ and observation skills can find them within 20 seconds. Are you up to the challenge?

Only the top 3% of people with the highest IQ can find these five lemons in 20 seconds.

Besides being fun, these puzzles improve cognitive skills, such as concentration, attention to detail, and quick problem solving. These brain teasers can help you improve your IQ over time while providing a fun way to challenge yourself. Plus, they’re a great way to compare your skills with others and see how your observation skills stack up!

Take a look at the picture puzzle below:

Countdown starts:

5…Can you find the first lemon?

Finding five lemons under time pressure requires extreme concentration.

5…Can you find the first lemon?

4…Stay alert!

3…almost there!

2…Don’t miss any details!

1… Time’s up! Did you find all five?

Time is up!

See also | Optical Illusion Challenge: Find the tiger in 11 seconds in this puzzle

Picture puzzles and answers

If you manage to find all five lemons within the time limit, it’s a good sign of your superior intelligence. Quick processing speed, keen perception, and a strong sense of vision are likely part of your personality. Did you find all the lemons? Here’s the answer!

Only the top 3% of people with the highest IQ can find these five lemons in 20 seconds.

If not, don’t worry! Lemonbirds are very hard to find because of their clever camouflage. Their colors blend in almost perfectly with their chicks, making them hard to spot at first glance. Look closely at each chick, they are just there, camouflaged like a hawk.

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