What is the M87 Black Hole?

MESSIER 87 (M87), also known as Virgo A or NGC 4486, is a super oval galaxy in the virgin constellation. It is one of the largest and largest galaxies in the local universe, which contains trillions of stars and dense spherical clusters. M87 is particularly noteworthy that its strong relativity is sprayed, an active galaxy nucleus, and a super -quality black hole in the center. This is the first black hole in the history of the horizon telescope.

Source: NASA

Basic observation data about Messier (M87)





Right improvement

12H 30M 49.42338


+12 ° 23’28.0439 ”



Mediterranean degree radial speed

1,284 ± 5 ​​km/s

Distance from Earth

53.5 million lies

Obvious amplitude (V)



132,000 light years

What is the main function of M87?

The function of M87 is:




Giant ellipse galaxy


Virgin constellation

Distance from Earth

~ 55 million light years

Special feature

Including a super -quality black hole, launching strong radio and X -ray signals, with glowing gaseous shots

What are some of the significant astronomical phenomena of M87?

1. Powerful radio and X -ray emissions

  • The M87 is an important source of radio waves and X -rays, indicating that there is extremely thermal gas.
  • The nuclear and spraying of the Galaxy can generate synchronous radiation, which moves near the speed of light near the magnetic field.

2. Super black hole

  • In 2017, the event Horizo ​​N telescope (EHT) captured the first direct image of the black hole in the M87.
  • The image reveals an asymmetric radio transmission ring, surrounded by the shadow of black holes.
  • Black hole:
    • The quality is 6.5 billion times the sun.
    • It spans 38 billion kilometers (24 billion miles).
    • It has such a powerful gravity and attraction, so that even no light cannot escape.

3. Bright gaseous jet

  • The glowing gaseous shot extends from the M87 core to the outside.
  • The shot is generated by accelerating the speed of near -light due to the gravity of the black hole.
  • Due to the effect of Doppler, because the materials moving towards the earth have visually enhanced the materials, the shot is brighter on one side.

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What are the characteristics of Messier 87 (M87)?

The characteristics of Messier 87 (M87) are:

  • Type: Super Oval Galaxy (E0-1 PEC, NLRG SY)
  • Single cluster: contains about 15,000 ball clusters (150-200 compared to the galaxy)
  • Relator jet: A vibrant plasma jets extend from its core at least 4,900 light years
  • Active Galaxy Nuclear (AGN): driven by super -quality black holes
  • Radio Source: One of the brightest radio resources in the sky
  • Interstellar medium: contains scattered gas, the elements of evolutionary stars are rich

Source: NASA

The discovery and observation history of Messier 87 (M87)





Charles Messier

The M87 was discovered and it was classified as Nebula.


John Derell

Use it as NGC 4486 in the new general directory.


Herber Curtis

Observed “direct rays”, and was later identified as relatively theory.



Categorize it as an oval galaxy.



Determine it as part of the cluster of Virgo.


Radio astronomer

Determine Virgo A as a powerful wireless power supply.


U.S. Navy Research Lab

The Virgo X-1 was discovered, which was the first X-ray source in Virgo.


Incident Horizure Telescope

Captured the first black hole in history.

Black Hole and Event Horizer Telescope

  • M87 is where the center has a super -quality black hole.
  • Estimated quality: 6.5 billion solar energy.
  • The first direct image of Black Hole was captured in April 2019.

Event Horizer Telescope (EHT), the telescope captured the first black hole image in 2019

Source: ESO/EHT collaboration

  • In March 2021, scientists proposed the two polar differentiated images of black holes, thereby insight into the power of driving star bodies.

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What is the timetable for the incident horizon telescope (EHT) observation?

  • 2017: EHT widely observed M87.
  • 2019: image release of the Black Hole event vision.
  • 2021: It reveals the first polarized image and helps the research on the magnetic field around the black hole.

Data source: news.mit.edu

What is the importance and scientific importance of MESSIER 87 (M87)?

Research and scientific importance of Messier 87 (M87) Author:

  • X -ray research: X -ray observations performed by Heo 1 and Einstein Observatory determine the complex sources of the core of the galaxy.
  • Super large black hole research:
    • Early research in 1978 estimates that its quality is 5 billion solar energy.
    • The observation results of the Hubble Space Telescope will increase the estimation value to 6.5 billion solar blocks.
  • Relators:
    • Extend from the core to at least 4,900 light years.
    • Move at a speed of near light.

You can see M87 more clearly from there?

The best visibility and observation can be completed in the following ways:

  • It’s best to watch in spring.
  • Location: located between the Star Ichinis and Beta Leonis.
  • Obvious size: 7.2 × 6.8 arc.
  • Surface brightness: 12.9 amp.
  • Best equipment: Small telescope (6 cm or larger) can detect the galaxy, and a large telescope is required to observe the theory of relativity.