10 Best Sonic 4 Theories After Sonic The Hedgehog 3

WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Sonic the Hedgehog 3.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 seems to have set up another exciting sequel. After Sonic and his friends prevented Shadow the Hedgehog and Gerald Robotnik from destroying the Earth, Sonic the Hedgehog 3’s post-credits scenes depicted Sonic encountering both Amy Rose and Metal Sonic. On top of that, Shadow is shown to have survived the destruction of the Eclipse Cannon, laying the foundation for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and creating several thrilling possibilities for its story.

Amy and Metal Sonic’s debut alone implies a lot about the story audiences will see in Sonic the Hedgehog 4. However, Sonic’s video game lore and the ending of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 give even more hints as to what direction the filmmakers will go with Sonic’s fourth cinematic adventure. Combined with the success of the franchise’s third film in theaters, all these sequel possibilities have made Sonic the Hedgehog 4 the most highly-anticipated Sonic film yet.


G.U.N. Created Metal Sonic

G.U.N. May Have Become An Even Greater Threat To Sonic

A group of Metal Sonics standing in a line Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Since their debut in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, G.U.N. has been more of a hindrance to Sonic than a helpful ally. Specifically, after Sonic was accused of murdering Commander Walters, the former and his friends were pursued by G.U.N. soldiers in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. After seeing the destruction that Shadow unleashed, G.U.N. may have all the more reason to fear what kind of devastation Sonic and fellow aliens could unleash with their powers.

While building a blue robot hedgehog may not be part of G.U.N.’s brand and be more Robotnik’s style, they do have the reason and the resources to create the Metal Sonics.

As a result, G.U.N. could’ve created Metal Sonic as a contingency plan to combat any perceived alien threats. However, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the Metal Sonics were another case of A.I. gone rogue. While building a blue robot hedgehog may not be part of G.U.N.’s brand and be more Robotnik’s style, they do have the reason and the resources to create the Metal Sonics.


Metal Sonic Is From The Future

Metal Sonic May Continue To Invoke Terminator As The Franchise’s Next Villain

Metal Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Paramount Pictures

The way Metal Sonic appeared out of nowhere to kill Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 seems to resemble how the T-800 appeared in The Terminator as it traveled back in time. This cinematic parallel created in the third Sonic film implies that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will be heavily inspired by the Terminator franchise and depict Metal Sonic as a time-traveling robot assassin.

Shadow touches the glass of his incubation tube in Sonic the Hedgehog 3


Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Proves The Franchise Learned A Valuable Lesson After Sonic 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 spent less time on human characters like Wade and Wachowskis, and it was arguably a better film than Sonic 2 as a result.



Since Metal Sonic appeared with an army of robot duplicates, it is also possible that Sonic’s robot doppelgängers are responsible for the destruction of human civilization in the future, similar to Skynet and its army of killer robots in the Terminator franchise. By presenting the Metal Sonics as the source of Earth’s destruction, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 would justify presenting these robots as the franchise’s next world-threatening antagonists after Shadow the Hedgehog.


Ivo Robotnik Takes Over Future Earth

Doctor Eggman May Have Cheated Death Again

Robotnik's goodbye message in Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Though Ivo Robotnik was last seen in the exploding Eclipse Cannon, it’s hard to believe that the film’s writers would get rid of such a popular character just like that. Given that the Cannon was powered by Shadow’s Chaos energy, which allowed him to time travel in the games, it could’ve been blown Ivo through time when it exploded. He could thus have ended up in a future where Sonic and his friends are no longer alive, allowing him to conquer the entire planet undeterred by building an army of Metal Sonics.

Jim Carrey looking shocked as Robotnik in Sonic the Hedgehog 3


Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Box Office Breaks 22-Year Jim Carrey Record

After 22 years, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has just broken an impressive Jim Carrey record in what is sure to mark its last major box office milestone.



Unused concept art for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 revealed on X did depict Ivo ruling over a dystopian world with Metal Sonic at his side, implying the plan to have Jim Carrey return as Robotnik in the sequel. While Ivo tried to sacrifice himself to save the Earth, he did so out of sheer necessity. He made it clear in his farewell speech to Stone that he still wanted to rule the Earth, but he couldn’t do that if it was destroyed. If he does end up back on Earth in the future, he could actually fulfill his life’s ambition.


Sonic Will Learn How To Time Travel

After Traveling Through Space, Sonic May Travel Through Time

A close up of Sonic running at a high speed in Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Sonic was no stranger to time travel stories in his video games. Sonic CD saw the blue hedgehog using Time Stones to run through history to defeat Dr. Eggman and rescue Amy Rose. Sonic also traveled through time using the power of the Chaos Emeralds in 2006’s Sonic the Hedgehog game.

Should Sonic end up having to face a villain from the future in Sonic the Hedgehog 4, it is likely that he will have to use his Chaos energy to race through time to protect the world once again in his next film. Doing so would allow the film’s writers to create a loose adaptation of Sonic CD featuring Sonic, Amy, and Metal Sonic.


Shadow Has The Chaos Emeralds

The Ultimate Life Form May Return Sooner Than Expected


If Sonic does need to travel through time in Sonic the Hedgehog 4, it is possible he will need the power of the Chaos Emeralds to do so. However, Shadow was the last person using the Emeralds as he was protecting the Earth while in his Super state.

Since Shadow survived the events of the third film, it is possible that the Emeralds are still with him, giving Sonic a reason to seek him out. The black hedgehog was one of the popular aspects of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, so this may give the writers a reason to capitalize on his character and have him appear in the fourth film.


Amy Rose Is From The Future

Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Could Make A Huge Change To Amy’s Character

Amy Rose holds her hammer over her shoulder in Sonic the Hedgehog 3's mid-credits scene

If Metal Sonic traveled from the future to kill Sonic, chances are that Sonic’s ally Amy would have come from the future as well to save him. There was no other way that she would have known Sonic would be there and that his life would be at risk. Though Amy is known for having a strong romantic interest in Sonic in the games, the film’s version of her could have protected Sonic because she needed him to help defeat the Metal Sonics in her time.

Amy Rose in Sonic the Hedgehog 3


Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Teases Amy Rose Is Just As Powerful As Shadow Thanks To Minor Detail

Sonic the Hedgehog 3’s post-credit tease gives a small hint that Amy Rose might rival the most powerful character in the Sonic universe.



Amy being from the future would make her character and origins very different from her video game counterpart, who is from the same time as Sonic. However, this change to Amy’s character would make it easier to connect her story with that of a time-traveling Metal Sonic. Amy’s origins in the games are also very ambiguous, which will make it easier to adapt her character for Sonic the Hedgehog 4.


Amy Rose Is Working With Silver The Hedgehog

A Time-Traveling Amy May Already Be Working With A Superpowered Hedgehog

Silver the Hedgehog from a cutscene in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

Another character who could debut in Sonic the Hedgehog 4‘s story is Silver the Hedgehog. In the games, this psychokinetic warrior travels back in time from a dark future to rewrite history and protect his world. If the Metal Sonics did travel back in time to kill Sonic, the latter’s fourth film could have them be responsible for the destruction of Silver’s future. For this reason, Silver could time-travel as well to fight alongside Sonic against this robotic threat.

Metal Sonic has lighning coming out from behind him next to Amy Rose who holds her hammer over her shoulder


Genius Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Theory Alters Amy Rose & Metal Sonic’s Debuts & Sets Up Another Major Character’s Introduction

One genius theory changes the debut of Metal Sonic and Amy Rose in Sonic the Hedgehog 3’s mid-credits scene and could tease another major character.



Should Silver appear in Sonic the Hedgehog 4, it is also possible that he is working with Amy Rose to fight against the Metal Sonics and the one who is controlling them. This kind of relationship wouldn’t be anything new for Silver and Amy. 2006’s Sonic the Hedgehog saw the duo team up when Silver travels back in time to the present day, so the next Sonic film could pay homage to the game while presenting a unique relationship between Amy and Silver.


Amy And Metal Sonic Are From Another Universe

Worlds May Collide In Sonic The Hedgehog 4

Black hole in space in Sonic the Hedgehog 3

The concept of the Multiverse has become a common plot device in popular media, and Sonic the Hedgehog 4 may have found a way to implement it as well. One Reddit theory suggests that the Chaos energy released by the Eclipse Cannon’s explosion in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 ripped open a hole into another universe.

Amy and Metal Sonic may have actually originated from an alternate reality, and this explosion allowed them to travel from their world to Sonic’s world. It could’ve even sent Robotnik to this parallel universe, giving him the opportunity to take over its version of Earth.


An Alternate Version Of Eggman Sent Metal Sonic

Ivo Robotnik May Appear In Sonic 4, Just Not The Original One

Gerald Robotnik and Eggman staring into the camera in Sonic the Hedgehog 3

If the Eclipse Cannon did open the door to another universe in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, it is possible that this parallel world would have its own version of Ivo Robotnik. Perhaps this other Robotnik succeeded in defeating Sonic years ago and had harnessed his power to conquer Earth with an army of Metal Sonics.

Following the events of the third Sonic movie, this other Eggman may now have set his sights on this newly discovered dimension and sent the Metal Sonics to kill its version of the Blue Blur. Such a story could allow Jim Carrey to play Robotnik again without ruining the sacrifice the original Ivo made at the end of Sonic the Hedgehog 3.


Sonic Already Time Traveled In The Third Film

Sonic May Have Secretly Unlocked A New Power

Amy Rose in front of the moon from Sonic the Hedgehog 3

While it is possible that Metal Sonic and Amy traveled back in time, Sonic may have actually been the one who did all the traveling. It is possible that Sonic ran so fast during his race with Tails and Knuckles that his Chaos energy opened a portal through time similar to DC’s Flash. As a result, Sonic could have unintentionally appeared in a future version of Earth, and his sudden appearance there could’ve caught the attention of both Amy and the Metal Sonics.

Considering Sonic’s youth and reckless nature, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he accidentally unlocked a new power during one of his runs.

The post-credits scene in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 doesn’t explicitly state whether Sonic is still in the present day. However, the severed moon in the sky makes it clear that the scene takes place after the Eclipse Cannon’s destruction. Considering Sonic’s youth and reckless nature, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he accidentally unlocked a new power during one of his runs.

Source: Reddit, X


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Sonic the Hedgehog 3



Science Fiction



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Release Date

December 20, 2024


110 minutes


Jeff Fowler


Josh Miller, Patrick Casey, John Whittington


Neal H. Moritz, Tim Miller, Toru Nakahara, Tommy Gormley, Toby Ascher, Haruki Satomi, Hitoshi Okuno, Yukio Sugino


See All

  • Headshot Of Ben Schwartz In The Sonic The Hedgehog Los Angeles Premiere

    Ben Schwartz

    Sonic (voice)

  • Headshot Of Jim Carrey In The North America Rights

    Jim Carrey

    Dr. Robotnik / Gerald Robotnik


Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog


Sonic the Hedgehog

Main Genre



Sonic (voice), Dr. Robotnik / Gerald Robotnik, Shadow (voice), Knuckles (voice), Tails (voice), Director Rockwell, Tom Wachowski, Maddie Wachowski, Maria Robotnik, Agent Stone, Rachel, Randall, Wade Whipple, Commander Walters, Young Walters, Kyle Lancebottom, Pablo / Juan, Gabriella, Prison Guard, G.U.N. HQ Security Guard, G.U.N. Heli Pilot, 1970s G.U.N. Soldier, Robotnik Proxy, Japanese News Reporter


Sega Sammy Group, Original Film, Marza Animation Planet, Blur Studio


Paramount Pictures

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