Many people likely began watching Disney movies at a young age, but this certainly doesn’t mean that the lessons learned from these films won’t remain true throughout one’s life. In fact, there are countless lifelong lessons that can be derived from practically every film made by the iconic studio, including many that viewers may not fully grasp until they’ve grown up. For many decades, Disney has been using its creative, family-friendly storytelling style to present warm, inspiring messages to help anyone navigate through the mysteries of life and impart wisdom even through Disney moments that make one cry.
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Over the years, Disney movies and their tropes have covered numerous topics that everyone is bound to encounter at some point in their lives, never failing to offer some valuable words of wisdom about how to get through them. Whether these lessons are learned by the characters at the end of their films, before they begin their journeys, or somewhere in the middle, these quotes have consistently found a way to resonate with viewers. No matter where you go in life, these wise words from some of the best Disney movies will always be there to help guide you forward.
You are watching: 10 Wise Disney Quotes To Live By
“Just Keep Swimming”
Finding Nemo (2003)
One of the most valuable lessons to be learned from a Disney movie is also one of the simplest. In the acclaimed 2003 Disney/Pixar film, Finding Nemo, Marlin and Dory go on a perilous journey across the ocean to find Marlin’s son, Nemo, after he is captured by a diver. Just when it all seems hopeless, Dory encourages Marlin to “just keep swimming,” prompting him to continue on their journey no matter how impossible it may seem. Paired with Dory’s endlessly positive attitude, these three words make the Finding Nemo quote that gave Marlin hope when he thought there was none.
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Between Pixar, the MCU, Star Wars, 20th Century Studios, and the famed animated studio, Disney has several exciting releases slated up to 2029.
While most people will (hopefully) never have to cross an entire ocean to find their missing child, the message of “just keep swimming” holds true for life in general. When things are getting difficult and all hope seems lost, giving up and staying where you are isn’t going to fix anything. Instead, it is best to keep moving forward until you achieve what you are working towards. Whether it means moving towards a new goal or striving to move past something already done, “just keep swimming” is an essential message for anyone facing hardship.
“You’re Never Too Old To Be Young”
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs proves that Disney has been spewing quotable words of wisdom ever since the days of the very first animated feature films. In the original version of the film, the titular dwarfs joyfully sing a tune all about how “you’re never too old to be young,” gleefully musing about the nature of aging. Although the song was ultimately cut from the final version of the film, it was later released and performed at various events celebrating the lasting legacy of the groundbreaking film.
There is no definitive cutoff officially declaring that a person is “old” when they reach a certain age. Instead, every individual is welcome to feel as young and joyous as they desire, no matter how many years they have been around.
The song may have been written nearly a hundred years ago, but its message still holds true today. Yes, your body may age over time, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop feeling young. There is no definitive cutoff officially declaring that a person is “old” when they reach a certain age. Instead, every individual is welcome to feel as young and joyous as they desire, no matter how many years they have been around. This inspiring, rejuvenating message is perfect for anyone feeling anxious about growing older.
“No Matter What Type Of Animal You Are, Change Starts With You”
Zootopia (2016)
For a modern example of a Disney film packed with valuable life lessons, Zootopia is a great place to look. This 2016 Disney feature may at first seem to be a lighthearted tale about a world run and operated by animals, but its clever story actually holds a great deal of relevance to society today. In one scene late in the film, the protagonist, Judy, addresses an audience, saying, “no matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.” This simple message extends well beyond the animal kingdom, holding true for all types of life.
Of course, it is very easy to wish for massive changes to take place when something doesn’t seem to be going the right way. Anyone can sit back and hope for change, but it’s never going to happen unless someone decides to start acting on it. Everyone has the power to be the driving force of change; it merely takes the willingness to do so. Instead of waiting for other people to step up, people should remember that they are all capable of being the brave individual who takes the first step toward change.
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“If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Don’t Say Nothing At All”
Bambi (1942)
Thumper may just be a young rabbit for much of the 1942 Disney classic, Bambi, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have some important things to say. In a line that has since become a favorite among many parents and teachers, Thumper remarks, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” Although his grammar may leave a little to be desired, the message of young Thumper’s words is loud and clear.
Too often in life, people feel a strong desire to speak even when they truly have nothing worth saying.
This frequently results in people hurling around words that do little more than hurt others, leaving them worse off than before they began speaking. Thumper’s message is simply that it would be better not to say anything than to say something that could have a negative impact. By keeping these wise words in mind, one could easily help create a more positive environment for everyone.
“There’s No One I’d Rather Be Than Me”
Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
In the beginning of Wreck-It Ralph, Ralph and the other “villains” recite a mantra meant to make them feel more comfortable with the villainous roles they have been assigned. While the scene is mainly played off as a joke, the words become much more impactful later in the film, when Ralph finally begins to truly believe in what he is saying. In a climactic scene, Ralph recites the mantra to himself one more time, ultimately declaring that “there’s no one I’d rather be than me.”
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Disney has plenty of highly-adored movies, but not every great animated picture from the legendary company gets its just desserts in pop culture.
The scene is not only beautiful to watch, but it also carries a crucial message for anyone watching. At its core, Wreck-It Ralph is a film about learning to love yourself for who you are, regardless of what other people may think about you. In a world where so many people are struggling with matters related to their own identity, this message is more important than ever. Ralph’s words in this climactic scene perfectly summarize the central message of the film as a whole, offering viewers a concise but powerful way of encouraging everyone to love themselves.
“You Can Either Run From [The Past] Or Learn From It”
The Lion King (1994)
It’s no secret why The Lion King went on to become one of the most beloved films ever made by Disney. In addition to its fun characters and catchy songs, the film highlights a beautiful story, one packed with essential lessons about growth and acceptance. In a pivotal scene, Rafiki and Simba share a heartfelt discussion after Rafiki discovers that Simba is still alive, but hiding because of a grim incident in his past. After illustrating the point in his own unique way, Rafiki tells Simba, “you can either run from [the past] or learn from it.”
It is only natural to have experiences in the past that you are not particularly proud of, or one that you wish you could forget altogether.
While most people will hopefully never have to go through a hardship quite as grim as Simba’s experiences in the first half of The Lion King, the meaning of the quote remains applicable to everyone. It is only natural to have experiences in the past that you are not particularly proud of, or one that you wish you could forget altogether. However, instead of trying to cast away the memories of these past events, it is best to use them as opportunities to learn, so you can comfortably go forward as a happier, wiser self.
“I Think The Boring Stuff Is The Stuff I Remember The Most”
Up (2009)
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While all Disney movies can certainly be enjoyed by kids, some of them feel even more powerful when watching them as an adult. The 2009 Disney/Pixar film, Up, definitely falls into this category. Up presents a beautiful, emotional story about grief, age, acceptance, and other tricky topics. Interestingly, one of the film’s most mature messages actually comes from one of its youngest characters. While stopping to rest, Russell begins to reminisce about a seemingly simple memory shared with his father, eventually noting, “I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most.”
In saying this, Russell reminds the viewers of the importance of cherishing even the seemingly insignificant moments in life. As he reflects, Russell discovers that something as simple as getting ice cream with his dad has become a valuable memory to him. It is impossible to know which memories people will hold onto as they grow older, so it is important to treasure every single moment. If you don’t learn to love the little moments that make life great, you will never be able to feel all the joy that can be found within them.
“Even Miracles Take A Little Time”
Cinderella (1950)
For many years, Disney movies have been teaching young audiences that miracles can happen and wishes do come true. While this is certainly a very positive and inspiring message, it does run the risk of setting some unrealistic expectations for the more impressionable viewers. The 1950 classic, Cinderella, however, offers some helpful clarification. In a dazzling scene, the Fairy Godmother wisely informs Cinderella that “even miracles take a little time,” drawing attention to a crucial detail of the film’s message.
Although it is nice to believe in the idea of miracles happening, it is probably not the best idea to go through life relying on them. However, this does not mean one should abandon all hope of ever experiencing one. Rather, it is simply important to remember that miracles may take some time. Not every problem can be magically solved in the blink of an eye. People must continue working toward achieving their goals, and that hard work may eventually bring about a miracle of its own.
“It Is Not What Is Outside, But What Is Inside That Counts”
Aladdin (1992)
Disney thrives on being able to use larger-than-life stories to present themes that apply to the lives of anyone watching. Aladdin is a prime showcase of the studio’s ability to do this in endlessly creative ways. Although the story of the film may involve magical genies and flying carpets, the message at its core is pleasantly grounded; “it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.” This line, spoken very early in the film, perfectly summarizes the simple-yet-essential meaning of the film before diving into its colorful, exciting story.
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Disney has long been a cultural touchstone with incredible animated films that appeal across multiple generations, as has been recorded in the NFR.
Most people are taught from a very young age that who they are on the inside matters far more than how they appear on the outside. Sadly, many individuals seem to forget this idea as they grow older. Fortunately, films like the quotable Aladdin are there to remind viewers of valuable lessons like this one, giving everyone a fun, enjoyable reminder of this great truth. Surface-level details like how you dress and what you look like don’t define who you are as a person; all that matters is what’s inside.
“From Failure, We Learn. From Success, Not So Much”
Meet The Robinsons (2007)
Meet the Robinsons may be far from being one of the most popular Disney movies, but it does feature a handful of valuable lessons on topics not often covered in animated films. Among the most prominent of the topics highlighted in the film is, of everything, failure. Meet the Robinsons takes a positive, uplifting approach to the idea of failure, perfectly summarized by the line, “From failure, we learn. From success, not so much.” This brief message is not only reassuring, but undeniably true.
Whether people want to admit it or not, failure is a part of life, as Disney movies often show. Everyone is bound to fail numerous times throughout their life. While it may be disappointing at first, these moments can be a major opportunity to learn. In learning from their mistakes, people can move forward with a stronger plan for the future in tow. The quote from Meet the Robinsons reminds audiences that failure is not something to be frowned upon, but rather something to be viewed positively, as it can be used to help better oneself in the future.
Category: Entertainment