Deadpool & Wolverine introduced a wide variety of Deadpool variants, which vary just as much in threat level as they do in personality and appearance. Like many Marvel Cinematic Universe films in the era of the Multiverse Saga, Deadpool & Wolverine deals heavily in paralell universes and the variants of single characters that come with them, ending with an absolute horde of different Deadpools showing up. Though they may be similar, these versions of Deadpool differ wildly in their capabilities and combat skill.
By default, Deadpool is a master martial artist and marksman well-versed in a variety of weapons whose threat is amplified by his regenerative abilities. Most Deadpools can be assumed to have these same skills and abilities, with all of them getting up after seemingly being slaughtered one by one in the final major battle of Deadpool & Wolverine. However, the different Deadpool variants all possess unique combat styles, personalities, or even body types that switch up the formula quite heavily.
You are watching: 12 Major Deadpool Variants From Deadpool & Wolverine, Ranked By Threat Level
An actual infant
Apparently, Deadpool can manifest in variants of all ages, as demonstrated definitively by the presence of Babypool. A literal baby, Babypool is clad in an adorable onesie version of the classic Deadpool costume, complete with a built-in pacifier that gives him something to teethe on while out in the field. In terms of weaponry, Babypool, at the very least, has a pair of baby-sized katanas strapped to his back, though their functionality is questionable at best.
As a baby perhaps no more than one year old, it goes without saying that Babypool is the least threatening Deadpool variant around. He is able to walk, shown toddling around during the entrance of the different Deadpool variants, but (thankfully) doesn’t participate in the final battle. Instead, he simply giggles as the other Deadpools rise from their injuries, ready for round two. Considering this fact, it’s unlikely that Babypool is secretly able to contend with grown adults in any sort of meaningful way in combat.
A fuzzy non-human Deadpool companion
Funnily enough, one of the Deadpool variants that gets the most screentime is the floppy-tongued Dogpool. Played by Peggy the dog, a Pug and Chinese Crested mix infamous for being the winner of Britain’s 2023 Ugliest Dog competition, Dogpool is introduced as the canine companion of Nicepool. Instantly smitten with her, the original recipe Deadpool is able to win her over and claim stewardship over the animal after Nicepool’s tragic demise.
Dogpool doesn’t do much fighting, instead spending most of her time running around the battlefield and being a cute little scamp. Compared to Babypool, at least she’d be able to nip the ankles of a potential attacker, and she can trot faster than a baby’s uneven toddle. A true threat Dogpool is not, though her adorably ugly visage inspires a deep sense of protection in most who encounter her, allowing her to survive the carnage of the final battle.
A zombified head, but still just a head
One of the more bizarre iterations of Deadpool is known as Headpool, an aptly-named version of the character with a unique condition. If the comics are to be believed, Headpool hails from a dimension in which zombies have overrun the Earth, similar to the zombies episode of the MCU’s What If…?. Somehow, Headpool got separated from his body after being zombified, but continued to exist thanks to a mechanical propeller hat that keeps him airborne.
The most Headpool can do in a fight is fly around and bite things, though it’s possible he’s capable of zombifying more victims in doing so. Notably, he doesn’t seem to have the greatest control over his flight, bobbing and weaving through the air in uneven trajectories. In the end, Headpool is humiliated when he’s used as a weapon against the other Deadpool variants, making him more of a liability in combat than anything else.
Everyone’s favorite co-worker
Peter is a difficult version of Deadpool to rank in terms of his threat level. First showing up in Deadpool 2, Peter is the only member of X-Force to survive their first disastrous mission other than Domino and Deadpool himself, thanks to Deadpool’s retroactive meddling in the timeline. Though he has no actual superpowers, Peter is a valued friend to Deadpool whose likability, sage advice, and team player attitude fosters a relentless sense of optimism.
The other Deadpools love Peter just as much, rallying around him to stop the fighting when he arrives on the scene in his own Deadpool suit. While he may hold a special place in the heart of Deadpools everywhere, Peter is an average joe with no special training or skills that would make him of any use in most fights. Still, it’s worth mentioning he has one massive weapon tucked neatly away in the ill-fitting spandex bottoms of the Deadpool suit.
Isn’t quite able to kill them with kindness
Giving Ryan Reynolds a break from heavy makeup or mask-wearing in Deadpool & Wolverine is Nicepool, the only Deadpool variant shown (not counting Peter) to have no problems showing his face. The adoptive father of Dogpool, Nicepool is named after his sunny disposition, unwaveringly nice even in the face of harsh insults from most other smack-talking versions of himself. It’s worth noting that Nicepool is also the only other Deadpool to have some kind of influence on the first wall, whispering the titles of other Ryan Reynolds movies while gazing into the camera.
Nicepool packs a pair of gold-plated Desert Eagles, the most powerful handgun ever created, and confidently rocking such gregarious weaponry surely implies some true skill in combat. Sadly, Nicepool is the only Deadpool variant (again, not counting Peter) that doesn’t have any sort of healing factor, getting him killed in the only fight he participates in. Even if he can handle himself in a fight, he pales in comparison to most other Deadpools with full use of their powers.
A pint-sized Deadpool with a foul mouth
Though she’s still Babypool’s senior, Kidpool is an aptly-named Deadpool variant who is still only a child. Played by Ryan Reynolds’ actual daughter with Blake Lively, Inez Reynolds, Kidpool is known best for her foul mouth, spouting some of the most shocking profanity in an already very R-rated script. She appears with the Deadpool Corps in their entrance and shares their love for Peter, but isn’t visible in the actual melee with Deadpool and Wolverine, with killing kids being a step too far even for the Deadpool movies.
Even if she were to fight, Kidpool likely wouldn’t be able to keep up with grown adults, although she presumably has the edge over Nicepool and Peter due to her healing factor. Even worse, Kidpool’s guns are simple toy water pistols, harmlessly spraying water at Deadpool and Wolverine amid the hail of gunfire. It’s very clear that Kidpool is still very much a Deadpool-in-training.
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A not-so-unstoppable sword master
A very recognizable Deadpool variant buried within the crowd of the Deadpool Corps, Watari is the only variant to get a proper name. Watari is easily identifiable by his samurai robes, lack of mask, and conical paddy farmer hat. Also known as Ronin-pool, Watari hails from the comics, fighting with the Deadpool Corps against the Evil Deadpool Corps only to lose his life in the process.
Watari only uses a single katana rather than the typical two, with no firearms on his person to speak of. Relying solely on melee combat, Watari can be presumed to be a master swordsman up close, but Deadpool & Wolverine shows him as one of the first Deadpools to be flung away after the secondary charge, losing both his arms in the process. Judging by his limited weaponry, comic combat record, and baby arms in his final appearance, Watari might be on the lower end of the threat level among all the Deadpool variants.
The face of the Deadpool Corps
One of the more prominent members of the Deadpool Corps summoned by Cassandra Nova, Ladypool is one of the most obviously unique Deadpool variants. One of the few female human adults in the Deadpool variant roster, Ladypool stands out for the long blonde ponytail of hair tumbling out of the top of her mask as well as her use of Uzi submachine guns in place of the standard pistols used by most Deadpools. It’s possible that Ladypool is also the mother of Babypool, as Nicepool mentions that she “just had a baby“.
A strange entry in the filmography of Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds’ wife, Ladypool is firmly middle-of-the-pack in terms of Deadpool combat capability. Her twin Uzis have a blistering fire rate that she uses to great effect in the initial shootout, but when the melee with the Deadpool Corps begins, Wolverine takes her out in a matter of seconds, tanking her gunshots and ragdolling her with a decisive strike to the head. Of course, with her healing powers, Ladypool gets up without a scratch.
Cowboy Deadpool
A southern sharpshooter who isn’t much use up close
Cowboy Deadpool is another quite distinctive member of the Deadpool Corps roster, standing out for his Western-style adornments to the traditional Deadpool costume, including a huge cowboy hat. Predictably, Cowboy Pool also trades the standard pair of pistols used by most Deadpools for two massive revolvers, which he uses to great effect. In his single brief line, Cowboy Deadpool is represented by the smooth southern drawl of the one and only Matthew McConaughey.
Cowboy Deadpool seems to enjoy keeping at a distance with his guns more than any other Deadpool variant. His hand cannons are likely the reason Nicepool’s head explodes in the initial firefight, making him one of the only variants to have a confirmed on-screen kill. In the ensuing battle, he’s shown to be quite shrewd, backing away while firing and even pushing another Deadpool in the way of Wolverine to use as a human shield. Ultimately, Cowboy Deadpool is quite cowardly when the distance is closed, making him only a huge threat at a range.
Deadpool 2099
A fearsome futuristic fighter
Much like the Spider-Verse variant Miguel O’Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, Deadpool has his own version of himself hailing from the same futuristic timeline. Deadpool 2099 is quite easy to pick out of a crowd thanks to her sleek glowing armor, looking like something out of a Japanese Sentai series like Kamen Rider or Power Rangers. Notably, Deadpool 2099’s weaponry reflects her future-forward home dimension, fighting with a pair of lightsaber-like energy weapons rather than normal steel blades.
Deadpool 2099 is quietly one of the stronger Deadpool variants in the Deadpool Corps, actually able to briefly turn the tide against the rampaging Wolverine. One poke from the character’s laser swords is enough to seemingly electrocute Wolverine and send him flying, allowing the Deadpool Corps to regain some valuable lost ground right before they lose it again. Deadpool 2099 is clearly a more advanced combatant than most other Deadpool clones.
A Deadpool variant with some killer moves
Dancepool is one of the variants completely indistinguishable from Deadpool himself, barring his skills and personality. Admittedly, calling Dancepool a Deadpool variant at all might be a bit of a stretch, as the name simply refers to the version of Deadpool seen dancing in the opening credits of Deadpool & Wolverine to the tune of the Backstreet Boys’ Bye Bye Bye. However, Dancepool is technically listed in the credits as a separate entity, played by professional dancer Nick Pauley.
Judging Dancepool’s threat level is no easy task, but it’s safe to say he’s almost as good in a fight as Deadpool himself. Essentially just Deadpool but with smooth dance choreography instead of a motormouth, it could be argued that Dancepool is actually on-screen getting kills against TVA soldiers in the brutal opening fight using Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton as a weapon based on some of the rhythmic flourishes and shocking lack of talking. His bodily coordination alone would make him more threatening than most Deadpool Corps variants.
The Original Deadpool
There’s no beating the series protagonist
Obviously, the strongest version of Deadpool is the primary perspective character in the entire Deadpool trilogy, played by none other than Ryan Reynolds himself. Before he even got his powers, Deadpool was a terrifying soldier of fortune, feared by criminal organizations far and wide despite his cocky attitude that would often get him into trouble. With his potent healing factor mutation induced by the experiments he underwent, Deadpool quickly rose to become one of the funniest and deadliest characters in the MCU.
Deadpool’s healing factor seems to be noticeably faster than other versions of himself, recovering from wounds that would take his variants a solid few minutes to heal in a matter of moments. His skill and tenacity has also allowed him to take on other superpowered villains and even entire armies, making him a walking death sentence to those on his bad side. As comedic as he is, it’s important to remember just how threatening the original Deadpool is in Deadpool & Wolverine.
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