6 Hunger Games Theories That Explain Lucy Gray’s Fate After Songbirds & Snakes


  • Lucy Gray’s fate in “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” is left ambiguous.

  • Lucy Gray’s survival could allow her to return to District 12 or even be related to Katniss Everdeen.

  • It is speculated that Lucy Gray may have run for District 13, become President Coin, or died in her altercation with Snow.


The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes It revived interest in the series with an ambiguous ending for Lucy Gray Baird, one of the film’s central protagonists. The Hunger Games The book series by Suzanne Collins was adapted to film starting in 2012, starring Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen and exploring the dystopian future world of Panem. The central premise of the novels revolves around the concept of the Hunger Games, after which they are named, where dozens of children are forced to fight to the death to entertain themselves in the Capitol and remember their inferior status.

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is a prequel story released in 2020, depicting the early life of the future antagonist, Coriolanus Snow (Tom Blyth). The story was then adapted to film in 2023, and the film follows the book’s trajectory with Snow hooking up with District 12 tribute Lucy Gray Baird (Rachel Zegler) before the pair fall apart and go their separate ways. Both the book and the movie leave Lucy Gray Baird’s fate ambiguous when Snow and Baird become suspicious of each other and Snow fires a gun into the woods.

2:38 Woody Harrelson as Haymitch in The Hunger Games and Tom Blyth as Snow in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.
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6 Return to District 12

Lucy Gray avoids the snow

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) standing outside the gate of Victor's Village in The Hunger Games

One theory about what happened to Lucy Gray is that she survived, unharmed or with a gunshot wound. When Snow returned to District 12, he was immediately transported back to the Capitol, and although Lucy Gray won the 10th annual Hunger Games, the event was much less spectacular at the time, so it could reasonably be assumed that she was able to avoid the attention. Lucy Gray was skilled at evading capture, so assuming she could remain hidden for a short period, possibly even in the cabin, she could return to District 12.

However, as Snow comes to power, it is likely that he would have continued searching for Lucy Gray and District 12 would likely have been the first place he searched. Given her influence, it is less likely that she would have remained hidden there for so long.

5 Related To Katniss Everdeen

Katniss’ paternal grandmother or great-grandmother


Looking The Hunger Games prequel, it’s not hard to see similarities between Lucy Gray and Katniss Everdeen. In fact, Lucy Gray is even shown doing the mock bow that Katniss makes to the judges of the games, highlighting her shared rebellious nature. Lucy Gray was a young woman during the events of the Tenth Annual Hunger Games, only 16 years old. Katniss was also 16 years old when she participated in the 74th Annual Hunger Games, 64 years later.

Depending on when and if Lucy Gray finally had children, she may be Katniss Everdeen’s grandmother or great-grandmother. In the books, Katniss’s father is described as having dark hair and olive skin, just as Lucy Gray did. Katniss’s father also had a beautiful singing voice and taught her daughter the song “The Hang Tree,” which Lucy Gray wrote. If Lucy Gray returned to District 12 and lived a life, it is reasonable to assume that she raised her children with the same love of music, rebellious spirit, and energy, just as Katniss’s father raised her.

However, if Lucy Gray was too recognizable after winning the Hunger Games and Snow still had guards assigned to notify her if she ever showed up, it’s reasonable to assume she could have ended up somewhere else. While it would strengthen the connection between the characters, it seems unnecessary to make them literal relatives instead of just two people who share the same fighting spirit.

4 District 13

Lucy Gray runs into the forbidden district

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) in a red suit standing perpendicular to several people dressed in white uniforms in The Hunger Games franchise.

Lucy Gray traveled the districts of Panem as an artist with her adopted family. Lucy might have heard rumors about the existence of District 13, despite its supposed destruction, and she decided to run there for refuge after being attacked by President Snow. Lucy Gray could have been welcomed by the rebel forces who continued to live in District 13 and became an active part of the rebellion. Considering that her song “The Hang Tree” was considered by others to be a song of rebellion, her music could have served as a rallying cry for those living underground in the deserted district.

This seems like a likely plan for Lucy Gray, as she would understand that she would not be able to have a life in the known districts of Panem while Snow was present. She would also fit her personality, as District 13 seems to symbolize freedom from Snow’s rule by maintaining the spirit of rebellion.

3 became president coin

Consumed by Snow’s betrayal


While Lucy Gray seemed to be full of life, laughter and love in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Snow’s betrayal could have pushed her over the edge and she became resentful and hardened. Those who live in the districts have already suffered from having much less than their peers in the Capitol. With Snow even going so far as to attempt to assassinate Lucy Gray and her former friends, Lucy Gray could have changed her happy and outgoing personality to become the Capitol’s fiercest opponent, President Alma Coin.

This theory may be harder to accept considering the stark contrast between Lucy Gray and President Alma Coin, but dedicated fans have gone out of their way to find out why and how this could be possible. It would be sad to see a beautiful, spirited young woman like Lucy Gray grow up to such a point consumed by anger and hatred that she eventually becomes the very thing she despises. However, this turn in her character, which ultimately led to her own demise by Katniss Everdeen’s real arrow, would be a poetic ending to her and Snow’s story.

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The most tragic deaths in The Hunger Games include characters dying in the Games themselves and soldiers fighting to take down the evil Capitol.

2 Alma Coin’s mother

Raising the future leader of the rebellion

President Coin (Julianne Moore) looking askance with a burning mockingjay pin in the background in The Hunger Games franchise.

A slightly less far-fetched theory revolves around Lucy Gray finding love in District 13 and giving birth to the woman who would later lead the rebellion against the Capitol and President Snow. With 65 years elapsed between the events of the prequel and the conclusion of the original trilogy, there is enough time for Lucy to have children who could reasonably be the same age as Alma Coin during the final book.

While Alma is a very different character from her potential mother, it would explain the intensity behind her bitter rivalry with President Snow and the Capitol if she was raised by Lucy Gray. Lucy Gray may have been optimistic in her approach to her difficulties, but her daughter could easily have come to despise the man who forced them into hiding and into hiding.

Learning about the trials her mother went through could have fueled Coin’s desire to create a new version of the games with the children of the Capitol as a tribute to serve them a taste of their own medicine. This hatred could have been fueled further if Lucy Gray eventually died from injuries related to her time in the games, or from a gunshot wound from Snow that caused her health complications later in life.

1 Lucy Didn’t Survive Coriolanus Snow

But his spirit and his song lived on

Coriolanus Snow (Tom Blyth) wears his peacekeeper uniform in The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.

The final theory suggests that Lucy Gray did not survive the altercation with Coriolanus Snow. Snow fired a volley of bullets and a grunt was heard from Lucy Gray, which could indicate that she was fatally wounded. If this is true, the images of the Mockingjays singing her song and flying through the air resonate even more, as the memory of Lucy Gray survives in the songs she left behind and in the corrupted mind of her former lover. . Lucy Gray may not be alive, but her spirit and her music live on in the hearts of the rebels. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.

Of course, this is a theory that fans probably wouldn’t want to believe, as it represents a tragic end for the likeable character. However, it’s actually a bittersweet ending because it shows that Lucy Gray can beat Snow even in death. While she could have killed her at the time, Lucy Gray was a sign that Snow’s power wouldn’t last and there was something ignited in people that would eventually lead to her demise.

Why Lucy Gray’s fate remains ambiguous

Lucy Gray (Rachel Zegler) hugs Snow (Tom Blyth) from behind as they float on the water in The Hunger Games' The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.

While there are some fun rumors coming out of Lucy Gray’s unknown fate, some fans are wondering why. The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes He did not limit himself to giving a concrete answer to what happened to him. The simple answer is that this prequel was not Lucy Gray’s story in the end. Clearly, she is an interesting character and Rachel Zegler’s performance elevates the character even more. However, this is the original story of Coriolanus Snow and that Lucy Gray’s fate remains unknown is more important to his story than hers.

The idea that she could still be out there, threatening their kingdom gives new context to Snow’s fear of Katniss Everdeen.

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes He plants seeds for Snow’s rise to power, but his relationship with Lucy Gray is a wound that adds complexity to the character. You see snow in the The Hunger Games movies as the stoic, menacing leader who is always in control. However, by showing Snow’s anger and fear at the end of the prequel, it becomes clear that Lucy Gray is a lingering threat that she never got over. The idea that she could still be out there, threatening her kingdom, gives new context to Snow’s fear of Katniss Everdeen.

The Hunger Games The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Poster

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes PG-13 Action Adventure Drama

Release date November 17, 2023 Director Francis Lawrence Cast Tom Blyth, Rachel Zegler, Hunter Schafer, Jason Schwartzman, Peter Dinklage, Josh Andrés, Josh Andrés Rivera, Viola Davis Running time 157 minutes Writers Michael Lesslie, Michael Arndt, Suzanne Collins Studio (s) Color Force , Lionsgate Distributors Lionsgate Sequel(s) The Hunger Games , The Hunger Games: Catching Fire , The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 , The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 Franchise(s) The Hunger Games Expand

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