6 Strongest Traits in Teamfight Tactics | Pengu’s Party

Teamfight Tactics is bringing a new limited-time event and game mode, Pengu’s Party, to the Inkborne Fables set. The game mode adds 20 new traits to the already loaded and diverse Inkborne Fables set. You won’t get any new units other than Veigar, who uses the Yordle trait, but you can choose from three random traits given to you in the early stages of the game, making them active throughout the entire match. Here’s a list of the most powerful traits in TFT’s Pengu’s Party game mode.


  • 1 Yordle: Get a champion with similar traits to your unit.
  • 2 Yordles: If you have at least five three-star or gold champions, you will receive a Veigel (Yordle Lord).

The Yodel trait allows players to get any hero that fits their team. This powerful trait helps you level up your units faster, but it’s only viable if you get a leveled Yodel and start getting Veigar after you get five 3-star gold heroes. Veigar is probably the strongest character in the current set, and it seems like the only way to lose at this point is to fight someone with a 3-star, five-cost unit.

Yodel greatly changes the way you play the game, as you’ll want to get five gold champions as quickly as possible. You can jump onto other players’ boards and select units that are not contested. You can also select units with characteristics that are less common in the pool, such as Dryad, Reaper, Sniper, Trick Shooter, or Summoner.


  • 1 Sir: Gain 1% health and 1% damage for each active trait your team has.
  • 2 Sir: Gain 3% more health and 3% more damage for each active trait your team has.

Jazz gives bonuses to all your units based on how many traits you have activated. Since Inkborne Fables has a lot of traits activated by two units, Jazz can be a really nice song to play if you choose the right synergy. Since trait activation in this set is so simple, you can have up to 10 active traits with just 7 units on the board.

The trick is to pick units with at least three traits and branch out from those traits. For example, you could get an early Kog’Maw, Aatrox, or Neeko and build based on all three of their traits. Aatrox is Ghostly, Inkshadow, and Bruiser, two of which only require two units to activate. Take advantage of these units and pair them with other traits. Jazz can greatly improve your overall stats, allowing your team to deal more damage and survive better.

Flash Scale

Shimmer Penguin Party Champion Crown

  • 1 Glittering Scales: Obtain the Staff of the Metal Warlock. In Phase 3-1, obtain the Axe of Draven
  • 2 Glittering Scales: Obtain the Champion’s Crown

Shimmerscale is a “greedy” trait that takes advantage of the opportunity to get some extra gold while also getting a slight damage boost through items. Given how much these traits change the game, you have to make the most of all the extra gold you get to justify getting the first Shimmerscale trait.

However, when you get the upgraded Shimmerscale trait, you’ll get a Crown of Champions, which comes with a fast-attacking ranged unit. The Crown of Champions has the bonus “After every 8 seconds, deal 9001x more damage on your next attack for every gold you have.”

Basically, if you have two coins left, this attack can deal up to 18,000 damage to a single unit. Since the Pengu’s Party game mode has a lot of versions with only one powerful unit, this item is great for fighting against most of the strongest teams. Imagine fighting against the beefed-up Mech pilot from the Galaxy suit, only to have it hit with a single shot by an Ashe with the Champion’s Crown.

Laser Corps

  • 1 Laser Corps: Your team gains laser drones that attack when your troops are attacked or when they attack a target. They deal 25 magic damage per shot and are redistributed to other allies on death.
  • 2 Laser Corps: All troops receive additional laser drones.

Laser Corps is a simple but deadly trait. For every unit you have you get a laser drone that deals a ton of damage. In the early game, Laser Corps gives you a huge boost. As you move into the mid and late game, you’ll need to have a solid front line to prolong the free damage these laser drones deal.

Since the laser drones transfer to another friendly unit upon death, the damage is sustainable throughout the round. You just have to think about assembling a good team of Inkborne Fables and finding ways to survive longer. These drones will also focus their fire on a single target, especially when you have fewer units, so you’ll be picking off enemy heroes one by one.


  • 1 Boss: Obtain the Boss Knuckles item. When equipped, the holder exits combat when health drops to 60% or below. The unit will begin doing sit-ups to restore 10% of maximum health and gain 20% attack speed.
  • 2 Boss: 10% Max Health and 60% Attack Speed. Once they have recovered to full health by doing sit-ups, they return to the fight and gain “Recharged: All attacks and abilities deal true damage”.

Boss is one of the most interesting traits, because this “big boss” will use all your best items. You can imagine powerful units like Yone, Volibear, or Lee Sin, and build around offensive traits like Duelist or Reaper.

Due to the added properties of Boss Knuckles, your Boss unit should be able to handle an entire team on its own, given the right circumstances. You need traits that can enhance the Boss and give bonuses that affect the entire team, rather than units with specific traits.

For example, you could make Yone a boss and build around Umbral and Reaper. You could add traits like Invoker, Bruiser, or even Altruist so that Yone can power up his Umbral and Reaper traits as well as the bonuses of other sub-traits. Imagine if you got some artifact or radiant items that your boss could use. The power spikes of big bosses will just be higher.


  • 1 Celebrity: Gain a hex with a spotlight. Units in the spotlight gain 15% bonus damage and 5 mana per second.
  • 2 Socialite: 40% extra damage, 5 mana per second, 15% omni lifesteal, and gain another spotlight spell.

Socialite works a bit like a Boss due to the spotlight buff. Units on the spotlight deal more damage and mana and gain almighty lifesteal. The units you want to put on the spotlight are ones with high damage values ​​so you can take advantage of the extra damage multiplier. If you put a Bard on the spotlight with low but solid damage, it won’t be as powerful as a Lillia or Kayn since they already deal high damage with their skills.

The Socialite gives you two Spotlights, so you can buff two units at once. However, if you’re trying to buff a ranged unit like Senna and your Spotlights are in the second row, that positioning can throw your team off track. You’ll have to adjust your team based on the Spotlights’ placement and hope for the best.

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