In 2018, 60 members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) proposed changing November 14 to December 26 as Children’s Day in India. It is a proposal to commemorate Chhote Sahibzaade, the two younger sons of Sikh leader Guru Gobind Singh, who gave their lives. Members of Parliament felt that this date would better commemorate the children; it would reflect their courage and legacy in Indian history.
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It is proposed to change Children’s Day to December 26
The MPs proposed that while December 26 becomes Children’s Day, November 14 should be retained as ‘Chacha Diwas’ or ‘Uncle Nehru Day’ to commemorate India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru is remembered for his immense love for children and his vision of them as a new generation of hope for the country.
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The proposal reflects a larger cultural feeling about the need to respect multiple aspects of Indian heritage and history, and to focus on the rights and welfare of children. However, till date, India still celebrates Children’s Day on November 14, thus continuing to remain connected to Nehru’s legacy.
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Arguments for changing Children’s Day
India has good reason to change Children’s Day from November 14 to December 26 as there is a strong demand to honor Guru Gobind Singh’s youngest son Sahibzades , and commemorated by martyrdom. Here are the key arguments for change:
- Tribute to the Martyrs: December 26 is the day when Sahibzada Jorawar Singh and Sahibzada Fateh Singh were sacrificed in 1705 days. Supporters believe that the day is a great reminder of courage and sacrifice and will therefore be a great day to commemorate and inspire children with stories of bravery.
- Cultural significance: This change focuses on honoring those who made great sacrifices throughout their lives to become icons of patriotism. Children’s Day is celebrated on this day to inculcate patriotism and a sense of belonging among India’s youth and inspire them to emulate the values of justice and endurance embodied by Sahibzad.
- Separate from Nehru’s legacy: The festival celebrated on November 14 dates back to Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday. Supporters argue that his commemoration is usually subordinated to the commemoration of other historical figures and that November 14 must be observed as “Chacha Diwas”, a children’s day that presents another side of Indian tradition to honor Nehru.
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These arguments represent the desire to pay homage to the diverse stories of India’s past and promote values that future generations should embrace.
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