Baldurs Gate 3 Launch Time, Preload, Community Update, Release Countdown, Download Size

baldur’s gate

Baldur’s Gate III is a role-playing video game developed and published by Larian Studios. It is the third installment in the famous Baldur’s Gate series, inspired by the popular Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system.

Initially, a partial version of the game was released in an early access format on October 6, 2020, for macOS, Windows, and the Stadia streaming service. Early access allows players to play a development version of the game and make further improvements to the developer.

During the early access phase, game developers continue to improve and enhance the game experience based on player feedback and bug reports. The Early Access period is expected to be followed by a full release on PC on August 3, 2023. Following the PC launch, the game is scheduled to release on PlayStation 5 on September 6, 2023, bringing the highly anticipated game to console gamers.

However, the Stadia version of Baldur’s Gate III faces an unfortunate fate due to the closure of the Google Stadia game development studio. As a result, the Stadia version was canceled, leaving players on the platform unable to enjoy the game.

The developer is not only focusing on PC and PlayStation 5, but also plans to port it to Xbox Series X/S, which is currently in development. This will also provide Xbox players with the opportunity to participate in the adventure.

“Baldur’s Gate 3” release date

The highly anticipated PC version of Baldur’s Gate 3 will be released on Thursday, August 3rd. However, due to time zone differences, the release date may vary for players in different countries. The game will launch on PC on August 4 for select regions such as Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

Time zone differences may cause release times to vary in different parts of the world. Therefore, players in regions that are already on August 4th will enter the game one day later than regions that are still on August 3rd.

The developers have set the release time to accommodate players in different time zones, ensuring everyone can begin their Baldur’s Gate 3 adventure as close to the scheduled release date as possible.


Baldur’s Gate 3 date and time

Exciting news, adventurers! The PC version 1.0 of “Baldur’s Gate 3” will be launched on August 3, 2023. While the PS5 release date is still a mystery, don’t worry, Larian Studios has finally revealed the news via a cool tweet!

Get your calendars ready and mark the date, because thanks to that tweet, we now know the release date and time for major countries! As we all count down to the epic moment when Baldur’s Gate 3 unleashes its magic on the world, our anticipation is at a fever pitch.



Los Angeles 8:00 AM
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Kuala Lumpur 11:00 pm

“Baldur’s Gate 3” pre-load

According to Larian Studios, “Baldur’s Gate 3” will be a large game, with an estimated size of about 122GB. Unfortunately, players won’t have the option to preload the game ahead of its August 3rd release.

The lack of information about preloading has led to confusion among players, with Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke admitting in a recent interview that they are unsure about the preloading process. However, an official statement from Steam clarified that pre-loading will not be available and the game will be available for download on the launch date.

The full release version of Baldur’s Gate 3 is significantly different from the Early Access version, causing the Early Access save game to be incompatible. Due to major changes and improvements, it is recommended to start over from the full version.

The lack of preloading options, especially for players with slow or unreliable internet connections, can be frustrating. The reason behind this limitation is that the encrypted files of the preload download are only unlocked on the release date. However, since “Baldur’s Gate 3” has been in early access for nearly three years, Steam cannot apply this mechanism, resulting in no preload option.

Some players have also expressed concerns about the lack of pre-loading on GOG, even though the game is available for early access on GOG. The situation is unclear at this time, pending more details from Larian Studios.

Despite being disappointed by the lack of preloading, many fans are still excited for the game’s release and seem willing to put up with the hefty 122GB download size. The anticipation of diving deeper into the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 and experiencing its compelling story and gameplay seems to outweigh the inconvenience of a large download.

Baldur’s Gate 3 download size

In order to ensure that “Baldur’s Gate III” can be played smoothly after release, players can choose to pre-order the game to download it in advance. The Steam page says the file size for the PC version will be around 150 GB, and the file size on the PlayStation platform is likely to be similar.

The larger file size can be attributed to the game’s extensive content, including a lengthy campaign, which Larian Studios estimates will take players approximately 75 to 100 hours to complete.

As a result, games require a lot of storage space to accommodate a rich and immersive gaming experience. Players with slow internet connections or limited storage space may want to plan ahead to ensure they can download and enjoy this highly anticipated RPG adventure.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Community Updates

As early as 2020, when the early access version of “Baldur’s Gate 3” was announced and launched, the focus was on “mysterious abilities awaken within you, originating from the mind flayer parasite implanted deep in your brain.” Interesting concept. However, the game didn’t fully explore the mechanics behind this concept at the time. Now, the developers are ready to delve into how this relates to Baldur’s Gate 3’s RPG systems, specifically the mind flayers who play a central role in the story.

While the mind flayer provides great power, it also comes at a high cost. As hosts to these parasites, players must make a choice: resist their power and corruption, or embrace them and risk body, mind, and soul to save or destroy the Realms.

For those who crave power and are willing to take risks, the choice of illithid power awaits. Illithid Power is a hidden skill tree that allows players to increase control over the illithid abilities they gain. To gain more of these powers, players must find and consume more parasites scattered throughout the Forgotten Realms.

Each parasite consumed unlocks a new illithid power, adding 25 mind flayer-inspired abilities to the skill tree. These abilities differ from traditional upgrade options and are divided into multiple branches, including manipulation, health regeneration, psionics, and the ability to deal massive damage or torture enemies over time. Some abilities even allow players to influence other people’s dialogue or manipulate enemies during combat.

As players progress further into the illithid skill tree, they will unlock greater powers. However, this path has consequences. Companions in the game can also gain abilities by consuming parasites, but not everyone agrees with this choice. How players handle this opportunity will affect how their peers view them, causing their relationships and interactions to change based on their decisions.

Baldur’s Gate 3 release countdown

Mark your calendars and buckle up for an epic adventure! Baldur’s Gate III will launch on PC on Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 11:00 AM (ET/PT). Alas! The countdown has begun, starting today, there are only 2 days until the miracle begins! Get ready to dive headfirst into a world of mystery, power, and mind flayer madness!

The much-anticipated launch is almost here and the excitement is palpable. It’s like waiting for the gates to an incredible amusement park to open – trust me, the ride is going to be crazy!

Hey, if you didn’t realize, it’s less than a week away! Yes, you heard that right – we’re only a week away from unlocking the secrets of Baldur’s Gate III. Time flies when you are full of anticipation!

So gather your friends, stock up on snacks, and clear your schedule because it’s game time, my friends! Prepare to embark on a journey like no other, where mysterious abilities and mind flayers await. Will you embrace your inner strength, regardless of the consequences, or will you rebel and find your own path? The choice is yours, the fate of the kingdoms hangs in the balance!

Let’s count down together – 2 days left! The clock is ticking and exciting times are brewing! Get excited, take courage, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime in Baldur’s Gate III! See you on the other side, adventurers, and you can check out the countdown on the official website .

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