big brother
“Big Brother” is an American reality competition show, derived from the Dutch version created by John de Mol in 1997. The show, named after George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, premiered on CBS on July 5, 2000, making it the longest-running reality show. Adaptation in franchising. Contestants known as “HouseGuests” live in an isolated house and are under constant surveillance for a chance to win a $500,000 cash prize (starting in Season 23, the prize is $750,000).
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Evictions are by vote, and the format was modified for Season 2 to focus more on competition and gameplay. The show continues to air, with the 25th season airing on August 2, 2023. The show has also spawned two spin-off series: Big Brother: Over the Top and Celebrity Big Brother.
You are watching: ‘Big Brother’ 2023 Schedule, ‘Big Brother’ Season 25 Episode Guide
Big Brother 2023 schedule
The popular reality show Big Brother airs every Thursday from 9 to 10 pm (standard time). Additionally, you can watch the show on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8pm to 9pm ET. CBS has announced that its fall programming schedule may be adjusted from Wednesdays to Tuesdays, when “The Amazing Race” and “Survivor” return.
This allows fans to follow the houseguests on their riveting and dramatic journey as they compete for the coveted $750,000 prize. Viewers tune in to watch the drama unfold and witness the alliances, evictions and unexpected twists and turns that make Big Brother such a compelling and enduring reality show.
Big Brother Season 25 Episode Guide
Big Brother Season 25 Premiere:
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After much anticipation, the long-awaited 25th season of the hit reality show Big Brother finally premiered on Wednesday, August 2, on CBS. The first episode of the season features host Julie Chen Moonves introducing viewers to the new house and its new guests. As the season kicks off, fans can’t wait to see what exciting twists and challenges the contestants in the Big Brother house will face.
25th Anniversary Special:
Ahead of the Season 25 premiere, a 25th anniversary special aired in July. Host Julie Chen Moonves provides hints and previews about the upcoming season in this special episode. The episode also took a nostalgic look back at past seasons, showcasing former stars like Danielle Reyes, Britney Hines, and Frankie Grande. This retrospective adds excitement and nostalgia for fans who have followed the show over the years.
New Houses and Contestants:
With the premiere of Season 25, viewers were introduced to the new Big Brother house, which is sure to be full of interesting twists and turns. A new batch of houseguests whose personalities and strategies have yet to be revealed will use their unique talents in the competition. As contestants move into their new homes, alliances will be formed and rivalries will emerge, watching as viewers follow these contestants on their captivating journey in pursuit of the grand prize.
Highlights from this season’s trailer:
When host Julie Chen Moonves hinted at what’s in store for Season 25, fans began speculating about the thrilling surprises and unexpected twists the show is known for. The trailer promises a season filled with drama, suspense and intense gameplay as guests compete for the ultimate prize of $500,000 ($750,000 starting in Season 23). With Jolie’s cryptic hint, viewers are eagerly anticipating the challenges, twists and emotional moments that await them in this landmark season of Big Brother.
Join the anniversary celebration:
The 25th anniversary special brings together beloved former houseguests to rekindle memories of iconic moments from previous seasons. Watching Danielle Reyes, Britney Hines, Frankie Grande and others reflect on their experiences added a touch of sentimentality to the celebrations. As fans revel in nostalgia, they’re ready to embark on a new and exciting adventure in the show’s 25th season, celebrating its legacy while eagerly anticipating the beloved reality series The future of the show.
What nights does Big Brother air?
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After the first week is over, Big Brother fans can look forward to three episodes airing every Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday. Sunday and Wednesday episodes air at 8pm ET, providing viewers with an engaging mid-week and weekend viewing experience. Anticipation is building for the week as the show’s contestants tackle challenges and form alliances inside the Big Brother house.
Finally, on Thursday at 9 p.m. ET, fans will see a dramatic eviction episode that leaves the fate of the houseguests hanging in the balance. This well-structured schedule allows fans to stay connected to the show’s evolving storylines and keep the excitement going throughout the week.
What happened during the premiere?
The highly anticipated 25th season of Big Brother welcomed 16 new guests during its premiere. The show departed from the usual Head of Household competition by introducing four separate nomination challenges, resulting in the four losers automatically becoming nominees for eviction.
Current nominees include Felicia Cannon, Cory Wurtenberger, Jared Fields and Kirsten Erwin Elwin). During a horror poetry contest, Württemberg mysteriously disappears from the house, leaving the other tenants unsure of his fate.
The show added an exciting twist as “Survivor” icon Cirie Fields became the 17th guest, sparking fans’ curiosity and anticipation. With new challenges, strategic gameplay, and surprises, this season promises to be an exciting and unpredictable ride for viewers and guests alike.
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Category: Entertainment