Brain Teaser: Crack these 5 brain teaser puzzles in 15 seconds to prove you are a genius!

Brainteaser puzzles are an excellent medium for testing readers’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Here, readers face challenges in the form of puzzles, cracking codes, finding hidden objects/bugs, or detecting errors in images.

Solving these types of challenges regularly can improve intelligence and improve an individual’s focus.

Are you one of the smartest people in the world?

Let’s take a look!

Also read: If you can find the word “iron” in 6 seconds, you are a puzzle wizard!

Brain Teasers: Solve 5 puzzles in 15 seconds

Brainteaser puzzles are one of the most popular puzzle challenges online that test your thinking skills.

This is a great way to test one’s intelligence and ability to think outside the box.

Here are 5 brain teasers to test your brain:

1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have four daughters, each with a brother. How many people are there in the Smith family?

2. What has six faces, but no makeup, and twenty-one eyes, but cannot see?

3. A man shot his wife. He then held her underwater for more than five minutes. Finally, he hanged her. But five minutes later, they were driving out to dinner together. How is this possible?

4. How to make the number 7 an even number? The only problem is that you can’t add, subtract, multiply or divide it by any number.

5. There are 10 people standing in an empty square room. Everyone can see the entire room and everyone in it without moving their head, body, or position (they can only move their eyes). Where can you place the apple so that everyone but one person can see it?

Set your timer and start solving these puzzles. You have 15 seconds.

Your time starts now!

The answers to these puzzles will be given at the end of the article. But make sure not to check the answers first.

Also read: Brainteaser: Only a hunter can spot a wolf hiding in the forest in 7 seconds!

These types of challenges attempt to test the capabilities of your brain.

Readers who can solve such challenging problems quickly have the sharpest brains.


Time is up.

How many puzzles can you solve in the time limit?

Congratulations to those readers who solved more than 3 puzzles in 15 seconds, you are very smart.

Whoever solves all puzzles is a genius.

Now, it’s time to check the solution.

Also read: If you can solve this math puzzle in 11 seconds, your IQ is over 130!

Brainteaser Puzzles: Solutions

1. The Smith family consists of seven people, four girls, one boy (since all girls have a brother), and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

2. Dice

3. This person is a photographer. He took a photo of his wife, developed the photo in liquid, and hung it to dry.

4. Remove S from 7 and it becomes an even number.

5. Place an apple on a person’s head.

If you enjoyed solving this brain teaser puzzle, please share it with your friends and family to see who performs best.

Also, check out some more interesting articles in the Recommended Reading section below.