Brain Teaser: Do You Have a 120+ IQ? Spot the Circles in Just 11 Seconds to Prove It!

Brain teasers have captivated and challenged the human mind for centuries, providing a fun and engaging way to improve cognitive abilities.

These puzzles require not only logic, but also creativity, problem-solving skills, and often a sense of humor.

Whether you want to focus, improve your concentration or just get some mental exercise, brain teasers have something for everyone.

These puzzles require not only critical thinking but also the ability to think outside the box to find solutions.

Unlike standard puzzles that rely on simple logic, brain teasers often use clever wordplay, hidden meanings, or tricky visuals to stretch your mental agility.

They come in all forms, from riddles and visual puzzles to math challenges. Some are lighthearted and fun, while others can baffle even the smartest of minds for hours!

People who do puzzles every day often develop sharper cognitive abilities and even see their IQ levels rise.

Today, we have a puzzle that has puzzled many people! The image below contains several circles, and your challenge is to count them all.

If you look closely, your sharp intellect will see how the circles are connected to each other, helping you find the correct number.

But there’s a twist! You need to count all the circles in 11 seconds.

Do you think with your sharp mind you can solve it in time?

Start the timer and begin the challenge. Good luck!

Try: Brainteaser: Can your high IQ figure out which pipe is filling the bucket in five seconds?

Brain teaser: Only people with an IQ of over 120 can find the number of circles in 11 seconds

Source: Pinterest

Did you solve this puzzle?

Eleven seconds may go by quickly, but tackling challenges under tight time constraints helps you develop problem-solving skills that you can apply in real life.

Hurry up! Time is running out…

3… 2… 1…

So, have you found the answer? If so, congratulations! Solving it in time means your IQ may be over 120.

But don’t worry if you don’t get it – everyone faces time pressure from time to time, even experienced puzzle masters.

Feel free to try again without the timer, or scroll down to see the answer if you’re ready!

Try: Brainteaser: Think you’re smart? Only people with an IQ over 150 can find the robot in 7 seconds!

Brainteaser: Find the number of circles – Solution

There are 8 circles in this diagram. The starting points of the circles in the diagram below are marked with numbers.

Source: Pinterest