Brain Teaser: Which Glass Has More Juice? Only 1% Pass This Test in 8 Seconds!

This brainteaser is the ultimate test of mental acuity – a seemingly simple problem that only a 1% genius-level IQ can solve.

Get ready to challenge your brain power with this brainteaser that’s taking the internet by storm! If you think you have keen observational skills and a high IQ, now is your chance to prove it.

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This popular puzzle is more than just another challenge, it’s a true test of your physics knowledge, critical thinking, and mental agility. Only the top 1% of people with an IQ over 140 can solve this puzzle.

Are you ready to take on the challenge? Let’s see if you can solve this incredible puzzle and join the elite ranks of high-IQ geniuses!

Brain teasers with answers

For those still looking for rhinos, don’t worry. See answer below. Upon closer inspection, Glass 3 is wider and seems to have a larger capacity compared to other glasses, especially Glass 4, which is tall but narrower. Glass 3’s more balanced height and width combination suggests it can indeed hold more liquid.

Brain teasers with answers

Share this picture puzzle with your friends and family. Challenge them to tell which glass in this picture holds more juice in 5 seconds or less!