The best Cruella de Vil quotes help to cement the iconic character from 101 Dalmatians as one of the most despicable Disney villains of all time. Even though 101 Dalmatians is remembered as a classic family-friendly movie, Cruella is particularly ruthless as she wants to kill a lot of puppies in order to get a fur coat. She is also a vain and insulting person, which makes her one of the great villains who is so much fun to hate. The unforgettable Cruella de Vil quotes highlight just how evil and memorable she is.
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With her love of fashion and her eccentric nature, Cruella is certainly an entertaining character even when she is quite sadistic. Whether she is yelling at Horace and Jasper, commenting on the puppies, or making her own cruel observations, Cruella doesn’t have much of a filter or any control over her anger. Though many Disney villains have been more powerful or threatening, Cruella cements herself as an effective villain simply by proving herself to be a terrible human being.
20 “No Time For Games. Where Are The Little Brutes?”
Cruella Looks For The Puppies
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In Cruella’s mind, the world exists solely to provide her with everything she wants. She barges into every situation with nothing but demands and unreasonable expectations. Such is the case in her very first scene, as she comes into Anita’s home, ignoring any sense of politeness, and immediately begins looking around for the dogs. Not only does she demand the dogs as if she owns them, but she also insults them, even knowing what she has planned. It is a quick way of establishing herself as truly unlikeable.
Related Cruella De Vil’s Top 10 Moments In The ‘101 Dalmatians’ Live-Action Franchise
Brought to life by the iconic Glenn Close, it’s no surprise Cruella De Vil had plenty of unforgettable moments on the 101 Dalmatians franchise.
In the long pantheon of Disney villains, there are some that fit the nefarious and devilish persona perfectly. What is brilliant about Cruella is that she presents a villain completely unexpected yet effective. This high-society self-important narcissist who expects the world to bow to her has only become more relevant over time.
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19 “I’m Through With All Of You. I’ll Get Even. Just You Wait. You’ll Be Sorry.”
Cruella Swears Revenge
It is a common belief that the best villains don’t know that they are the villains of the story. When it comes to a woman who wants to skin puppies to make a fur coat, it would seem impossible that she could not understand the villainy in that. However, there is a sense that Cruella has been so pampered and is so used to getting what she wants that she simply thinks she is owed it.
This is the moment where Cruella seems to embrace her true villainy and enact her evil plan to steal the puppies. When it is clear that Anita and Roger are not going to hand over the puppies willingly, Cruella launches into this tirade of threats towards them, swearing her revenge. While Cruella ultimately wants the puppies for her fur coat, there is also the possibility that her crimes are partially motivated by her desire to get even with Anita and Roger for denying her what she wants.
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18 “Anita, Don’t Be Ridiculous. You Can’t Possibly Afford To Keep Them. You Can Scarcely Afford To Feed Yourselves.”
Cruella Laughs At Anita’s Lifestyle
While there have been plenty of “eat the rich” movies in recent years, it seems that the idea of seeing the wealthy entitled members of society get theirs is not a modern view at all. Cruella makes for one of the best examples of these types of characters who assume they can flippantly wave money at a situation and be able to do what they want. Cruella decides to attack Anita and her life with Roger when Anita tries to tell Cruella that the puppies are not for sale at any price and the couple intends to keep them.
Cruella says that Roger and Anita can’t even afford to feed themselves, let alone several puppies.
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Anita and Roger aren’t as wealthy as Cruella, and Cruella immediately tries to put Anita down and manipulate her into selling the puppies. Cruella says that Roger and Anita can’t even afford to feed themselves, let alone several puppies. She sees the rest of the world as beneath her, allowing her to believe she can bend them to her desires, a clear example of her villainy.
17 “I Know. Roger’s Songs. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!”
Cruella Insults Roger’s Profession
While Cruella and her barbaric plans make her an easy villain to hate, it is also not hard to see why she is so popular. She can be a hilarious character at times, something actor Emma Stone brought out in her winning performance in Cruella, but the original animated version brings some big laughs as well. One of the funniest aspects of Cruella’s personality is how openly she insults people to their faces without even thinking about it.
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Sometimes it is not even out of anger, but rather that she likes to voice even her meanest opinions and finds it funny that people are not as fortunate as she is. When Anita suggests that she and Roger will get by fine as is, Cruella can barely contain herself as she laughs at the idea of them making a living from Roger’s music. Her evil laugh as Roger angrily puffs on his pipe is a hilarious moment.
16 “This Horrid Little House Is Your Dream Castle! And Poor Roger Is Your Bold And Fearless Sir Galahad!”
Cruella Gloats About Her Crimes
Roger and Anita live a simple yet happy life, and the two care deeply for each other, but Cruella doesn’t see it that way at all. She chooses to poke fun at Anita and sees Anita as a failure in life because she hasn’t found riches or prominence. Cruella doesn’t understand how Anita could be happy with her simple existence and instead of keeping it to herself or letting Anita live the life she wants she instead chooses to voice her opinion of disgust just to try to upset Anita.
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There is a clear theme established that Anita is happy in her modest life even compared to the lavish lifestyle of Cruella. However, 101 Dalmatians doesn’t suggest that Cruella is unhappy despite her wealth. In fact, it is quite clear how much she loves being rich and powerful, gleefully waving it in everyone’s faces.
15 “When Can The Puppies Leave Their Mother? Two Weeks? Three Weeks?”
Cruella Demands The Puppies
Not only is Cruella’s plan for the dogs cruel, but she also hardly tries to hide her true intentions in wanting the dogs. It’s clear from the beginning of the movie that Cruella de Vil does not want Roger and Anita’s puppies so she can care for them. She is far too cold-hearted of a person to care about another living thing. It’s much more sinister than that, as she wants all of the puppies to make fur coats.
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This quote is especially cruel as she pesters the couple about the earliest time she could possibly buy the puppies from them. It is an especially dark demand for her, plotting to have the puppies taken away moments after they are born. However, it is also darkly funny that Cruella is openly impatient about getting her hands on the animals when it is so obvious what her motivations are.
14 “Congratulations. You’ve Just Won Gold, Silver, And Bronze In The Morons Olympics!”
Cruella Insults Her Goons
Cruella spends a lot of the movie ordering around her two henchmen, Horace and Jasper, who are attempting to steal the puppies from Anita and Roger. Unafraid to tell them exactly how she feels, she constantly yells at them for messing up her perfect plan and thinks that they’re complete fools.
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Some of Cruella’s
quotes feel similar to Miranda Priestley’s biting comments
towards her employees in
The Devil Wears Prada
. With Miranda’s unique sense of style and ruthlessness, it’s possible that Cruella serves as some sort of inspiration for her.
While the live-action Cruella features the two characters as friends to Cruella, the Glenn Close version maintained the trend of the original, with Cruella constantly annoyed with the incompetence of the hapless goons. This line from the live-action remake gets a hilarious response as well, with Horace asking, “Who gets the gold?“
13 “Now Go And Stand Somewhere Until I Need You.”
Cruella Orders People Around
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Cruella is known for being cruel and short with everyone she interacts with, ordering everyone around as if their only purpose in life is to do what she says. She treats everyone as if they are useless and incompetent for failing to do exactly what she wants. She is simmering with rage at every moment and unleashes it on anyone who displeases her in the slightest way. Despite being frustrated with the entire world around her, Cruella never for a moment considers that she might be the problem.
While Cruella certainly has a short temper and can be easily annoyed with people, it also speaks to how she sees the world around her. For Cruella, people are nothing other than servants there to do what she asks and get her what she needs. They might as well not exist until she has use for them.
12 “You Idiots! You…You Fools! Oh, You Imbeciles!”
Cruella Rages Over Her Defeat
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Given what a terrible person she is, there is something deeply satisfying about seeing Cruella’s plans fail and for her to finally get her comeuppance. Jasper and Horace hit Cruella’s car from the side, sending all three people over the side of the hill, and thus ending their pursuit of the puppies, who get away safely. Cruella doesn’t take the loss easily as she predictably blames them for everything while sobbing in defeat.
There are other villain defeats in movies that deliver more devastating comeuppance to the evil characters, but this is a satisfying end for Cruella. Not getting her way is a rare thing and she is left like a spoiled child who has been denied candy. While Jasper and Horace are terrible people as well, it is satisfying to see them finally have enough of their boss and tell her to “shut up.”
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11 “Oh, The Devil Take It, They’re Mongrels! No Spots! No Spots At All! What A Horrid Little White Rat!”
Cruella Gets A Look At The New Puppies
It doesn’t take long for Cruella to show up at the house after the puppies are born, but when she sees their appearance, she doesn’t try to hide her disappointment. Cruella is disgusted by the fact that the puppies don’t have their spots right away. If they don’t look absolutely perfect, they’re just “mongrels” to her. The puppies were newly born, and instead of commenting about how cute they were, Cruella said the exact opposite.
It is a sign of Cruella’s twisted view of beauty, as she is insulting to these animals she had planned to kill, simply for looking their natural way. Had Anita and Roger clued to what Cruella had planned for the puppies from the beginning, they could have avoided the entire dog-napping incident by simply not informing Cruella that the dogs would eventually get their spots.
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10 “Well Now, What Have We Here? So They Thought They Could Outwit Cruella?”
Cruella Searches For The Puppies
While Cruella de Vil certainly steals the show as the villain, One Hundred and One Dalmatians is a terrific Disney movie on its own. One of the best aspects is the intense adventure from the point of view of the dogs, using old spy networks and secret hideouts for their rescue mission of the puppies. It is made all the more exciting with the determined Cruella on their tail the entire time.
When Cruella comes upon the dog tracks in the snow on the road, she’s delighted by their trail, though Pongo tried to cover it. She utters the quote, proud of herself for her detective skills, and, as always, underestimates the intelligence of the fleeing dogs. Though she is not an imposing size, Cruella does make for an intimidating villain simply because of how relentless she is in her evil plan. She hunts the poor puppies through the snow and seems to recognize that these dogs are trying their best to evade her.
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9 “In That Case, I’ll Take Them All. The Whole Litter. Just Name Your Price, Dear.”
Cruella Attempts To Make Her Purchase
It is clear to everyone that Cruella is not interested in the puppies because she is a dog lover, so her insistence on owning them is immediately suspicious. However, Cruella doesn’t feel the need to be coy as, in her world, the fact that she has money entitles her to whatever she wants. As soon as she learns that the puppies will develop their signature spots over time, Cruella is perfectly willing to take them all. The fact that the answer “no” never occurs to Cruella is a very telling thing.
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In a way, some of the blame could fall on Anita and Roger for not recognizing what Cruella’s obvious plan was from the start. The fact that she was disgusted by the dogs at first glance only to completely change her tune when she learns their spotted coat would come in should have raised questions immediately. Add to that, Cruella’s penchant for furs, and it’s not a hard case to crack.
8 “Enough Of This Nonsense. I’ll Pay You Twice What They’re Worth.”
Cruella Doesn’t Take No For An Answer
This Cruella de Vil quote perfectly sums up a couple of her warped perspectives on the world. After laughing at the mere idea of Roger supporting the family, she continues trying to buy the puppies and completely disrespecting their insistence that they are not for sale. She once again acts as if money is the only thing that matters and she can win any argument with the right price. However, the idea of her paying “twice what they’re worth” is also a disturbing glimpse into her psyche, as she thinks living things have a price.
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Not only does Cruella feel that money allows her to do whatever she wants, but she also assumes that everyone else is as callous as she is. She feels that the reluctance of Anita and Roger to part with the new puppies is simply a matter of price rather than love, which says a lot about Cruella herself.
7 “Why You Horrid Man…You….You…Alright, Keep The Little Beasts For All I Care! Do What You Like With Them! Drown Them!”
Cruella Doesn’t Take Rejection Well
Considering what Cruella ultimately planned to do with the puppies, this quote from the villain should have served as an indicator of her malicious view of the dogs. Roger did well, standing up to her and declaring she’d never get any one of the puppies. Cruella, however, isn’t used to not getting what she wants and her reaction is quite dark and disturbing in itself. It is a childish tantrum that she throws but also suggests she feels the dogs’ lives are meaningless if she can’t get what she wants from them.
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Once again, this quote shows the inhuman side of Cruella as she cannot comprehend the kind of attachments people could have to other living things. She is genuinely shocked that Anita and Roger are unwilling to part with the dogs, but even then, she doesn’t seem to grasp that they could just love the dogs and want to care for them themselves.
6 “My Only True Love, Darling. I Live For Furs. I Worship Furs! After All, Is There A Woman In All This Wretched World Who Doesn’t?”
Cruella Discusses Her Only Love
Cruella’s love for fur also seems to highlight her hatred for the rest of the world. She often makes fun of Anita’s lifestyle; she doesn’t understand Anita’s appreciation and love for the simple things in life. Anita doesn’t need furs to make her happy, and that’s something Cruella could never relate to. It’s quite sad that the only thing Cruella really loves is fur. It shows that it is Cruella who is missing out on some of the greatest parts of life, not Anita.
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The materialistic point of view accounts for her ruthlessness and cruelty. It is also another example of the indifference Cruella has to the world and her own self-centered view. She assumes that every woman in the world also loves fur above everything else simply because that is her own opinion. She obviously hasn’t paid attention to women around her in order to confirm that assumption in any way.
5 “Blast This Pen! Blast This Wretched, Wretched Pen!”
Cruella Loses Her Cool Over A Pen
Cruella doesn’t have a lot of patience for anything. That includes a pen not working right away so she can write a check for Roger and Anita to purchase the newborn puppies. Though she is happily signing the check while imagining the fur coat she will make, that happiness immediately vanishes when she encounters this tiny inconvenience.
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The sudden mood swing is so abrupt and so violent that it is hard not to be entertained by it.
Cruella may be evil, but it is moments like this that are a reminder that she is also a funny and interesting Disney villain, largely thanks to the uncontrollable anger she has. The sudden mood swing is so abrupt and so violent that it is hard not to be entertained by it. It is made even funnier by the fact that Cruella shakes the pen so much that the ink splatters all over Roger, which Cruella either doesn’t notice or simply doesn’t care about.
4 “Oh No You Don’t! We’ll Find The Little Mongrels If It Takes Till Next Christmas.”
Cruella Will Not Stop
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Another sign of Cruella’s terrifying obsession with this coat is how she is unwilling to give up even when the hardened criminals, Horace and Jasper, have reached their limit. As they suggest that the dogs are gone and it is time to admit defeat, Cruella refuses to quit or let them quit. Though it is never explicitly said in the movie, there is a sense that Cruella begins to unravel simply because she is so used to getting her way that it shatters her reality to consider the idea that she will have to settle for disappointment.
Cruella is not a physically imposing villain by any means and relies on her henchmen to do her dirty work. However, she cements herself as an iconic villain simply because she is dedicated to her evil plans with such terrifying intensity that she seems unstoppable at times.
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3 “I Don’t Care How You Kill The Little Beasts, But Do It, And Do It Now!”
Cruella Demands The Puppies Be Killed
Though Cruella isn’t going to get her hands dirty herself, the reality behind what she is asking Horace and Jasper to do doesn’t seem to bother her in the slightest. She yells at and slaps her hired help, leaving with a threat that she’ll call the police if they don’t do what she asks by the time she returns. She doesn’t have much regard for other lives, whether they’re dogs or humans, wanting the dogs dead so she can carry on with her plans.
It seems as though Horace and Jasper, as brutal as they are, are not even as keen on carrying out the deed as their sadistic boss. The only emotion she has towards the act of killing is a sense of impatience. Despite her fancy clothes, it is a reminder that Cruella is a truly cold-blooded villain.
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2 “Any Way You Like! Poison Them. Drown Them. Bash Them In The Head. You Got Any Chloroform?”
Cruella Offers Some Gruesome Options
When it comes to killing the dogs, Cruella continues to show how heartless she can be not even viewing them as living things and merely a means of getting her what she wants. To add to the chilling nature of Cruella, she even suggests a few grisly methods of dispatching the dogs as if she were suggesting what tool to use for a job. It is a shocking display of her callousness.
She is the mastermind, and she doesn’t care what happens to the innocent puppies, as long as she gets what she wants. Cruella was awful through and through, and quotes like this highlight just how little conscience she has. She doesn’t even hesitate when listing ideas as to how Horace and Jasper could get “the job” done. She’s very casual about murder, and it’s quite troubling.
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1 “Miserable, Darling, As Usual. Perfectly Wretched.”
Cruella Complains About Life
From the animated version to Glenn Close’s take to the more likable version played by Emma Stone, Cruella de Vil is a larger-than-life character who commands the screen. She also instantly makes herself one of the most entertaining villains of all time from her very first appearance on screen in the original animated movie. She barges into the home and takes over as if she is the boss there too. When Anita asks how she is, Cruella responds with this overly dramatic report.
Cruella certainly has a unique viewpoint; though she obviously has wealth, it doesn’t seem to mean much in terms of her happiness. It is another sign of the 101 Dalmatians character’s humor underneath all the evilness. There is also solace in the fact that, regardless of everything, Cruella will always be unhappy.
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101 Dalmatians (1961) AnimationAdventure
The story of a family of Dalmatian puppies who are kidnapped by a terrible woman called Cruella De Vil, who is fascinated by fur coats and is determined to turn them into a coat.
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*Availability in US Director Wolfgang Reitherman , Hamilton Luske , Clyde Geronimi Release Date January 25, 1961 Cast Rod Taylor , J. Pat O’Malley , Betty Lou Gerson , Martha Wentworth
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101 Dalmatians gAdventureComedy
101 Dalmatians is the 1996 live-action adaptation of the classic Disney animated movie of the same name. Jeff Daniels and Joely Richardson star as Roger and Anita, whose dogs are put in danger when the evil fashion designer Cruella de Vil (Glenn Close) and her henchmen attempt to skin them in order to create a fur coat.
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*Availability in US Director Stephen Herek Release Date November 27, 1996 Cast Glenn Close , Jeff Daniels , Joely Richardson Studio(s) Disney Runtime 103minutes
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8/10 5.5/10 Cruella PG-13AdventureComedyCrimeDrama
Cruella is the live-action reimagining of the 101 Dalmatians villain and her origin story. It stars Emma Stone as Estella, an aspiring fashion designer and talented grifter. After finding herself pitted against her boss, the Baroness (Emma Thompson), she creates the alter-ego Cruella, a dangerous criminal who will do whatever it takes to get ahead in both the fashion world and in life.
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*Availability in US Director Craig Gillespie Release Date May 28, 2021 Cast Joel Fry , Emma Stone , Jamie Demetriou , Emma Thompson , Paul Walter Hauser , Kirby Howell-Baptiste , Emily Beecham , Mark Strong Studio(s) Disney Runtime 2h 14m
Category: Entertainment