It’s been over 85 years since Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs first was released, introducing viewers to Disney’s first princess and some great Snow White quotes. The tale of a woman who befriends seven dwarfs while hiding from the evil queen is known around the world. And as dated as some of the movie’s takes are, it’s still a timeless classic that’s amazing to rewatch. Some of Snow White’s famous lines are still repeated today to keep Snow’s memory alive in the Disney fandom. In fact, Snow White quotes are some of the more underrated ones among Disney Princesses.
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You are watching: Disney: 25 Best Quotes From Snow White
The film was the first full-length animated feature ever to grace screens. Because of its importance to Disney’s success, Snow White will always be a fan-favorite regardless of how much time goes by. While this iconic Disney princess film has aged, and many other princesses and movies have followed, it is, without a doubt, an epic. The movie is beautiful, not only for its time but forever. Snow White is timeless.
25 “But Hold, A Lovely Maid I See. Rags Cannot Hide Her Gentle Grace.”
Magic Mirror
Snow White’s fellow Disney princess Cinderella would become the character to define the rags-to-riches character arc that is seen in many fairy tales. However, that element also exists in Snow White’s story. This comes with the Magic Mirror first letting the Evil Queen know that there is a young girl in the kingdom who is fairer than even the queen, remarking that even her low-born place in society cannot mask her beauty.
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There is a common trend in movies and stories like this of those in power fearing the people who are meant to be their subjects. In the case of Snow White, she lives her life unaware of her beauty but simply happy with what life has given her. It is ironic then that the Evil Queen, who has all the power and wealth she could want, becomes obsessed with a commoner being more beautiful than her and sees it as a threat.
24 “Now, A Formula To Transform My Beauty Into Ugliness.”
The Evil Queen
The Evil Queen is a terrible person from the beginning and easily earns her place among the best Disney villains. Her transformation into the ugly old woman during the third act of the movie only makes her all the more memorable as a villain, with the scene in which she concocts the dark magic potion a memorably creepy scene in the Disney movie, However, it also speaks to the destructive nature of her vanity.
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She fails to grasp the irony of what she is doing and it foreshadows that she is also accidentally the cause of her own death…
The Evil Queen wants nothing more than to be considered the fairest one of all. However, despite the fact that she is already beautiful, the idea that Snow White could be considered more so drives her to ruin her own beauty to ensure Snow White is dead. She fails to grasp the irony of what she is doing and it foreshadows that she is also accidentally the cause of her own death at the end of the movie.
23 “Someday My Prince Will Come.”
Snow White
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As to be expected with a fairy tale movie that is closing in on being 100 years old, there are aspects of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs that don’t hold up as well today. However, despite the fact that the song “Someday My Prince Will Come” would never appear in a Disney movie nowadays, there is no denying that it is one of the most iconic songs from a Disney film.
The idea of the young woman sitting around waiting for a man to sweep her off her feet and take her to a better life is incredibly dated. That said, the song does still fit into the trend of the “I Dream” type of songs that became notable aspects of Disney movies from the Disney Renaissance era. It will be interesting to see how the upcoming Snow White live-action remake handles this aspect of the story and the famous song.
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22 “Anyone Could See That The Prince Was Charming. The Only One For Me.”
Snow White
Part of the reason that early princes in Disney movies are simply referred to as “Prince Charming” with no name of their own is this Snow White quote. The first three Disney animated movies that adapted fairy tales – Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty – all focused on telling the story of the princesses. Even though they aren’t always looked upon favorably when it comes to their female characters, the movies are definitely about the titular woman.
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Snow White was the first Disney animated feature film, and there are plenty of interesting facts about its historic premiere!
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When Show White says this line, the prince who wakes her with a kiss becomes known as Prince Charming in pop culture, and the term ends up sticking for future fairy tale adaptations. In merchandise for the movie, however, the character’s name is Prince Florian, though some translations outside of the United States have labeled him as Ferdinand or Fernando as well.
21 “Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, It’s Home From Work We Go.”
The Seven Dwarfs
It doesn’t get any more iconic than hearing the seven dwarfs singing “Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s home from work we go” at the start of Snow White. Despite it not being Snow White’s song, it is the one most associated with the movie.
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In the movie, once Snow makes herself at home in the dwarfs’ house, the scene then shows where the homeowners are. As it turns out, the dwarfs are miners, working to uncover diamonds and rubies. After a hard day’s work, the seven men march home singing a tune to lift their spirits. Even if Disney fans don’t remember much about Snow White, this quote is one of the most well-known. Even fans who don’t remember the specific words will remember the tune. The whistled notes of the song have become an Easter egg in some modern Disney tales.
20 “Mark My Words, There’s Trouble A-Brewin’. Felt It Coming All Day. My Corns Hurt!”
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs differs slightly from the original tale published in the 1800s. In the book, the dwarfs had different names, but in the movie, the dwarfs are named after their specific personality traits. Grumpy is obviously one of the angrier dwarfs, but he is also one of the more iconic ones.
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Upon entering their home, the dwarfs realize the lights are on, and their chimney is smoking. They don’t know Snow White is inside and assume it is a dragon or some other kind of monster. Grumpy admits he knew something bad was going to happen that day because the “corns” on his feet hurt more than usual. This humorous line breaks up the frightful energy for kids in the audience and showcases his personality perfectly. It’s also a nice nod for adults who understand that when someone is grumpy, every little inconvenience feels like more trouble than it’s worth.
19 “With A Smile And A Song, Life Is Just Like A Bright Sunny Day. Your Cares Fade Away.”
Snow White
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After Snow is banned from her normal life because the Evil Queen wants to eliminate her, she hides in the forest and makes friends with the wildlife. To make herself feel better, she sings “With a Smile and a Song” to the birds and deer. While it’s not the most iconic song in the movie, it’s always remembered that Snow White can speak with the animals.
Singing this song helps Snow face her fears and recenter herself. Lyrics like “Life is like a bright sunny day, your cares fade away” are charming and positive. No matter how bad Snow has it, this line makes her optimistic. And while Snow Whitedoesn’t have Disney’s best songs, they are definitely some of the more upbeat. It’s why so many fans remember Snow White as one of the most optimistic of Disney princesses despite her darker storyline.
18 “What Are Wicked Wiles?” “I Don’t Know!”
Bashful & Grumpy
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When the dwarfs first see Snow sleeping in their bed, their outlooks on what to do differ from each other. They aren’t sure if they should wake her up, kick her out, or just let her be. Grumpy makes his feelings on the subject known when he tells the group that “all females is poison, they’re full of wicked wiles!”
It’s his own fears and resistance to change that actually make him “grumpy” during the events of the movie.
And if audiences aren’t sure what a ‘wicked wiles’ is, they aren’t alone. Bashful adorably asks Grumpy what it is and Grumpy has no answer. This Snow White quote is one of the best because it shows that Grumpy has no idea what he’s talking about and just spouting nonsense because of his own preconceived fears. It’s his own fears and resistance to change that actually make him “grumpy” during the events of the movie.
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17 “I’m Sure I’ll Get Along Somehow. Everything’s Going To Be Alright.”
Snow White
This quote is one for the audience to take to heart. Snow White’s graceful way under pressure and hardship is one of the loveliest parts about her as she’s always sure she will find a way to keep going, and this quote truly encapsulates that. Although nothing is simple for Snow White, she chooses to look on the bright side and feels confident in herself and her ability to move forward.
Snow’s positive outlook makes her one of the more intelligent characters in Snow White because she doesn’t focus on the negative. Thinking positively and believing in one’s self can go an incredibly long way, making this one of the best quotes in the movie. Despite leaving her home with nothing, Snow White is determined to make friends with woodland creatures, form an agreement with the people whose home she breaks into, and find a way to survive her evil stepmother’s machinations.
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16 “Lips Red As The Rose, Hair Black As Ebony, Skin White As Snow.”
Magic Mirror
The magic mirror is referenced or mimicked in other movies like Snow White, making him a popular figure in the Disney world. While it’s not clear how the magical being came to exist, or how the queen obtained him, the magic mirror is an important character within this movie, and he is the one who does the job of describing exactly what Snow White looks like.
When he’s asked who the fairest of them all is, he makes it clear that it is Snow, and he sets up her appearance perfectly, honoring her description from the fairy tale where her story originates. It’s a great quote, which sums up her appearance perfectly so that audiences know who he’s talking about. “Lips as red as the rose” is a classic quote that Disney fans know is about Snow White without much background, which is why it’s one of the best.
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15 “Slave In The Magic Mirror, Come From The Farthest Space, Through Wind And Darkness, I Summon Thee. Speak! Let Me See Thy Face.”
The Evil Queen
When the Evil Queen first summons the magic mirror, she delivers this epic line to bring him to life. It’s the kind of line that calls to mind truly classic villainy. This showcases the magic that the character has, having to come from the farthest space alluding to that.
However, the reason this quote is so good is because it sets up the Queen’s personality and behavior right from the start. The queen in Snow White hasn’t aged well in the slightest —especially when she is calling the magic mirror a slave and demanding him to speak to her. However, she sets the tone for who she is within just this one sentence, showing the power in words when done right. The audience isn’t supposed to like her, and with this line, they definitely fear her.
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14 “‘Tis The Heart Of A Pig You Hold In Your Hand.”
Magic Mirror
The Huntsman is an interesting character in the story even though this Disney version doesn’t feature him in a prominent role. While the big-budget Snow White and the Huntsman makes him much more of an action hero, even this small inclusion in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs showcases that he has a good heart and is willing to put his own life on the line in order to trick the queen. After refusing to kill Snow White as the Evil Queen instructed, the Huntsman returns to the queen with a pig’s heart as proof that Snow White is dead.
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After Snow White settles into her new life with the dwarves, the Evil Queen once again asks the Magic Mirror who is the fairest one of all, only to be surprised when he tells her Snow White still is and that the heart she has is a pig’s heart. The fact that the Magic Mirror knew this all along and did not tell the Evil Queen is a sign of his dislike for the woman who refers to him as her slave.
13 “…And Then He Will Carry Me Away To His Castle, Where We Will Live Happily Ever After.”
Snow White
Although this isn’t the first time the phrase “happily ever after” is used in fiction, it is definitely one of the earliest times for Disney and one of the most iconic. Living happily ever after is most of the Disney Princess’s dream, even if the prince they think they love is actually the villain. Snow White begins a long tradition of the notion of happily ever after princess movies, making this quote truly one of the greats.
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When Snow White says this particular line, it’s directly describing the prince whisking her away. Although it might be a little dated in concept, it’s iconic in the Disney fandom. That’s largely because the idea of “happily ever after” has evolved in Disney movies since Snow White first said it. Modern princesses don’t have to find their happy ending with a prince, but often find their purpose, like Moana helping her people or Raya finding the world’s last dragon.
12 “Go On, Have A Bite.”
The Old Witch
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The Evil Queen from Snow White is one of the most devious villains around and one of the most beloved by fans. Disney fans love creating Evil Queen fan art to showcase their fascination with the character. She is incredibly jealous of Snow White’s beauty and can’t see how her own ugliness is more than just skin deep.
When the Evil Queen transforms into an old witch to give Snow White an apple, she plays on Snow’s kind heart to get her way. A cruel and iconic scene with an even more iconic Snow White quote, it’s been adapted in other versions of the story, but also in other fairy-tale-like movies, like Enchanted. Offering up the poisoned apple has become synonymous with all evil queens, even if in the modern day, it might be an appletini instead of a fresh apple.
11 “Sink’s Empty. Hey, Someone Stole Our Dishes!”
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Sneezy doesn’t have tons of lines in the movie, at least not ones that aren’t interrupted by his sneezes. However, he does come out with this hilarious line when the dwarfs first get into their home and notice things are out of place and different. Sure, it doesn’t make sense that Snow White would walk into the dwarf’s home without knowing them, but it’s a scene that’s important to the movie.
They haven’t been making a habit of cleaning up after themselves when they go off to work, which is why Snow White’s addition to their home ends up being such a welcome one.
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The dwarfs aren’t the cleanest of people, and that’s clear from this quote. They haven’t been making a habit of cleaning up after themselves when they go off to work, which is why Snow White’s addition to their home ends up being such a welcome one. She helps them get their house in order. When they first encounter the clean house though, rather than thinking their pots and pans have been washed and cleaned, Sneezy goes straight to the conclusion that someone must have taken their dirty pots, which is a comical moment in a rather dramatic movie.
10 “I’d Like To See Anybody Make Me Wash If I Didn’t Wanna!”
Of all the dwarfs in the movie, Grumpy is the kind of character that began relatably and has only remained relatable over time. He’s a little standoffish and doesn’t appreciate all of the sudden changes taking place in his life as a result of Snow White’s presence. That’s understandable. Everyone gets a little “grumpy” sometimes, especially since he’s not truly angry.
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This line from Grumpy is especially resonant for children and adults alike, who want the freedom to do as they please and not what someone else tells them to do. (Kids not ready for bath time will likely appreciate this one even more than adults in the audience do though.) Grumpy is one of the more realistic Disney characters with quotes that add depth to the film, since his views always differ from the other dwarfs.
9 “Now What Are You, And Who Are You Doin’?”
One of the ways Doc stands out among the rest of the dwarves is the funny way he talks. Though he is the de facto leader of the group and seems to be the most intelligent, he also gets easily mixed up in this speech, often switching around words. Regardless of this strange tic, it is something that Doc doesn’t even seem to notice, especially when he is caught up in the moment.
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The way that Doc attempts to take back control of the situation only to fumble the words is a genuinely funny moment.
When the dwarves return home after their day in the mines and find Snow White in their house, most of them are immediately charmed by Snow White — all except for Grumpy. Doc gets carried away in introducing himself and the other dwarves to Snow White. Grumpy is once again one of the more relatable characters as he insists Doc asks her who she is and what she is doing here. The way that Doc attempts to take back control of the situation only to fumble the words is a genuinely funny moment.
8 “She’s Beautiful, Just Like An Angel.”
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Bashful is the dwarf who endears audiences with his sweetness, earning him a great quote. Like Sneezy, he doesn’t have very many lines in the movie, but the few he does make an impression. His reverent whisper of awe about Snow White’s beauty is enough to melt hearts and earn intense agreement from those who hear it.
Similar to Sleeping Beauty, Snow White also revolves around a princess who loves to sleep and can’t wake up without the kiss of their one true love, and she appears flawless while in that enchanted sleep. Disney has moved away from the idea that all princesses have to have the seemingly conventional standards of beauty all the time – Anna even wakes up with tangled hair and drooling in Frozen – but that doesn’t mean all the Disney princesses aren’t equally beautiful.
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7 “Over The Seven Jeweled Hills, Beyond The Seventh Wall, In The Cottage Of The Seven Dwarfs, Dwells Snow White, Fairest One Of All.”
The Evil Queen
Meta lines that offer the title of the movie within them are a special favorite of moviegoers. It’s an Easter egg that isn’t difficult to find, allowing everyone a moment to catch the reference. And this line encapsulates everything there is to know about Snow White including her exact location with the dwarfs for the Evil Queen to track her down.
Not only is it iconic, but it has real poetry to it, appropriate for the magical fairytale of Snow White. It’s a quote that even non-Disney fans are aware of, simply because of how much it has spanned pop culture. The line might not be used word-for-word in live-action adaptations of Snow White, but the Evil Queen always makes note of Snow White being the fairest and having to fix that.
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6 “Look, Our House! The Lit’s Light—The Light’s Lit!”
Doc is one of the highlights in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and he certainly is one of the best dwarfs. When the group returns from work to see someone in their home, Doc is quick to work things out and alert the group, being so shocked that he struggles to get his words out. It sets up the type of character Doc is. He’s someone who is a leader, but he also has moments without confidence, and that is shown here.
He’s surprised, but still alert, showing his desire to care for his friends and to make sure they know about the potential issue. Snow White quotes like this one make it easy to establish the different personality traits of the dwarfs. In fact, Doc as the leader of the group is something that most of the live-action adaptations have taken from the original animated story.
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