Dream 2023
“The Dream” is a heartwarming Korean sports comedy film released in 2023 that centers on Yoon Hong-dae, a skilled soccer player who faces media backlash due to his mother’s criminal activities. In order to rehabilitate his image, he reluctantly agrees to coach a homeless team in the Homeless World Cup. Through their journey, Hongdae develops unexpected connections with his team, each member having their own struggles and aspirations.
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At the World Cup in Budapest, the underdog South Korean team faced strong opponents, but their passion and determination won the admiration of the audience. Despite one victory in the Championship, their resilience and camaraderie led to personal growth and redemption as a documentary about their inspiring journey became a hit. “Dream” embodies the spirit of teamwork, friendship and second chances and left a deep impression on the audience.
You are watching: Dream 2023 Summary And Ending Explained, Plot, Cast and More
Dream 2023 summary and ending explanation
“Dream” is a South Korean sports comedy film set in 2023, telling the story of professional football player Yoon Hong-dae who faces media scrutiny due to his mother’s criminal activities. In order to save his image, he is tasked with coaching a football team made up of homeless people in the Homeless World Cup. Hongdae is reluctant at first, but eventually bonds with the team as they train and face various challenges together.
At the World Cup in Budapest, underdog South Korea faced stiff competition but won the hearts of the crowd with their passion and determination despite recording just one victory in 11 games. Although their success in the field was limited, the documentary about their journey became a hit, bringing redemption and positive change to the lives of the team members.
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In the film’s heartwarming finale, the Korean team’s dedication and camaraderie in fighting for their loved ones earned them the 2010 Best Newcomer Award. The success of the documentary helped Hongdae regain his reputation and pursue his football career again.
As families reunite and new connections are made, each team member finds personal growth and determination. The film’s message of teamwork, resilience, and the power of friendship makes “The Dream” a touching and entertaining exploration of the human spirit.
Dream 2023 cast list
actor |
Features |
Park Seo Joon |
Yin Hongdae |
Li Zhien |
Li Sumin |
Kim Jong-soo |
Jin Huandong |
Gao Changxi |
Quan Xiaofeng |
Zheng Shengji |
Sun Beomshu |
Li Xianyu |
Kim In-sun |
Liang Xianmin |
Full text soo |
Hong An-pyo |
yingzhen |
Xu Junxi |
Huang Renguo |
Dream 2023 plot
“The Dream” (2023) centers on Yoon Hong-dae, a talented soccer player who faces intense media scrutiny due to his mother’s involvement in criminal activity. Frustrated by the negative attention, Hongdae decided to retire from football. However, his PR agency hatched a plan to reshape his image by having him coach a football team made up of homeless people at the Homeless World Cup.
Hongdae reluctantly accepts the assignment and begins training the team, which is made up of individuals with poignant backstories and struggles. In the process of preparing for the competition, Hongdae established unexpected connections with the team members, and the team members also found hope and purpose in this sport. In Budapest, underdog South Korea faced stiff competition from other countries, and despite their limited results on the field, their dedication and enthusiasm won over the crowd, making them fan favorites.
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Through this journey, the film explores themes of teamwork, friendship, and personal redemption, showcasing the resilience and humanity of those who are often overlooked by society. Throughout the film, the characters go through personal growth and emotional arcs, each finding their place within the team and in life. This story tells the story of the power of second chances, as Hongdae rekindles his love for football and develops a deeper understanding of his mother.
As the team competes in the Homeless World Cup, they learn to fight not just for themselves, but for their families, finding strength in their shared struggle. The film’s heartwarming ending celebrates their journey, and the success of the documentary about their experience brings redemption and positive change to the lives of the team members. “The Dream” delivers a message of hope and inspiration, making it a compelling and uplifting film that resonates with viewers long after the closing credits roll.
Where to watch “Dream 2023”?
The Dream (2023) is a South Korean sports comedy film available to watch on Netflix. The film tells the story of Yoon Hong Dae, a professional football player who becomes the coach of a football team made up of homeless people competing in the Homeless World Cup.
With themes of teamwork, trust and personal growth, the film shows the heartwarming journey of the team as they strive to leave their mark on the football world. If you’re eager to witness this heartwarming and hilarious story, mark your calendars for July 25, 2023, when “Dream” will stream on Netflix, making this delightful film available to viewers in multiple regions. Korean drama sports movie.
Dream 2023 trailer
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Source: https://dinhtienhoang.edu.vn
Category: Entertainment