Eternal Return
Eternal Return” is a multiplayer battle royale game created by Nimble Neuron and published by Kakao Games. It was launched in early access on October 14, 2020. The gameplay combines elements of multiplayer online battle arena and survival games.
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Each player selects a character from a variety of options and competes against 17 others on an island named Lumia. The goal is to survive and emerge as the last player standing to claim victory. The game is presently accessible on Microsoft Windows through Steam and Microsoft Store, and versions for Xbox consoles and mobile platforms are currently in development.
You are watching: Eternal Return 1.5 Patch Notes, Gameplay, and More
Eternal Return 1.5 Patch Notes
New Skin & Emotes
- Security Enforcer Debi & Marlene (Rare) will be available.
- “Headquarters, all clear now.”
- “Oh! A very suspicious guy is coming this way!”
- Morning Glory Laura (Rare) will be available on Tuesday, October 3rd.
- “The bitter end makes the chocolate taste sweeter.”
- Little Sailor Eleven (Rare) will be available.
- This skin will be given away through Eleven’s Sweet Shop event.
- “Summer getaway with Eleven! Live now!”
- Karla’s Emotes will be available.
New Items
We’re adding 3 new bundles to the store for a limited time!
- Bundle: 3 Mid-Autumn Festival Bundles
- Sale Period: Sept 26th after maintenance until Oct 12th before maintenace
Settings Improvements
- Auto Accept Matching has been added.
- The default is set to manually accept matches, but you can enable this option in Settings.
- Go to Settings > Broadcast Mode > Enable Auto Accept Matching.
- Enabling Auto Accept Matching will allow matches to be automatically accepted without the option to cancel them.
- Test subjects’ names will now be displayed when hovering over their portrait during the game preparation phase.
- A function to display the test subject name instead of the in-game nickname will be applied in the future.
- Tactical Skill Modules will now be displayed separately from Special Material items in Kiosks.
- Information of downed and dead teammates will be updated when looking through the Kiosk, including a different mark for revivable teammates.
- You will no longer be able to purchase Rootkits when Escape is no longer possible if:
- There are currently only 2 teams left
- A team has already successfully escaped
- There are already 2 teams in the Abandoned Dock
- Your entire team is alive
- Escape Voting will also be applied separately at a later date.
- Team recognition on the loading screen has been improved.
- Team classification colors have been slightly improved.
- Using Sprays repeatedly in a short time will lock them for a while.
Patch Change Thought Process and Direction
- Changes regarding test subjects are mainly based on statistics.
- Changes are mainly based on top-ranked statistics. Different variables are taken into consideration, but with the changes to the game, we will be mainly looking at the data sample of the top 2000, up to 5000. Hotfix changes will only occur from onwards for critical issues.
- A large part of the player base is in the low and mid-tier ranks. If a character is overly strong in these lower-ranked divisions, adjustments may be made.
- As Eternal Return Esports continues, we may make balancing changes for the competitive level based on tournament play.
- Basic metrics include win rate, average kills, ranked points earned, average kills/damage dealt/damage taken per position, etc. However, since this is not a game where positions are assigned in advance, the mix of positions cannot be completely controlled statistically, and we aim for a mix of positions to coexist without becoming too extreme.
- The biggest goal of the balance update is to help a diversity of characters.
- We will be toning down characters that are doing overly well in statistics, but helping characters that have low statistics in both high and low-ranked play. While there are more adjustments to help test subjects, the characters that are being toned down have a higher pick rate.
- Upper and lower-rank statistics are very different. If a character is shown to be strong in either rank division, they will be excluded from the list of characters getting help.
- The new item, Bloody Hand, is a legendary tier glove weapon made from a VF blood sample.
- In the future, VF blood sample weapons suitable for all weapon types and main builds will be added in stages.
- Weapons crafted from VF Blood Samples are the best weapons in their weapon type but are not worth the high cost of credits. After being added to all weapon types, overall performance will be improved.
- Couturier is the exclusive clothing that Mai can craft for skill amplification.
Improvements In Progress
We’ve been working on replay issues that haven’t gotten as much attention as they deserve. We’ve fixed a number of issues in this update, including a major issue that was causing replays to freeze. Additionally, we’ll be fixing a number of functional errors that occurred while using replays, which will be split between this update and the next one or two updates.
Thanks to all your detailed feedback, we are aware of a number of issues that have arisen with the current product structure. At the moment, we are working on improvements but it’ll take some time before we can apply all the fixes, so we’ll prioritize issues that affect gameplay like DDoS attacks, matchmaking, and replay issues.
Changes to the product structure typically require a lot of time and work on the development side. They can also cause major issues that can be irreversible if applied incorrectly or if the security is compromised, which is why it’s so difficult to apply all the improvements needed at once.
During this process, we’d be really thankful to get more of your feedback so it can help us have a better perspective of your game experience and continue to work towards improving the game.
We appreciate your understanding and we are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
We’re toning down Nadine’s Crossbow damage per level and primary weapon to counteract her high win and pick rates. (See Crossbow)
Her Bow is showing a weaker performance, so we’re increasing the ratio on W – Squirrel Trap to compensate for its power in battles and especially hunting.
- Attack Power Per Level 4.9 → 4.4
- Squirrel Trap (W)
- Damage 80/120/160/200/240(+Additional Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amplification 50%) → 80/120/160/200/240(+Additional Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amplification 75%)
E – Panorama is a powerful skill if you can get it to work. However, since Official Launch, the skill has lost some power due to characters being able to avoid the attack with tactical skills, or having front-line teammates take the hit instead. We are increasing the projectile speed of the skill to help with hitting the skill.
- Panorama (E)
- Projectile Speed 12m/s → 13.2m/s
Daniel has shown a high average RP gain, so we’re reducing the dash range of his Shadow Glide (E) skill to allow for room to space against him.
Debi & Marlene
Debi & Marlene has been showing a low average RP gain, we are reducing their E cooldowns to allow for more tag-combo plays.
- Cover Me, Marlene! (Debi E)
- Cooldown 18/16.5/15/13.5/12s → 17/15.5/14/12.5/11s
- Now, Debi! (Marlene E)
- Cooldown 18/16.5/15/13.5/12s → 17/15.5/14/12.5/11s
Tia has been showing a low average damage, we are helping through more sustain and damage.
- Color Mixing (P)
- Blessed Chipmunk (Red+Blue)
- Recovery based on Damage 90% → 100%
- Blessed Chipmunk (Red+Blue)
- Brush Stroke (Q)
- All colors Damage 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amplification 45%) → 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amplification 45%)
- Blue Inner Range Additional Damage 40/70/100/130/160 → 60/90/120/150/180
Calling Card (W) requires too much time after the hit to activate the full effect. of locking in her target. We’re reducing W’s targeting time while reducing her instant damage.
- Calling Card (W)
- Twilight Heist (R)
- Damage 160/320/480(+Skill Amplification 100%) → 160/300/440(+Skill Amplification 95%)
Li Dailin
We are reducing Li Dailin’s base attack power to contest her Nunchaku build. Glove is getting overall help through her weapons (See Glove)
Li Dailin will now be more powerful in the late game with the increase of AP in her Bottom Shelf (E) skill.
- Attack Power 32 → 27
- Bottom Shelf (E)
- Damage 80/135/190/245/300(+Attack Power 75%) → 80/135/190/245/300(+Attack Power 85%)
Mai is currently performing well, especially in Win rate, so we’re reducing her durability in combat and utility.
- HP per Level 85 → 80
- Haute Couture (P)
- She can now craft the new item: Couturier. (See Armor – Chest)
- Catwalk (E)
- Cooldown 18/17/16/15/14s → 20/19/18/17/16s
Markus is currently very strong in the Early Game and very weak in the Late Game so we’re adjusting his primary Epic Weapons and buffing his Legendary weapons to smooth out power changes over time. (See Axe). His skill Art of War (Q) has been bug-fixed as well.
We are also giving Hammer Markus additional help, as his Hammer counterpart is underperforming.
- Attack Speed per Hammer Mastery Level 3.5% → 4%
- Art of War (Q)
- HP Regen will now be correctly affected by an enemy’s defense and damage will applied correctly.
- HP Recovery Additional Skill Damage 100% → 200%
We’re reducing the cooldown of Heavy Strike (E), which is leveled first by Bat Magnus, to make him a bit harder to fight.
- Heavy Strike (E)
- Cooldown 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s → 11/10/9/8/7s
We’re increasing slow delt with Burnt to a Crisp (R) to increase his team fight power. However, we’re slightly reducing the power of his Dagger, which has been performing well.
- Skill Amplification per Dagger Mastery Level 4.4% → 4.2%
- Burnt to a Crisp (R)
- Slowed Duration 0.2s → 0.3s
We’re increasing the Hammer Mastery to reduce the gap between her two weapons.
- Attack Speed per Hammer Mastery Level 2% → 2.5%
Her skills will now deal damage correctly when connecting her pieces. While fixing this we have also adjusted her skill damage to deal similar amounts of damage as she did before for her combos.
- Knight Fork (W)
- Damage: 60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amplification75%) → 20/60/100/140/180(+Skill Amplification 85%)
- Pawn and Queen, Rook Damage: Relevant Skill Damage’s 50% → 40%
- Castling (E)
- Damage: 75/120/165/210/255(+Skill Amplification 70%) → 20/75/130/185/240(+Skill Amplification 80%)
- Pawn and Queen, Knight Damage: Relevant Skill Damage’s 50% → 40%
We’re increasing Defense reduction on Adriana’s Pyromaniac (P) to increase synergy in team fights and make it easier to take out enemy front lines.
- Pyromaniac (P)
- Defense Reduction 10/15/20% → 12/18/24%
We’re increasing the damage of his main skill to give him more combat power. We’re also buffing Nimrod’s Tombstone (E), which has a low return compared to the difficulty of hitting the target.Additionally, we’re speeding up the collection of Relic Quest (P)’s Essence of Antiquity and the release of its force allowing it to heal allies faster.
- Relic Quest (P)
- Essence of Antiquity Collection Speed 12m/s → 15m/s
- Essence of Antiquity Collection Speed12m/s → 15m/s
- Shamash’s Papyrus (Q)
- Damage 50/90/130/170/210(+Skill Amplification 70%) → 50/90/130/170/210(+Skill Amplification 80%)
- Nimrod’s Tombstone (E)
- Damage 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amplification 40%)
- Unleashed Power (R)
- Shamash’s Code(R-Q)
- 1st Hit Damage 50/90/130/170/210(+Skill Amplification 70%) → 50/90/130/170/210(+Skill Amplification 80%)
- Shamash’s Code(R-Q)
- Arda’s skills’ character (letter) effects have been partially changed to match his concepts.
Abigail has a low win rate and Ranked score across the board since the last update, so we’ve increased her durability and single-target damage to make her more effective in her role as she digs into enemy lanes and attacks opposing DPS.
- HP per Level 87 → 92
- Tearing Blade(P)
- Damage 20/40/60(+Skill Amplification 25%) → 30/65/100(+Skill Amplification 30%)
- Defense Reduction 4/7/10 → 4/8/12
Skill Amplification Aya gets weaker toward the Late Game. To compensate for this, we’re increasing the coefficient of her Steady Shot (W).
- Steady Shot (W)
- 20/35/50/65/80(+Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 25/30/35/40/45%) → 20/35/50/65/80(+Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 30/35/40/45/50%)
We’re reducing Isol’s high SP Cost to compensate for his low durability, as well as the cooldown of MOK Operational Mine (R), which is often neutralized by cameras and EMP drones in the late game.
- HP per Level 69 → 73
- Semtex Bomb (Q)
- Cooldown 15/13/11/9/7s → 13/11.5/10/8.5/7s
- SP Cost 60/70/80/90/100 → 40/45/50/55/60
- Rebel Assault (W)
- SP Cost 70/80/90/100/110 → 50/55/60/65/70
- MOK Operational Mine (R)
- Cooldown 30/26/22s → 30/22/14s
We’re reducing the number of stacks for Exploit (P) to trigger its effect, and increasing Tonfa Weapon type’s power to increase damage over time. (See Tonfa)
- Exploit (P)
- Number of Stacks to trigger effect 4 → 3
- The Heavy Hand of the Law (R)
- Additional Damage per Exploit stack based on enemy’s missing HP 4/6/8%(+Attack Power 5%) → 5/8/11%(+Attack Power 7%)
We’re reducing Infiltration (P)’s movement speed increase which reduces his mobility when engaging or escaping.
- Infiltration (P)
- Movement Speed Increase 3/7/11% → 2/5/8%
We’re increasing Glove’s Attack Power, so Jan can become stronger when using it. (See Glove)
Estelle’s average damage was significantly lowered in the last update with the nerfs to her Axe. So we’re increasing the damage and coefficient in the second half of her Suppression (Q) skill to compensate.
- Suppression (Q)
- Damage 20/35/50/65/80(+Skill Amplification 30%)(+Estelle Max HP 6%) → 20/45/70/95/120(+Skill Amplification 35%)(+Estelle Max HP 6%)
Echion’s lack of durability makes it difficult to choose anything other than Black Mamba. We want to compensate for this by increasing his base durability.
- Defense per Level 2.7 → 3
Elena is showing a high pick rate and average RP gain, so we’re reducing her instant power a bit.
- Danse Macabre(R)
- Inner Damage 100/220/340(+Defense 60%)(+Skill Amplification 60%) →100/200/300(+Defense 50%)(+Skill Amplification 60%)
We’re helping out Emma’s Shuriken a bit.
- Skill Amplification per Shuriken Mastery Level 4.5% → 4.7%
Johann is not being played as often so we’re reducing Radiant Brilliance (Q)’s cooldown and increasing Faith Unwavering (R)’s damage.
- Radiant Brilliance (Q)
- Cooldown 12/11/10/9/8s → 11/10/9/8/7s
- SP Cost 100 → 50
- Transcendent Censer (W)
- SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 50/60/70/80/90
- Faith Unwavering (R)
- Damage 160/220/280(+Skill Amplification 50%) → 180/240/300(+Skill Amplification 60%)
- Cooldown 100/80/60 → 90/75/60s
In the last update, Irem’s durability was increased, but she still has a low win rate. So we’re increasing her mobility, hit range, and damage for Purrfect Pounce! (E).
- Purrfect Pounce! (Cat E)
- Damage 40/65/90/115/140(+Skill Amplification 70%) → 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amplification 70%)
- Range 2.5m → 3m
Eleven currently shows a high win rate and she’s getting a lot of Ranked points. We want to counteract this by reducing the amount of recovery for Calorie Cyclone (R).
- Calorie Cyclone (R)
- HP Recovery Max HP 40/60/80% → 30/50/70%
We’re decreasing the high SP Cost of Vayvayastra (E).
- Vayvayastra (E)
- SP Cost 100/120/140/160/180 → 60/70/80/90/100
We’re increasing the duration and sustain of Adrenaline Burst (W) so the skill is used more. We are also increasing the power of Dagger and Dual Swords, but keeping Two-handed Sword as it is since it’s showing good stats.
- Basic Attack Amplification per Dagger Mastery Level 3% → 3.2%
- Basic Attack Amplification per Two-handed Sword Mastery Level 3% → 2.7%
- Per Dual Swords Mastery Level
- Attack Speed 3% → 3.4%
- Basic Attack Amplification 1.6% → 1.8%
- Adrenaline Burst (W)
- Duration 4s → 5s
- Increased Movement Speed when moving toward an enemy 5/9/13/17/21% → 5/8/11/14/17%
- Max HP Regen based on current HP 20% → 40%
We’re increasing Salvage (W)’s Readiness gain to increase the utilization of Deckhand’s Draw (P).
- Salvage (W)
- Readiness Gain 21/25/29/33/37 → 30/35/40/45/50
We’re reducing Cathy’s durability, who has a high average RP gain in all ranks.
- Under the Knife (P)
- Shield 100/150/200(+Skill Amplification 45%) → 50/100/150(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Chiara has a low average RP score and damage output, so we’re reducing the cooldown of Depraved Prayer (W) to increase her durability and her Reuse wait time to allow for more aggressive bursts.
- Depraved Prayer (W)
- Cooldown 19/18/17/16/15s → 18/17/16/15/14s
- Reuse Wait Time 3s → 2s
We’re reducing the cooldown of Power Screen (W) a bit to allow for more proactive positioning.
- Power Screen(W)
- Cooldown 14/13.5/13/12.5/12s → 12/11.5/11/10.5/10s
We’re increasing the damage of Priya’s underutilized main skill.
- Blossoming Melody (Q)
- Damage 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amplification 60%) → 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amplification 70%)
By transferring some of the effects of excessive weapon mastery scaling to the Flèche (R) ratio, the ultimate will deal a bit more damage than before if it hits an enemy.
- Skill Amplification per Rapier Mastery Level 4.6% → 4.1%
- Skill Amplification per Two-handed Sword Mastery Level 4.5% → 4.2%
- Skill Amplification per Spear Mastery Level 4.7% → 4.4%
- Flèche (R)
- Damage 70/110/150(+Skill Amplification 30%/40%/50%) → 70/110/150(+Skill Amplification 35%/45%/55%)
- Reuse Wait Time 0.75s → 0.6s
Haze has a high pick rate, but a low-ranked point gain rate. We’re lowering the damage of her Rocket Acceleration (R-Q), making it less effective in confrontational situations, but increasing the damage of her 40mm Grenade (Q), making it more effective in battles.
- 40mm Grenade (Q)
- Damage 50/70/90/110/130(+Skill Amplification 65%) → 60/85/110/135/160(+Skill Amplification 75%)
- Center Damage 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amplification 80%) → 80/115/150/185/220(+Skill Amplification 85%)
- Rocket Acceleration(R-Q)
- Damage 50/75/100/125/150(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 40/65/90/115/140(+Skill Amplification 35%)
A skill amplification ratio has been added to Dogfight (P), increasing the use of Tonfa. We’re reducing Basic Attack Power to compensate for the buffs to Glove Weapons. (See Glove)
- Basic Attack Power 40 → 30
- Dogfight (P)
- Damage 30/65/100(+Attack Power 35%) → 30/65/100(+Attack Power 35%)(+Skill Amplification 25%)
- Stomping Foot (Q)
- SP Cost 60/70/80/90/100 → 40/45/50/55/60
With the removal of Charm of the Nomad (E)’s reuse damage after Patch 1.0, the need for quick reuse has been greatly reduced. We’re adding a short reuse wait time to prevent unintentional continuous play.
We’re also increasing the projectile speed of Charm of the Nomad to make it more usable, and reducing the damage output and focus time of Five Omens (R) to make it more compatible.
- Charm of the Nomad (E)
- Maximum Range Reach Time 1.75s → 1.6s
- Reuse Wait Time 0s → 0.1s
- Five Omens (R)
- Charm Damage 50/120/190(+Skill Amplification 60%) → 50/110/170(+Skill Amplification 60%)
- Focus Time 1s → 0.8s
- One Inch Punch
- Brasil Gauntlet
- White Claw Punch
- Mark of the Phoenix
- Mark of the Phoenix Mk2
- Imperial Silk Gloves
- Bloody Hand (NEW Legendary Rarity)
- Recipe: Glove + VF Blood Sample
- Stats
- Attack Power 40
- Skill Amplification 100
- Cooldown Reduction 12%
- Omnisyphon 12%
- Weapon Attack Range 1.45 → 1.65
- Reaper’s Scythe ([Unique])Attack Range 0.5 → 0.3
- Santa Muerte
- Max HP 200 → 120
- ([Unique])Attack Range 0.5 → 0.3
- Scythe ([Unique])Attack Range 0.5 → 0.3
- The Juggernaut
- ([Unique]) Attack Range -0.2 (REMOVED)
- Vigor – [Unique Passive]
- Damage based on current HP 4% → 2%
- Increased Attack Power at Max Stacks 16 → 12
- Paradise Lost ([Unique])
- Axe of Pangu
- Scarlet Scythe ([Unique])
- The Legend of The General
- Attack Power 68 → 64
- Attack Speed 40% → 30%
- The Smiting Dragon
- Skill Amplification 66 → 70
- Crimson Red Lovers
- Skill Amplification 91 → 96
- Plasma Tonfa
- Attack Power 45 → 48
- Defense 4 → 6
- Omnisyphon 14% → 10%
- Holster Tonfa
- Frozen Echo
- Imugi’s Pearl
- Skill Amplification 81 → 86
- Fireball
- Skill Amplification 67 → 70
- Elysian Halo
- Biotic Infusion – [Unique Passive]
- Couturier (NEW Legendary Rarity)
- Mai Special Craft
- Recipe: Patched Robe + Force Cores
- Stats
- Defense 20
- Skill Amplification 20
- Skill Amplification per level 5
- SP Regen 100%
- Cooldown Reduction 10%
- ([Unique]) Skill Amplification 20%
- Bloodripper
- Armor Penetration 15% → 17%
- Glacier Crampons
- Armor Penetration 7 → 8
- Iron Maiden
- Armor Penetration 15 → 16
- Taproot
Cobalt Protocol
Mode Balancing
Debi & Marlene
- Two-handed Sword
- Damage Dealt 104% → 102%
- Throw
- Damage Dealt 100% → 103%
- Dagger
- Damage Dealt 108% → 104%
- Arcana
- Damage Dealt 100% → 98%
- Tonfa
- Damage Dealt 100% → 98%
- Two-handed Sword
- Damage Dealt 100% → 98%
- Throw
- Damage Dealt 98% → 100%
- Dagger
- Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 15% → 5%
- Shuriken
- Damage Dealt 104% → 106%
- Guitar
- Damage Dealt 100% → 102%
Cobalt Tactical Skills
- Rolling Thunder (REMOVED)
- Fantastical Punch (NEW)
- Damage: 400+25% of opponent’s Max HP
- Knockback Distance: 9.5m
- Cooldown: 20s
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Gameplay Improvements
- Team colors and HP bar colors will now match during replays.
- Animations will now be displayed properly when spectating after being wiped out in a Custom Match.
- The Shuttles will no longer explode on one side of the Battle Zone even if there are 3 or more teams.
- Items will correctly display whether they reduce or increase basic attack range.
- The view of the whole area of Chapel will now be accurate.
- Walls in the Chapel area will now normally block the view to the other side.
- The screen will now be displayed properly when moving from the Briefing Room to Lumia Island.
- Test subjects will no longer freeze after using a movement skill to cross walls on the spot where they opened air supplies.
Character and Weapon Improvements
- Nadine: Wolf Assault (R)’s duration will now be correctly applied.
- Nicky: Body Blow (Q2) will now work correctly.
- Debi & Marlene: Movement spells and attacks will no longer be activated after casting Cover Me, Marlene! /Now, Debi! (E)
- Lenox: Bait and Tackle (P)’s Bait effect will no longer be casted repeatedly.
- Martina: The location of the videotape where she dashes back will no longer be visible in the Battle Zone fog when using Rewind (E).
- Sissela: Go Get ‘Em Wilson! (Q)’s Wilson will now move normally while on Replay.
- Arda: Relic Quest (P)’s HP Recovery will no longer be applied to allies when casting Shamash’s Code (R-Q).
- Arda: Nimrod’s Gate (R-E) will now be applied correctly.
- Aiden: Lightning Strike (Q)’s Tooltip will now correctly display the Basic Attack Cooldown Reduction.
- Eva: VF Eruption (R) will now work correctly.
Tactical Skills Improvements
- Movement Commands between Tactical Skills Blink/Electric Shift have been improved.
- Movement commands will be triggered when Blink/Electric Shift are used in the same direction, but they will be canceled when they’re used in a different direction.
- Movement Commands will also be canceled if the target of Blink/Electric Shift is farther than the movement command, even if its casted in the same direction.
Lobby Improvements
- Premade teams chat history has been improved to be loaded even if you enter the game and return to the lobby.
- Already owned items in the Data Box rewards list will now be displayed.
- Added a border to each mission in the Daily Missions UI to make it easier to recognize.
- The Forging filter function has been improved to allow more detailed selection of items.
- The RP penalty for canceling Ranked Match matches will no longer be applied repeatedly.
- Notifications will no longer be displayed in Collectibles > Miscellaneous when there are no new items.
- The number of recommendations and win rate indicators for shared Saved Plans will now be displayed correctly in Loadout > Saved Plan.
- Starting items will now be correctly displayed in the late-game item list when viewing shared Saved Plan details in Loadout > Saved Plan.
- You will now be able to enter Ranked Tier Info normally when viewing your friends’ information while in Profile > Summary> Ranked Tier Info.
- The text search function can now be used properly.
- Previous Augments and Tactical Skill icons will no longer be displayed when replacing or reselecting a character after changing Augments and Tactical Skills in Map Selection.
- Changing language settings will no longer change the language setting of the default Announcement.
- The Acupressure Mat will now be correctly displayed in “View completed items only”.
- Completed Daily Missions’ rewards will now be correctly claimed properly when clicking on the superior area of the completed missions.
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Eternal Return Gameplay
Eternal Return,” the gaming experience starts with 24 players landing on Lumia Island, each tasked with outlasting and outplaying the rest. The island itself is carefully designed, featuring 16 distinct areas that players can explore and strategize within. Unlike the typical shrinking circle in traditional battle royale games, “Eternal Return” employs restricted areas across the map to drive player encounters and engagements.
To gear up for the challenges ahead, players scavenge materials from various sources, including containers, defeated animals, other players, or specific points across the island. These materials are vital for crafting enhanced weapons and equipment, giving each player a chance to fortify their arsenal and gain an edge.
Adding complexity and excitement to the gameplay are the multiple playable characters, each possessing unique skills and abilities reminiscent of multiplayer online battle arena games. Players strategically choose their character based on playstyle and team composition, creating a dynamic and diverse playing field.
Eternal Return Plot
Eternal Return” happens on an island called Lumia Island. In this game, there is a group of scientists from an organization called AGLAIA. They are doing an experiment on people to try and make them better and stronger. The people in the experiment don’t remember what happened in the previous tests. The scientists put them in different situations and watch how they do. It’s like a big test to see how good they can become. The island is like a big playground where all of this happens.
Eternal Return Overview
Developer |
Nimble Neuron |
Publisher |
Kakao Games |
Engine |
Unity |
Platform |
Microsoft Windows |
Release |
14 October 2020 (Early Access) |
Genres |
Battle Royale, MOBA, Survival |
Mode |
Multiplayer |
Eternal Return Trailer
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Category: Gaming