Every Person’s Mind & Emotions Shown In The Inside Out Movies


  • Inside Out 2 delves into anxiety and how Riley navigates adolescence with new emotions taking control.

  • Mom and Dad’s emotions play an important role in the films and affect Riley’s understanding of her own emotions.

  • The Cool Girl, Bree, and Grace provide insight into the complexities of human emotions and relationships in Riley’s world.


Warning: This article contains spoilers Inside out 2.

Riley is the star of Pixar. Inside out franchise, but she’s not the only character whose personified mind and emotions are shown on screen in the films. He Inside out The films have been praised for their deep understanding of the complexities of human psychology and emotional theory. The first film conveyed the poignant message that sadness, voiced by Phyllis Smith, plays a positive role in a healthy emotional state and should be embraced, not avoided. Inside out 2On the other hand, it offers the public a roadmap to understand and control anxiety, with the voice of Maya Hawke.

The focus of these films is on Riley’s mind. Both films have explored the ways in which her emotions have evolved as she has grown. The first film revolved around her early childhood and the sequel takes her through the messiness of adolescence. But Riley is just one of several characters whose emotions have appeared in the Inside out franchise. Movies occasionally dive into another character’s head if that serves the story (or just serves as a great joke). From Mom and Dad to Bree and Grace, several other characters’ emotions have been shown in the Inside out Films.

Explanation of each emotion related to the Inside Out movies

The Inside Out films explore the 10 emotions inside Riley’s head that evolve throughout the franchise as she grows and her circumstances change.

6 cool girl

The cool girl with dyed hair in Inside Out

At the end of the first Inside out In the film, Riley started at her new school in San Francisco and sought out potential new friends. She felt intimidated by a cool girl (credited only as “Cool Girl”) who seemed confident and popular. Cool Girl wears makeup and has black hair partially dyed blue. This joke may have inspired a story in Inside out 2because the exact same thing (a hair dye streak) made Riley nervous with popular high school hockey star Val Ortiz in the sequel.

When Riley first sees Cool Girl, Disgust is particularly jealous of her fashion sense (because this was before Envy was its own emotion inside Riley’s mind). During the closing credits of the first film, the camera goes into Cool Girl’s mind and reveals her emotions. These emotions resemble those of Cool Girl, with the same eye shadow, the same coat, and the same dyed hair. Cool Girl’s emotions are played by a cameo by Rashida Jones in a fun parallel to her. Parks and Recreation his co-star Amy Poehler playing Riley’s Joy.

Cool Girl’s emotions reveal that the character is deeply insecure. She believes that she is a “fraud“and his Sadness laments that being cool is”exhausting.His psyche is dominated by his Fear, who worries about losing his popularity among the other students. This is more than just a joke; is a poignant reminder that, deep down, everyone is vulnerable and insecure, no matter how cold they appear on the outside.

5 Bree

Bree talks to Riley in Inside Out 2

Bree is one of Riley’s best friends in Inside out 2. Their emotions are seen as the girls head to hockey camp. Riley mentions that it would be great if they could all play together on the same team next year in high school, at which point Riley’s Disgust realizes “a look” on Bree’s face. Riley’s Disgust plays the instant replay and zooms in on Bree’s eyebrows, which she twitched slightly when Riley mentioned that she went to the same high school. He immediately deduces that Bree is hiding something.

The camera then swoops into Bree’s mind to show her own emotions, worrying that Riley has noticed her gaze. Bree’s displeasure noticesa look” on Riley’s face and does her own instant replay to show that Riley’s eyes narrowed after Bree’s eyebrows moved. Bree’s Disgust deduces that Riley knows they are hiding something. The confrontation continues as Riley and Bree stare at each other and try not to reveal what they know about each other (which is useless when their respective emotions of Disgust detect every little facial tic and analyze them in slow motion).

4 grace

Riley celebrates with Grace in Inside Out 2

While Riley and Bree analyze each other’s appearance, their other best friend, Grace, sits between them in the back seat, looking uncomfortable. Unable to deal with the awkwardness, Grace blurts out that she and Bree won’t be on the same team as Riley next year. Bree explains that she and Grace have been assigned to a different high school, so Riley will have to face school alone. This unexpected change is what triggers the arrival of Anxiety in Riley’s mind. Although Grace’s emotions are not shown in the climax, her emotions are crucial to the resolution of the film’s conflict.

In the climactic sequence of Inside out 2, Riley’s anxiety gets the better of her and, in her determination to woo Coach Roberts at the hockey game, she accidentally injures Grace and is sent to the penalty box. There she suffers a panic attack and her anxiety turns into a whirlwind of nervousness at the controls. Despite her injury, Grace’s emotions encourage her to come and see if Riley is okay, which helps her overcome the anxiety attack and regain her sense of self. Grace’s emotions are the unsung heroes of Inside out 2.

3 mom

Mom's emotions in Inside Out

Riley’s mother’s emotions have appeared in both of them. Inside out films. In the first movie, sadness is shown to be Mom’s dominant emotion (in the same way that joy is Riley’s dominant emotion). This could be seen as a dark revelation about Mom’s emotional state, or it could be seen as simply foreshadowing the end of the film. At the end of the film, Riley will accept the sadness and understand its positive role. Riley’s mother’s mind shows that she already realized that. In the sequel, Mom’s Anger, voiced by girls5eva– Paula Pell is shown as her dominant emotion.

Mom’s Anger has many tongue-in-cheek lines about Riley’s teenage angst and her refusal to open up. When the Inside out It was confirmed that the sequel would introduce new emotions into Riley’s mind, eagle-eyed viewers were quick to point out that Riley’s adult parents didn’t have any additional emotions. The sequel includes a nod to this supposed plot hole when Riley returns from camp and refuses to go into details about what it was like. Mom’s anxiety comes to headquarters from the back of her mind to worry about Riley, and the other emotions say, “Welcome back, Anxiety.

2 dad

Dad's emotions in Inside Out

Riley’s father’s emotions have also appeared in both of them. Inside out films. Like many fathers, Riley’s father’s emotions are dominated by anger. The film has made many references to the fact that men are much less in touch with their emotions than women. Riley’s father’s emotions are shown to be complacent and ignorant. In the dinner scene of the first movie, when Mom tries to have a meaningful conversation with Dad about Riley’s emotions, Riley’s emotions relax and watch a game. Suddenly they have to perk up and pretend they were paying attention.

At the end of Inside out 2when Riley tells her parents that hockey camp was “good”Without giving more details, her mother’s emotions are scared. She worries that there is something her daughter hasn’t told them, or that something bad has happened and she doesn’t want to talk about it. But Riley’s father’s emotions are much calmer about the whole thing. Initially, one of them panics because she just said that the camp was “good,“But then all the other emotions coincide,”If that sounds good.”Before going back to watching the game without doing anything.

1 Riley

Riley Andersen about to take the ice with his hockey team in Inside Out 2

Of course, the character whose emotions are the most important in the Inside out universe – and the character around which the entire saga revolves – is Riley. In the first film, Riley’s mind was controlled by five key emotions: joy, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust. The film’s conflict begins when Joy and Sadness are removed from headquarters, leaving Anger, Fear, and Disgust in charge at a crucial moment in Riley’s life. As she tries to adjust to a big change, Riley doesn’t have her Joy or Sadness to help her get through it.

Throughout the film, Joy and Sadness embark on an incredible adventure to return to Headquarters. By the time they get there, Joy has come to appreciate the positive role that Sadness plays. While Riley misses her old home and the friends she left behind, Sadness could really help her. When they return to headquarters, Joy gives all of Riley’s core memories to Sadness, so that she can color those memories with melancholy and allow Riley to process her sadness in a healthy way.

So, in Inside out 2, when Riley turns 13, four new emotions arrive at headquarters to take the wheel from Joy: envy, boredom, shame, and the strongest of all the new emotions, anxiety. After Joy challenges Anxiety’s new leadership, Anxiety has Riley’s original five emotions literally repressed and locked in a vault. Anxiety would then spend the rest of the movie seemingly trying to help Riley with the most destructive ideas imaginable. By the end of the sequel, Riley managed to understand anxiety and control the negative effects of it.

Inside out It’s a different type of Pixar franchise. Previous Pixar films had used talking toys, friendly monsters, anxious fish, and suburban superheroes as metaphors to explore poignant themes and stories. But in Inside out, metaphors are the story. It was a risky endeavor, but Pixar has now accomplished the impressive feat of telling literal emotional stories twice.

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