Fire Emblem Heroes Gameplay
Fire Emblem Heroes is a popular mobile game in the Fire Emblem franchise, developed and published by Nintendo. The game was first released in 2017 and since then, it has garnered a massive following of fans who enjoy its engaging gameplay, stunning graphics, and deep storyline. The game is set in the fantasy world of Fire Emblem and players take on the role of a summoner who is tasked with summoning heroes from different worlds to fight against the forces of evil.
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The gameplay in Fire Emblem Heroes is a mix of strategy and RPG elements. Players must carefully position their heroes on the battlefield and make strategic decisions to defeat enemy forces. Each hero has unique skills and abilities, which can be upgraded as the game progresses, making them more powerful and effective in battle. The game features both single player and multiplayer modes, which allow players to engage in battles against other players or work together with friends to complete missions and challenges.
You are watching: Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List, Know More Details About Fire Emblem Heroes Ranked List
One of the key features of Fire Emblem Heroes is the gacha system, which allows players to summon new heroes to their roster. This system is designed to be random, meaning that players never know which hero they will get next. This adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to the game and keeps players coming back for more.
Fire Emblem Heroes is regularly updated with new content, including new heroes, maps, and events. The developers have also listened to feedback from players and have made changes to the game to make it more enjoyable for everyone. This includes improvements to the user interface, changes to the game’s balance, and new features that enhance the overall experience.
There are many resources available for Fire Emblem Heroes players, including the official website and various fan-run websites such as Gamepress. Gamepress is a popular website that provides a wealth of information about the game, including hero data, tier lists, and guides for new players. It also features a thriving community of players who share tips, discuss strategies, and engage in discussions about the game.
Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List
Fire Emblem Heroes is a popular mobile strategy RPG game developed by Nintendo. With a large roster of characters to choose from, it can be difficult to know which heroes are the best to add to your army. That’s why a tier list is often used to rank heroes based on their strength and usefulness in battle. In this article, we will provide a Fire Emblem Heroes tier list to help you build the strongest possible army.
S Tier: These heroes are the best of the best and should be a top priority for any player. They have strong stats, valuable skills, and great versatility in battle. Examples of S Tier heroes include Marth, Ike, and Lucina.
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A Tier: These heroes are also strong, but not quite as powerful as the S Tier heroes. They still have valuable skills and abilities that make them worth considering for your army. Examples of A Tier heroes include Roy, Hector, and Lyn.
B Tier: These heroes are good, but not as strong as the heroes in the A and S Tiers. They still have their uses, but they may require more support or specific team compositions to perform at their best. Examples of B Tier heroes include Tiki, Camilla, and Tharja.
C Tier: These heroes are below average and are not as useful as the heroes in the higher tiers. They may still have some niche uses, but they are generally not as strong or versatile as the heroes in the higher tiers. Examples of C Tier heroes include Anna, Lilina, and Fir.
D Tier: These heroes are the weakest of the weak and are not recommended for use in most situations. They may have some niche uses, but for the most part, they should be avoided. Examples of D Tier heroes include Olwen, Sophia, and Sanaki.
It’s important to note that this tier list is based on a combination of a hero’s stats, skills, and overall usefulness in battle. There are many factors that can influence a hero’s performance, such as the level of their abilities, the player’s playstyle, and the overall team composition. As such, this tier list is only a general guideline and should not be taken as gospel.
Fire Emblem Heroes Ranked List
Fire Emblem Heroes – Tier S Characters
- Fallen Edelgard
- Ascended Fjorm
- Legendary Claude
- Summer Thórr
- Bridal Fjorm
- Brave Dimitri
- Brave Eirika
- Nótt
- Ninja Corrin (F)
- Ninja Lyn
- Legendary Xander
- Brave Alm
- Valentine’s Chrom
- Caineghis
- Plegian Dorothea
- Legendary Tiki (Young)
- Medeus
- Legendary Sigurd
- Ymir
- Thórr
- Fallen Ninian
- Winter Lysithea
- Elimine
- Plumeria
- Ascended Laegjarn
- Summer Caeda
- Loki
- Ascended Celica
- Lewyn
- Legendary Alm
- New Year Peony
- Flame Lyn
- New Year Dagr
- Eitri
- Brave Marth
- Askr
- Yuri
- Brave Edelgard
- Ascended Joshua
- Brave Eliwood
- Valentine’s Lucina
- Ascended Idunn
- Brave Seliph
- Spring Idunn
- Summer Micaiah
- Arden
- Pirate Surtr
- Legendary Leif
- Legendary Nanna
- Masquerade Sigurd
- Pirate Hinoka
- Brave Byleth (F)
- Valentine’s Líf
- Hatari Azura
- Groom Roy
- Winter Bernadetta
- Summer Edelgard
- Mirabilis
- Flame Múspell
- Kjelle
- Summer Dimitri
- Legendary Ryoma
- Groom Rafiel
- Brave Hector
- Reginn
- Halloween Robin (M)
- Múspell
- Valentine’s Rudolf
- Nagi
- Nina
- Ash
- Brave Marianne
- Valentine’s Robin (F)
- Peony
- Halloween Myrrh
- Legendary Byleth (F)
- Bridal Catria
- Picnic Flora
- New Year Fáfnir
- Hatari Karla
- Young Soren
- Winter Altina
- Volke
- Flayn
- Spring Sonya
- Fallen Dimitri
- Legendary Hector
- Scion Leif
- Winter Ephraim
- Velouria
- Mila
Fire Emblem Heroes – Tier A Characters
- Brave Lucina
- New Year Plumeria
- Nifl
- Young L’Arachel
- Hector
- Winter Mirabilis
- Legendary Edelgard
- Ninja Laevatein
- Spring Veronica
- Hector (LA)
- Karla
- Elise
- Ashera
- Brave Celica
- Hatari Nailah
- Legendary Corrin (F)
- Legendary Micaiah
- Kaden
- Young Tana
- Nailah
- Winter Sothis
- Micaiah
- Ishtar
- Fallen Morgan (F)
- Young Eirika
- Naga (Unit)
- Summer Hilda (Three Houses)
- Pent
- Summer Eirika
- Brave Chrom
- Legendary Byleth (M)
- Young Merric
- Brave Ephraim
- Legendary Lilina
- Phina
- Brave Tiki (Adult)
- Halloween Tiki
- Brave Camilla
- Azura
- Halloween Robin (F)
- Young Caeda
- Valentine’s Gustav
- Leila
- Altina
- Brave Micaiah
- New Year Alfonse
- New Year Reginn
- Valentian Palla
- Hoshidan Summer Xander
- Masquerade Lachesis
- Ylgr
- Ryoma
- Legendary Eirika
- Jorge
- Spring Severa
- Yarne
- Picnic Felicia
- Flora
- Finn
- Bernadetta
- Sumia
- Legendary Marth
- Young Mia
- Pirate Naesala
- Summer Claude
- Hinoka (WF)
- Haar
- Canas
- Legendary Lucina
- Summer Nifl
- Halloween Rhea
- Leanne
- Fallen Ike
- Laegjarn
- Hapi
- Lysithea
- Masquerade Eldigan
- Pirate Tibarn
- Soiree Berkut
- New Year Velouria
- Adrift Corrin (M)
- Eir
- Brave Lysithea
- Seiros
- Duma
- Reinhardt (WT)
- Legendary Fae
- Dagr
- Harmonized Mia
- Summer Tiki (Young)
- Spring Maria
- Brave Claude
- Selena (Sacred Stones)
- Young Ike
- Legendary Chrom
- Legendary Caeda
- Morgan (M)
- Bramimond
- Guinivere
- Lex
- Reyson
- Idunn
- Maribelle
- Byleth (M)
- Soiree Ishtar
- Adrift Corrin (F)
- Hilda (Three Houses)
- Soiree Reinhardt
- Fallen Tiki (Young)
- Ninja Igrene
- Legendary Julia
- Brave Roy
- Mareeta
- Rutger
- Brave Ike
- Legendary Deirdre
- Letizia
- Nyx
- Young Innes
- Ayra
- Fallen Mareeta
- Fallen Morgan (M)
- Spring Myrrh
- Fallen Ashnard
- Tibarn
- Flame Tana
- Dieck
- Spring Delthea
- Rhajat
- Triandra
- Ingrid
- Scion Larcei
- Halloween Sothis
- Fallen Corrin (M)
- Sonya
- Ótr
- Legendary Ephraim
- Legendary Azura
- Marianne
- Ullr
- Byleth (F)
- Ophelia
- Flavia
- Masquerade Quan
- Legendary Dimitri
- Tethys
- Mamori
- Ascended Florina
- Nils
- Legendary Celica
- Keaton
- Gunnthrá
- Naesala
- Sara
- Summer Freyja
- Riev
- Charlotte
- Brave Gatekeeper
- Jamke
- Black Knight
- Legendary Lyn
- Soleil
- Zelgius
Fire Emblem Heroes – Tier B Characters
- Lute
- Ninian
- Valentian Catria
- Sain
- Summer Laegjarn
- New Year Kaden
- Aversa
- Soiree Nephenee
- Amelia
- Gangrel
- Linus
- Laslow
- Deirdre
- Erinys
- Performing Olivia
- Azelle
- Zephiel
- Osian
- Cecilia
- Say’ri
- Freyja
- Fallen Hardin
- Legendary Roy
- Malice
- Shiro
- Seteth
- Draug
- Farina
- Libra
- Petrine
- Nanna
- Summer Ashe
- Priam
- Constance
- Fjorm
- Apotheosis Anna
- Valentine’s Ike
- Julius
- Catherine
- Hel
- Edelgard
- Effie
- Lyon
- Larum
- Fallen Lyon
- Valentine’s Alm
- Flame Mordecai
- Igrene
- Kris (M)
- Bridal Nailah
- Legendary Robin (F)
- Helbindi
- Kana (M)
- Winter Sephiran
- Hríd
- Garon
- Legendary Ike
- Leif
- Zeke
- Kagero
- Fallen Robin (M)
- Young Ilyana
- Fallen Celica
- Halloween Nowi
- Yune
- Nemesis
- Young Minerva
- New Year Lyre
- Ephraim
- Saber
- Hoshidan Summer Micaiah
- Kempf
- Gwendolyn
- Winter Marth
- Nino (SF)
- Lene
- Pirate Vika
- Mikoto
- August
- Fallen Julia
- Surtr
- Summer Freyr
- Wolf
- Marisa
- Brave Veronica
- Delthea
- Legault
- Raven
- Brunnya
- Summer Tana
- New Year Azura
- Limstella
- Yen’fay
- Celica
- Summer Dorothea
- Lugh
- Mist
- Laevatein
- Thrasir
- Corrin (M)
- Halloween Hector
- Young Lyon
- Larcei
- Ike
- Arvis
- Olivia (YT)
- Duo Ephraim
- New Year Kyza
- Valentian Est
- Panne
- Ronan
- Owain
- Rinkah
- Thea
- Summer Byleth (F)
- Sue
- Neimi
- Ranulf
- Roy
- Linde
- Bridal Shanna
- Pirate Veronica
- Mia
- Sothe
- Masked Marth
- Chrom
- Hana
- Young Boyd
- Jeralt
- Seliph
- Jill
- Astrid
- Tailtiu
- Myrrh
- Eleonora
- Lucina
- Lethe
- Masquerade Ethlyn
- Annette
- Navarre
- Hugh
- Walhart
- Kaze
- Brave Lyn
- Eliwood
- Shannan
- Halloween Xane
- Reinhardt
- Legion
- Lilith
- Performing Azura
- Ethlyn
- Merric
- Silvia
- New Year Selkie
- Cath
- Valter
- Forsyth
- Duo Palla
- Mordecai
- Itsuki
- Ursula
- Legendary Eliwood
- Clarine
- Plegian Katarina
- Kris (F)
- Veld
- New Year Gunnthrá
- Asbel
- Bridal Tharja
- Olivia
- Fallen Corrin (F)
- Saias
- Kronya
- Kliff
- Leon
- New Year Lethe
- Nah
- Selkie
- Bridal Sophia
- Forrest
- Kana (F)
- Mathilda
- Julia
- Claude
- Young Marth
- Bridal Micaiah
- Adrift Camilla
- Nowi
- Spring Fir
FEH – Tier C Characters
- Sirius (Unit)
- Siegbert
- Fallen Orson
- Petra
- Hawkeye
- Fallen Berkut
- Jakob
- Perceval
- Oliver
- Duessel
- Nino
- Quan
- Spring Sharena
- Performing Shigure
- Lukas
- Cordelia
- Camus
- Nephenee
- Tharja
- Mae
- Hinata
- Dorcas
- Shinon
- Líf
- Shamir
- Performing Inigo
- Spring Est
- Saizo
- Alm
- Morgan (F)
- Soren
- Xander
- Oboro
- Legendary Seliph
- Summer Lyn
- Cherche
- Eirika (SM)
- Karel
- Azura (Young)
- Takumi
- Shigure
- Spring Catria
- Soiree Rinea
- Tsubasa
- Gerome
- Altena
- Gordin
- Stahl
- Fallen Takumi
- Elincia
- Ares
- Dimitri
- Hoshidan Summer Elincia
- Lilina
- Summer Ingrid
- Tobin
- Robin (M)
- Bridal Sanaki
- Kiria
- Marth
- Iago
- Frederick
- Astram
- Orochi
- Sothis
- Gaius
- Caeda
- Clair
- Sophia
- Lloyd
- Genny
- Katarina
- Arthur (Fates)
- Joshua
- Athena
- Ogma
- Fae
- Olwen (WT)
- Virion
- Tiki (Young)
- Faye
- Summer Selena
- Sigurd
- Henry
- Gharnef
- Klein
- Donnel
- Sheena
- New Year Keaton
- Fallen Delthea
- Boey
- Barst
- Eldigan
- Clarisse
- L’Arachel
- Lyn
- Lon’qu
- Gray
- Matthew
- Hoshidan Summer Ryoma
- Exalted Chrom
- Olwen
- Clive
- Ced
- Corrin (F)
- Solon
- Sanaki
- Bartre
- Tiki (Adult)
- Innes
- Palla
- Florina
- Tana
FEH – Tier D Characters
- Catria
- Camilla
- Gunter
- Narcian
- Berkut
- Seth
- Setsuna
- Sully
- Death Knight
- Lissa
- Anna
- Shanna
- Rebecca
- Fir
- Michalis
- Hinoka
- Peri
- Selena (Fates)
- Leo
- Subaki
- Cain
- Roderick
- Abel
- Est
- Odin
- Scion Julia
- Alfonse
- Beruka
- Jeorge
- Titania
- Robin (F)
- Sharena
- Jagen
- Minerva
- Niles
- Felicia
- Jaffar
- Silas
- Eirika
- Oscar
- Raigh
- Luke
Fire Emblem Heroes Characters
Fire Emblem Heroes is a popular mobile game that features a wide range of characters from various Fire Emblem games. In the game, players can collect, train, and battle with these characters, each with their own unique skills, weapons, and abilities.
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One of the most iconic characters in the Fire Emblem Heroes roster is Marth. Marth first appeared in the original Fire Emblem game and has since become a staple of the series. In Fire Emblem Heroes, Marth is a powerful and versatile unit, capable of wielding both swords and lances in battle. He also has the ability to increase the accuracy and speed of his allies, making him a valuable asset to any team.
Another fan-favorite character is Lyn, who first appeared in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. Lyn is a skilled marksman and is known for her agility and speed in battle. In Fire Emblem Heroes, she is able to move quickly and attack from a distance, making her a valuable unit for taking out enemy archers or mages.
Another popular character is Ike, the main protagonist of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. In Fire Emblem Heroes, Ike is a powerful swordsman with high stats and the ability to attack multiple enemies at once. He is also a strong leader, increasing the attack power of his allies in battle.
One of the newest additions to the Fire Emblem Heroes roster is Byleth, the main protagonist of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Byleth is a versatile unit, capable of wielding both swords and magic in battle. They are also able to increase the defense of their allies, making them a valuable asset for protecting weaker units.
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes is a mobile strategy role-playing game (RPG) developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. It was released in February 2017 for iOS and Android devices. The game is set in the world of Fire Emblem and features characters from various games in the series.
In Fire Emblem Heroes, players take on the role of a summoner who can summon heroes from different Fire Emblem games to fight in battles. The gameplay is turn-based and focuses on tactical movement and unit placement. Players can move their units around a map and engage in battles with enemy units. The game features a rock-paper-scissors-type weapon triangle, where weapons have advantages and disadvantages against other weapons.
One of the key features of Fire Emblem Heroes is its gacha mechanic, where players can summon new heroes using orbs, which can be earned through gameplay or purchased with real money. Each hero has unique abilities and weapons, and players can build teams of four heroes to take into battle.
The game also features a story mode, where players can follow the adventures of the summoned heroes as they work together to save the kingdom of Askr from the Emblian Empire. In addition to the story mode, the game also features special events, daily missions, and a multiplayer mode where players can battle against each other.
Fire Emblem Heroes has received positive reviews from both fans and critics, with many praising its addictive gameplay, deep tactical elements, and strong character design. The game has also been a commercial success, grossing over $400 million in its first year of release.
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Category: Gaming