“Found” is a television show created by Nkechi Okoro Carroll and will air on NBC from October 3, 2023. The title character is played by Shanola Hampton, who also serves as a producer on the show. The show, produced by Berlanti Productions and Rock My Soul Productions in partnership with Warner Bros. Television and Universal Television, was renewed for a second season in November 2023. The procedural drama’s storyline captured viewers’ interest, making it a fixture in NBC’s lineup.
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You are watching: Found Episode 12 Ending Explained, Release Date, Cast, Plot, Summary, Review, Where to Watch and More
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Discovery Episode 12 Ending Explained
Gabby’s confession:
- After a long internal struggle, Gabby decides to confide in her friend Dan about a major mistake she made in the past. In this episode, she finally finds the courage to admit her behavior and reaches out to Dhan for support.
Dan’s involvement:
- Dan unknowingly becomes involved in Gabi’s past and plays a crucial role in helping her find a kidnapped man named Jazz. His help leads to the revelation of a deeper connection and the tension between them increases.
Elsa’s kidnapping:
- Elsa is a presumed kidnapping victim, and her case is complex. It was initially believed that as Gabby and her team dug deeper, her story was revealed. An investigation into Elsa’s claims led to an exciting discovery involving a couple who targeted black women.
Gabby’s capture:
- Gabi chases the kidnappers, only to be captured himself. However, Dan put aside his personal issues and informed Jazz about Gabby’s condition. Eventually, Gabi’s team arrived in time to rescue her and another prisoner named Estrela.
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You are watching: Found Episode 12 Ending Explained, Release Date, Cast, Plot, Summary, Review, Where to Watch and More
Dan’s support:
- Despite the disagreement, Dan chose not to criticize Gabi’s decision. Gabi, brooding over her past with her husband, apologizes for her mistake. Dan expresses concern but also supports her, leading to a moment of reconciliation between them.
Gabby’s decision:
- Determined to right the wrongs of the past, Gabby makes a fateful decision. She planned to confess to Trent in the morning, acknowledging the potential consequences. As the first season of Discovery comes to a close, anticipation is building for far-reaching events in Gabi and Sir’s lives.
Discovery Episode 12 Release Date
Episode 12 of Found is released on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 9pm ET, promising heartfelt drama and intense action. The show tells a compelling story as it follows Gabby’s efforts to reunite her family with their loved ones. For those who missed the original release, the episode will be available to watch on Peacock around 3 a.m. ET with subtitles to enhance the viewing experience.
Find the cast for episode 12
throw |
Features |
Shanora Hampton |
Gabriel “Gabby” Mosley |
Mark Paul Gosselaar |
Sir Hugh Evans |
Kelly Williams |
Margaret Reed |
Brett Dalton |
Mark Trent |
Gabriel Walsh |
Lacey Quinn |
Aaron Escapetta |
Zeke Wallace |
Karan Oberoi |
Tan Rana |
Discover the plot of episode 12
Discovery is a procedural drama created by Nkechi Okoro Carroll. The story follows Gabi Mosely, a young recovery specialist and her crisis management team. Their mission is to find missing people ignored by the system. Predictably, their efforts put them at odds with the authorities. Despite the challenges she faced, Gabby remained steadfast and worked tirelessly to reunite her clients with their missing loved ones. The show captures the team’s dedication and emotional journey as they navigate the complex process of finding people overlooked by the system.
Discovery Episode 12 Review
- Episode 12 of “Found” delivers a compelling storyline that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. The plot is full of suspense and emotion, showcasing Gabby Mosley’s determination to solve the disappearance. Each moment adds to the intensity, making it a must-see for those who enjoy gripping drama.
- This episode is an emotional rollercoaster ride that provides a powerful and heartfelt viewing experience. Team members’ personal connections to the cause add depth to the narrative and evoke empathy from the audience. The emotional resonance of the storyline is beautifully drawn, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.
- The cast, led by Shanola Hampton as Gabi Mosely, does a great job. The cast, which includes Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Brett Dalton, Gabrielle Walsh and Aaron Escarpetta, brings depth and authenticity to their characters. Their engaging portrayals contributed significantly to the overall success of Discovery Episode 12.
Where can I watch Discovery Episode 12?
To watch episode 12, viewers can sign up for the Peacock streaming service. Peacock offers a subscription-based streaming service with two main plans. The first is an ad-supported plan that costs $5.99 per month, while the second is an ad-free subscription plan that costs $11.99 per month.
In Season 1 of Discovery, the show delves into the unwavering determination of Gabi Mosely and her team to solve missing persons cases. Their motivation stems from a deep personal connection to the cause, as each team member has first-hand experience with mysterious disappearances. In the series, Shanola Hampton plays the central role of Gabi Mosely. The series also features a strong cast, including Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Brett Dalton, Gabrielle Walsh and Aaron Escarpetta.
Episode 12 trailer found
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Category: Entertainment