Gifts for MPs: Modi Government Hikes Salary and Allowances by 24%! Check their New Salary Structure

New Delhi: Modi’s government announced that salaries, allowances and pensions for members of MPS and retired MPs have increased by 24%, starting from April 1, 2023.

The Parliamentary Affairs Department issued a notice on Monday to increase the monthly salary of MPs from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1.24 lakh, while also increasing their daily allowances and pension benefits.

Revised wages for members of Congress

It is announced that the daily allowance for sitting MPs has increased from Rs 2,000 to Rs 2,500. Former MPs will now earn Rs 31,000 per month in pension, up from Rs 25,000 before.

Allowances and benefits for members of Congress

Here is a breakdown of the various allowances and benefits received by Members of Parliament (MPS):

Allowance Type


Revision (2023)

Monthly salary

Basic salary for members of Congress

€1,24,000 (earlier Rs 1,00,000)

Daily allowance

Participate in parliamentary meetings

Rs 2,500 per day (earlier Rs 2,000)

Pensions for former MPs

Monthly pensions for retired MPs

31,000 rupees (early 25,000 rupees)

Additional pension

Services for more than five years each year

Rs 2,500 per month (earlier Rs 2,000)

Constituency allowance

Pay office fees and voter interactions

Rs 70,000 per month

Telephone and Internet allowances

Annual communication fee allowance


Free domestic flights

Members of Congress and their families

34 classes per year

Train travel allowance

Free top-notch train trips


Mileage allowance

For road trips


Electricity allowance

Free electricity units every year

50,000 units

Water allowance

Free water every year

4,000 kg

Housing allowance

Members of Congress choose official accommodation


Government accommodation

Housing in New Delhi


Additional pension benefits

  • The pension for former MPs increased from Rs 25,000 to Rs 31,000 per month.
  • Members of MPs will receive an additional pension of Rs 2,500 per month for annual services, for more than five years (previously Rs 2,000).

Reasons for salary revision

  • Revision is in Salary, allowances and pension bill members.
  • It is based on the cost inflation index under the Income Tax Act of 1961.
  • This is the first salary revision since 2018.

Updated MP salary and allowances

  • The basic salary that MPs are now receiving is Rs 1,00,000 per month.
  • A constituency allowance of Rs 70,000 was provided for office expenses and voter interactions.

Travel and communication advantages

  • Members of Congress and their families have 34 free domestic flights per year.
  • Free top-notch train trips without any restrictions.
  • Mileage allowance for road trips.
  • Annual allowance for telephone and internet use.

Free utilities and housing

  • There are 50,000 free electricity per year.
  • 4,000 kg of free water per year.
  • Accommodation provided by the New Delhi government.
  • Members of Congress who do not use government housing can choose to have housing allowances.