GK Quiz on Animals: How Sharp is Your Animal Knowledge? Take this Quiz to Find Out!

Are you ready to test your knowledge of the animal kingdom? This quiz goes beyond the basics and challenges you with unique questions (MCQs) about some of the most fascinating creatures on earth. From record-breaking animals to unusual adaptations, these questions will push your animal trivia skills to the limit.

Whether you’re an animal lover or just want to expand your general knowledge, this quiz is perfect for sharpening your mind while discovering some incredible facts. Let’s see how much you know!

1. Which animal can survive for up to two weeks without water?

A. Camel


C. Gila monster


Answer: A. camel

2. What is the only mammal capable of true flight?

A. Flying squirrel

B. bat



Answer: B. Bat

3. Which bird can sleep during long flights?

A. Albatross

B. Falcon

C. Swift

D. Pelican

Answer: C. Swift

4. In which species do males give birth to young?

A. seahorse

B. clownfish

C. Frog

D. Octopus

Answer: A. seahorse

5. What is the only known immortal animal?

A. Salamander

B. Turritopsis dohrnii (jellyfish)

C. Galapagos tortoise

D. Hydra

Answer: B. Turritopsis dohrnii (jellyfish)

6. Which animal holds the record for the fastest running speed?


B. Pronghorn

C. lion


Answer: A. Cheetah

7. What is the only venomous primate in the world?

A. Baboon

B. Rhesus monkey

C. slow loris

D. Tarsier

Answer: C. Slow loris

8. Which sea creature has three hearts?

A. Starfish

B. Octopus

C. Dolphin

D. squid

Answer: B. Octopus

9. Which mammal has the thickest fur?

A. Polar bear

B. Arctic fox


D. sea otter

Answer: D. sea otter

10. What is the longest-lived land animal ever recorded?

A. African elephant

B. Giant turtle

C. Komodo dragon

D. blue whale

Answer: B. Giant turtle

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