GK Quiz on Indian Mythology: Exploring the Depths of Indian Mythology with a Quiz

Filled with gods, goddesses, epics and folk tales, Indian mythology has captured people’s imagination for centuries. Are you ready to test your knowledge of this rich cultural heritage? Put your thinking cap on and embark on a journey through time with this exciting GK MCQ quiz!

1. Which powerful bird is the mount of Lord Vishnu?

A) Peacock

B) Garuda

C) Swan

D) Owl

Answer: B)

2. The epic Ramayana tells the story of Rama’s battle with which demon king?

A. Ravana

B) Hard to beat

C) Hiranyakashipu

D) Mahishasura

Answer: A)

3. The sacred bull Kamadhenu is known for fulfilling what wishes?

A) Grant eternal life

B) Brings wealth and prosperity

C) Cure any disease

D) All wishes are fulfilled

Answer: D)

4. In the Mahabharata, who is the wise man known for his upright teachings?

A) Krishna

B) Yudhishthira

C) Arjuna

D) Bhishma

Answer: B)

5. The powerful weapon Trishul is associated with which god?

A) Shiva

B) Brahma

C) Vishnu

D) Ganesha

Answer: A)

6. Can you name the four Vedas, the ancient sacred texts of Hinduism?

A) Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Upanishads

B) Rigveda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita

C) Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda

D) Puranas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads

Answer: C)

7. What is the name of the celestial weapon held by Lord Vishnu?

A) Trident

B) Sudarshana Chakra

C) Vajra

D) Pasparta

Answer: B)

8. Which celestial river is considered sacred in Hinduism and flows through the Himalayas?

A) Ganges

B) Yamuna River

C) Saraswati

D) Narmada

Answer: A)

9. Which Hindu festival celebrates the victory of good over evil and Lord Rama’s victory over Ravana?

A) Diwali

B) Holi

C) Dussehra

D) Ganesha Festival

Answer: C)

10.Who is the consort of Lord Shiva?

A) Goddess Saraswati

B) Goddess Parvati

C) Goddess Lakshmi

4) Goddess Durga

Answer: B)

11. Who is the “Sun God” in Indian mythology?

A) Agni

B) Varuna

C) Surya

D) Chandra

Answer: C)

12. In the Mahabharata, who of the following was born from sacrificial fire?

A) Black Princess

B) Dronacharya

C) Bhima

D) Nakula

Answer: A)

13. In Hindu mythology, who is considered the goddess of wealth and prosperity?

A) Maa Saraswati

B) Goddess Parvati

C) Maa Lakshmi

D) Makali

Answer: C)

14. In the Mahabharata, who was Arjuna’s charioteer during the Kurukshetra War?

A) Dronacharya

B) Bhishma

C) Karna

D) Krishna

Answer: D)

15.Who is Lord Rama’s father in Ramayana?

Answer: Dasharatha

B) Bharata

C) Lakshmana

D) Vibhishana

Answer: A)

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