GK Quiz on Nikola Tesla: Are You a Tesla Trailblazer? Put Your GK to the Test!

Nikola Tesla, a name synonymous with electricity and innovation, was a truly visionary inventor and electrical engineer whose groundbreaking work in the late 19th and early 20th centuries laid the foundation for the electrical infrastructure and technological wonders of the modern world.

Do you think you know interesting facts about Tesla? This quiz will test your knowledge of his life, achievements, and the lasting impact he left on the world.

1. In what year was Nikola Tesla born?

a) 1800

b) 1856

c) 1884

d) 1900

Answer: b)

2. Where was Tesla born?


b) United States

c) Austria

d) Croatia

Answer: d)

3. What is Nikola Tesla most famous for?

a) Alternating current

b) Incandescent light bulb

c) Direct current

d) Telephone

Answer: a)

4. The principle of Tesla coil invented by Tesla is applied to:

a) Light bulb

b) Radio technology

c) Steam engine

d) Telephone

Answer: b)

5. Who was Nikola Tesla’s opponent in the “War of the Currents” for electrical power transmission?

Alexander Graham Bell

b) Marie Curie

c) Guglielmo Marconi

d) Thomas Edison

Answer: d)

6. How many patents does Tesla have for his inventions?

a) Less than 20

b) About 50

c) 100 or more

d) 300 and above

Answer: d)

7. Tesla was a visionary thinker and was known for his work in which of the following areas?

a) Photography

b) Wireless communication

c) Automotive Engineering

d) Printing technology

Answer: b)

8. When did Nikola Tesla immigrate to the United States?

a) 1849

b) 1876

c) 1884

d) 1910

Answer: c)

9. In what year did Nikola Tesla die?

a) 1943

b) 1969

c) 1899

d) 1900

Answer: a)

10. Where was Tesla’s proposed wireless communications project, the Wardenclyffe Tower, planned to be built?

a) Chicago

b) Toronto

c) San Francisco

d) Long Island, New York

Answer: d)

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