Harry Potter: Every Notable Hogwarts Headmaster In Chronological Order

For the bulk of the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore was the Hogwarts headmaster. For many fans, he will always be the most iconic witch or wizard to lead the school. However, even within the original series, there were a handful of notable Hogwarts Headmasters over the years. Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape, and Minerva McGonagall all held the position during Harry’s time at school (or when he was off chasing horcruxes). Not much is known about the earliest headmasters of Hogwarts, but a few other headmasters are mentioned in the series and ancillary materials.

Dumbledore’s predecessor, Armando Dippet, gets a few mentions and even a scene or two in the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book. Others who occupy their portraits in the Office also appear, such as Phineas Nigellus Black, who plays a much bigger role in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Further pieces of Phineas Nigellus’ reign have also been revealed in the game Hogwarts Legacy. But based on canon, some of the known Hogwarts headmasters are worth remembering as more than just background portraits, and could even play a role in the upcoming Harry Potter Max series.

12 First Unnamed Headmaster (circa 11th century)

c. 11th Century

A statue of the First Hogwarts Headmaster.

Nothing is known about the first of the Hogwarts headmasters, not even their names — but they get a mention for two reasons. First, because none of the four founders themselves were Headmaster of Hogwarts, although each was ‘head’ of their own house. Second, there was a statue of the first headmaster at the school, which is mentioned in passing. This time was a mystery, as even Dumbledore said he didn’t know all the mysteries of Hogwarts, including when it was built and started.

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Unfortunately, the statue of the Architect of Hogwarts was destroyed during the Battle of Hogwarts and was replaced in 1998 by the statue of the first headmaster in the Entrance Hall and another statue was in the Room of Requirement. Even if he didn’t have many other achievements, being the first Headmaster is worth something. He was sent to run the school when it was built in the Scottish Highlands and kept hidden since the 10th century was a very dangerous time for witches and wizards.

11 Phyllida Spore

c. 1408

The talking portraits in Hogwarts.

Sometime before 1408, Phyllida Spore became one of the Hogwarts headmasters though not much is known about her time at Hogwarts. However, if her name rings familiar it’s because she was the author of Harry Potter’s Herbology textbook, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. It’s unknown, though likely, that Spore was a Herbology professor before being promoted to Headmistress.

During her time at Hogwarts, she was involved in leading students during a very violent time in history.

Phyllida Spore got not one, but two portraits at Hogwarts, one of them painted in her middle age, while the other is hung in the headmaster’s office, where she is much younger. Headmistress Phyllida Spore passed away sometime in 1408. During her time at Hogwarts, she was involved in leading students during a very violent time in history, as witch burnings had increased thanks to the Muggles’ fear of magic. Other than that, there is little known about this time in Harry Potter history.

10 Dilys Derwent


Artwork of St Mungos Hospital in Harry Potter

One of the Hogwarts headmasters from 1741 to 1768, Dilys Derwent is described in the series itself as one of “Hogwarts’s most celebrated Heads. Their renown is such that both have portraits hanging in other important Wizarding institutions.” She began as a healer at St. Mungo’s in 1722 before leaving the hospital in 1741 to become headmistress of Hogwarts. This allowed her to have two portraits hung, one in Hogwarts and a second at the entrance of St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

She is mentioned in the series, as her portraits at Hogwarts and St Mungo’s are used to send messages when need be, such as when Arthur Weasley is attacked by Nagini while guarding the prophecy in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. There was not much happening during her time at Hogwarts, although the magical world was in a state of turmoil when the Goblin Rebellion in Great Britain caused two different Ministers of Magic to resign before the bloody war ended.

9 Everard

Unknown Time Period, Highly Celebrated Headmaster

Dumbledore talking to the portrait of Everard

Everard is the second of the Hogwarts headmasters mentioned alongside Dilys as one of the “most celebrated.” Unlike Dilys though, Everard’s second portrait is not at St Mungo’s, but at the Ministry of Magic. He was also involved in important communication between Dumbledore and the others when Arthur Weasley was attacked and between the Ministry and McGonagall when Dumbledore was killed. What he did to become so celebrated as one of the headmasters of Hogwarts, though, is unknown.

There is no word on when he was born, when he died, or when he served as the Hogwarts headmaster. However, it is thought by the clothing he wears in his portraits that he is from either the late 18th or early 19th century. This would likely mean that he served after Dilys Derwent but before Elizabeth Burke. The idea that he could have followed Dilys is interesting because it would have meant two of the best Hogwarts headmasters followed each other in close proximity.

8 Quentin Trimble

Unknown Time Period, Defense Against the Dark Arts Master

Harry Potter game's Dark Arts book.

Quentin isn’t mentioned in the series like some of the other more notable Hogwarts headmasters, but like many, he was also an author. Previous Headmasters have been known to write many books on magic, but Trimble’s is the most significant accomplishment, as he wrote the textbook that would later be used by every student in Defense Against The Dark Arts: The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection.

Quentin Trimble wrote
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

Quentin Trimble’s portrait hangs in the headmaster’s office with the rest. However, whoever painted his name misspelled it, and the mistake was never rectified. Trimble attended Howqarts as a child, but there is no news of when he lived or when he was the headmaster. The main idea is that he served some time in the 19th century, likely before Elizabeth Burke. As the author of the main book about the Dark Arts, it is expected that he experienced Dark Wizards in his time as the Hogwarts headmaster.

7 Elizabeth Burke

Unknown Time Period, Only Slytherin To Hold The Role

Elizabeth Burke portrait at Hogwarts in Harry Potter

Elizabeth Burke was Headmistress of Hogwarts and was one of the few Slytherins to take the job. She may have been related to the Burke of Borgin & Burkes and was known to favor her own house and to encourage her students to be “nasty to Mudbloods” (via the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix video game). From the DVD extras and games, it is known that her portraits hung over the entrances to shortcuts to and from the dungeons that Slytherins could use with a password.

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While it is unknown when she ruled, it is said to have been sometime before 1890, when Phineas Nigellus Black was the headmaster. While she was likely a headmistress in the 1800s, and preferred Slytherins to be nasty to Mudbloods, this was also the same century where the Ministry of Magic passed its laws surrounding the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.

6 Phineas Nigellus Black


Hogwarts Legacy's Headmaster, Phineas Nigellus Black, looking angry.

Phineas Nigellus Black’s unpopular reign began sometime in the latter half of the 19th century, ending before he died in 1925. Notably, Phineas Nigellus is headmaster during the game Hogwarts Legacy in the 1890-1891 school year. During this year, he banned Quidditch due to a pureblood student suffering injuries a year prior. Phineas Nigellus was widely regarded as one of Hogwarts’ most unpopular headmasters, and he was notably prejudiced against those with Muggle ties.

In turn, he finds out that the trio is camping in the forest of Dean, which is how Snape sends his Patronus there to guide the three to the sword of Gryffindor.

During his reign as headmaster of Hogwarts, he attempted to persuade Minister for Magic Faris Spavin to crack down on Hogwarts admissions, likely to skew in favor of pureblood students. He has two portraits, one in the headmaster’s office and one in Grimmauld Place. In The Deathly Hallows, Hermione steals Phineas Nigellus’ portrait from Grimmauld Place to spy on Snape. In turn, he finds out that the trio is camping in the forest of Dean, which is how Snape sends his Patronus there to guide the three to the sword of Gryffindor.

5 Armando Dippet


HP Chocolate Frog Card of Armando Dippet

Headmaster Dippet was one of the Hogwarts headmasters when Dumbledore was working at the school and his immediate predecessor. He was also Headmaster during the time that Tom Riddle went to Hogwarts, and when he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Had it not been for him telling Tom Riddle that the school would close if the attacks continued, it’s possible that the Chamber would’ve remained open, and caused more deaths than just that of Moaning Myrtle. Dippet was the man who expelled Hagrid.

Armando Dippet was also the one to reject Tom Riddle for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts.

It’s possible that Dippet was responsible for hiring Hogwarts professors like Horace Slughorn, Herbert Beery, Silvanus Kettleburn, and Galatea Merrythought. Armando Dippet was also the one to reject Tom Riddle for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts after his graduation, declaring that Riddle was too young for the job.

Possibly the oldest headmaster to ever live, Dippet was born in 1637 and died around 1992, making him 355 years old. Dippet was a capable wizard, as he had a book written about him by Rita Skeeter, and he also had a chocolate frog card, but his specific achievements were not mentioned.

4 Albus Dumbledore

1971-1993, 1993-1996, 1996-1997


Dumbledore is referred to as one of the greatest Hogwarts headmasters and is one of the most powerful wizards of all time. He is certainly considered to be the most powerful wizard of his own time — although much of this may be down to his possession of the Elder Wand. Before becoming headmaster, Dumbledore was the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts, despite being shown as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Fantastic Beasts. He worked under headmaster Armando Dippet.

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It’s difficult to sum up Dumbledore’s time as one of the headmasters of Hogwarts, as he is such a huge figure in the series. He was there throughout Harry’s time at Hogwarts, seeing the second opening of the Chamber of Secrets and the Triwizard Tournament. He finds out the Dark Lord’s ultimate secret and destroys one of his seven horcruxes.

But as Headmaster, he is typically well-liked and respected, and apart from some brief (and well-documented) periods, most of the wizarding world regarded him with respect and mourned his passing. Though he was considered a fair headmaster, his time with Harry at school did see him seemingly lean towards favoring Gryffindor.

3 Dolores Umbridge



Only brought on by Ministry interference, Professor Umbridge barely counts as one of the true Hogwarts headmasters, as she announced herself as Headmistress when Dumbledore fled after Dumbledore’s Army was revealed. While he was on the run, Umbridge became one of the most hated headmasters of Hogwarts of all, with nearly everyone (teachers and students alike) attempting to undermine her. Peeves had a field day, of course, as did Fred and George Weasley, and the Headmaster’s Office even refused to admit her.

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Dolores Umbridge was the most despicable of the Harry Potter villains, though she was convinced of her goodness. This ties directly to her backstory.

Dolores Umbridge’s reign of terror didn’t end after Order of the Phoenix. Instead, she went back to her Ministry of Magic job after turning Hogwarts upside down and being dragged off by a pack of Centaurs. In The Deathly Hallows, she is given even more power as the head of the Muggleborn Registration Committee, demanding to know who they “stole” their magic from.

Deeply prejudiced and repugnant, Umbridge comes in contact with Slytherin’s locket (and Voldemort’s horcrux) after swiping it off Mundungus Fletcher. Following Voldemort’s fall, Dolores ends up imprisoned at Azkaban.

2 Severus Snape



After Dumbledore’s passing, Snape was instated as Hogwarts headmaster — an appointment arranged by Voldemort, who was in control at that point. Arguably even less popular than Dolores Umbridge, Snape had the unfortunate task of keeping Hogwarts students safe and Voldemort happy with his reign of the school. It was because of this that he was forced to hire Death Eaters Amycus and Alecto Carrow to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies.

Capital punishment was the name of the game when Snape was headmaster, as many students were subject to Unforgivable Curses at the hands of the Carrows. Snape’s time as a Hogwarts Headmaster would be short-lived, though. After it was revealed that he was the one to kill Dumbledore, the other teachers drove him out, and he fled to Voldemort, and his death, during the Battle of Hogwarts.

Snape’s death revealed once and for all that he was a double agent.

Snape’s death revealed once and for all that he was a double agent, technically on the side of the light when everything had been pointing to the opposite. Snape’s time as one of the headmasters of Hogwarts was an unfortunate blight on Hogwarts history, as if he were headmaster under any other circumstance it’s possible that his time in power would’ve been much different.

1 Minerva McGonagall

1993, 1997, 1998-2021


Minerva McGonagall is Headmistress more than once in the series and then takes up the position permanently at the end of the original Harry Potter books. The animagus Transfiguration professor, Minerva McGonagall is introduced as the Deputy Headmistress, and generally acts as one of the headmasters of Hogwarts when Dumbledore is away.

Professor McGonagall is the Gryffindor head of house during Harry’s time at Hogwarts, and Fantastic Beasts decided to break canon by including her as a Professor at Hogwarts in the 1930s. Outside of being one of the headmasters of Hogwarts, McGonagall was a member of both versions of the Order of the Phoenix, instrumental in Voldemort’s downfall.

She survived the Second Wizarding War and the Battle of Hogwarts, dueling her way through Death Eaters and adding numerous magical protections to the school. She also received the Order of Merlin and a Chocolate Frog Card. In The Cursed Child, McGonagall is still Headmistress, and unsurprisingly, continues to run the school the way she did her classroom and her house in Harry Potter — firmly, but fairly.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Poster

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Harry Potter PGFamilyAdventureFantasy

Harry Potter is a multimedia franchise about an orphaned boy who enrolls at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family, and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Adapted from the novels, Harry Potter is an eight-episode film saga that follows the journey of Harry Potter and his friends, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, as they navigate the tricky world of growing up, school life, and magic. Starting from year one and moving to their seventh year, the films chronicle the students’ time at Hogwarts while unfurling a sinister plot that centers around the unsuspecting Harry. With the return of the dark wizard, Voldemort, the students and professors at Hogwarts will fight to carry on as the world around them may change forever. Harry Potter has expanded beyond the world of its films and novels with several video games, a spin-off film series titled Fantastic Beasts, and more.

Director Chris Columbus Cast Robbie Coltrane , Rupert Grint , Richard Harris , Daniel Radcliffe , Maggie Smith , Emma Watson Runtime 152 minutes