Boruto overview
“Boruto” is a Japanese manga series created by Ukyo Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto, with Mikio Ikemoto responsible for the art creation. It originally started as a monthly publication in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in May 2016, titled Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, with Kodachi as writer and Kishimoto as editorial director. Later, in July 2019, it transitioned into Shueisha’s monthly magazine, V Jump.
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In November 2020, Kodachi resigned as screenwriter and was replaced by Kishimoto. In April 2023, the series concluded the first part of the story and resumed the second part in August of the same year, titled “Boruto: Two Blue Whirlpools”. Boruto is a spin-off and sequel to Masashi Kishimoto’s beloved series Naruto, focusing on the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki’s son Boruto Uzumaki and his team of ninjas.
You are watching: How Old is Kakashi in Boruto? Does Kakashi Have Sharingan in Boruto?
How old is Kakashi in “Boruto”?
In the “Boruto” series, Kakashi Hatake aged 48 years gracefully. From his revered position as the Sixth Hokage in Naruto, he has transformed into an important character in Konohagakure. As an advisor and mentor to the younger generation of shinobi, Kakashi is a symbol of unwavering devotion to his village.
While losing the Sharingan (a defining aspect of Kakashi’s abilities) may initially raise some questions, Kakashi’s age only adds depth to his character. It brings a wealth of wisdom and experience that enriches his role in the Boruto series, where he remains an unwaveringly respected and formidable figure.
Who killed Kakashi in “Boruto”?
Kakashi Hatake’s fate in “Boruto” is different than what some expected. He did not die in the Boruto series. His most poignant death occurred during the Naruto Shippuden storyline, specifically in episode 159, “Pain vs. Kakashi”, where he faced Nagato (also known as Pain). It should be emphasized that Kakashi’s story does not end here.
He was resurrected after this encounter and went on to play a key role in the storylines of Naruto and Boruto. His character remains an important contributor to the rich narrative of the ninja world, reminding us that even in the face of death, the legacy of an influential character like Kakashi lives on.
Does Kakashi have a Sharingan in “Boruto”?
No, Kakashi did not use the Sharingan in the Boruto series. He lost his Sharingan when facing the powerful Madara Uchiha during the fierce Fourth Ninja War. Although this extraordinary visual ability was briefly revived due to Naruto’s extraordinary strength, this proved to be temporary. Eventually, Kakashi lost his Sharingan again.
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However, in Boruto his strength and prowess comes from a different source – his vast experience, knowledge, and fighting skills gained over the years as a seasoned ninja. His journey proves that the true power of a ninja transcends the limitations of unique abilities and is rooted in the depths of a person’s character.
Kakashi’s role in Boruto
Kakashi Hatake’s character in the “Boruto” series has gone through a transformation from the Sixth Hokage to an advisor and mentor. He played a key role in mentoring the next generation of ninja, including promising young ninjas such as Uzumaki Boruto, Uchiha Saada, and Mitsuki. Kakashi’s significance lies in his ability to pass on his wealth of wisdom, combat experience, and Konohagakure’s core values to these aspiring heroes.
Despite his advanced age and loss of his Sharingan, Kakashi remains respected and influential in the village. His contributions transcended the battlefield and included training future protectors of Konoha.
“Boruto” Kakashi’s Challenges
Kakashi’s journey with Boruto presents him with new and unique challenges. The world has changed, bringing with it new threats, requiring Kakashi to adapt to the changing environment. As a mentor and advisor, he must find innovative ways to protect the village and its residents. This relies heavily on his wealth of experience and strategic acumen.
Additionally, Kakashi faces the complex task of mentoring a generation of young shinobi, each with unique abilities and ambitions. Balancing the preservation of Konohagakure’s legacy with the demands of a rapidly changing world is the core challenge he faces in his ongoing journey in the Boruto series. This delicate balance forms a central theme in Kakashi’s ongoing journey in the Boruto series, showcasing his resilience and adaptability as a mentor and leader in an ever-changing ninja kingdom.
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Category: Entertainment