How to Get Eureka in Spy X Anya: Operation Memories

Spy X Anya: Operation Memories has two main currencies, around which most of the gameplay revolves. Eureka is one of them; you need to obtain them in order to advance the story. Here is a quick guide on how to obtain Eureka in Spy X Anya: Operation Memories and use them to play all the mini-games.

Where to get Eureka in Spy X Anya: Operation Mumies

Obtain Eureka in Spy X Anya

Spy X Anya: Operation Recall revolves around a main story where Anya needs to create an awesome photo diary to show off to everyone, especially Damien. Throughout the story you will learn how to play mini-games, take photos of cool items (interactable items), and go out and have fun.

These activities are linked to each other. You can earn Eureka by interacting with cool items and taking cute photos with them while Anya poses for photos. Days out require you to buy some items so Anya can take photos with them during the trip. Whether going to a park or a museum, you can pose with items purchased with PP and earn more Eureka.

What is Eureka used for?

Volleyball Game Spy X Anya Action Memories

Eureka is mainly used in mini-games. Technically, you don’t need Eureka to play mini-games, but if you have enough Eureka to play mini-games, you will spend them when playing the mini-game and gain PP or player points.

If you don’t have Eureka, you can still play the mini-game, but only in practice mode, without player points. The entire game revolves around this loop:

  1. Eureka through photography
  2. Playing mini games with Eureka
  3. Earn player points to purchase items
  4. Take photos with your belongings when you go out

As you progress through the story, you’ll eventually see cool items that you can interact with and take pictures of, so you can earn some extra Eurekas with these items to play more mini-games.

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