How to Remove Letterboxing in Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition on Steam Deck

Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition runs well on the Steam Deck, and the handheld can easily play it at a locked 60 FPS throughout. There are some graphics settings to tweak, but some key options are missing, such as resolution options or aspect ratio selection. There is also letterboxing in the presentation by default, here’s how to remove it when playing Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition on the Steam Deck.

The 20th Anniversary Edition of Beyond Good and Evil on Steam Deck will remove the black border

To remove the letterboxing effect from Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition on the Steam Deck, you will need to set the scaling mode to Stretch in the Steam Deck’s performance menu.

Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Steam Deck Extension

While playing a game, click the three dots button on the right side of the Steam Deck. This will open the quick access menu. Select the Performance tab and scroll down until you see Scaled Mode. Set it to Stretch and you’ll see the image change dynamically.

We tried forcing 720p or 900p externally, but for some reason the resolution is not applied correctly and you still see the black edges. That’s why changing the scaling mode to stretched is the only way.

A lot of work has obviously gone into the remaster, so it’s even more odd that there’s no resolution option in the settings. The Steam Deck should be able to handle higher resolutions through downsampling. We really hope the developers add more options to tweak in the in-game settings, because it’s currently sorely lacking.

If you play on PC, make sure to uncap the frame rate and set it higher than 60 FPS if your monitor has a high refresh rate. This game is not very demanding, which is why it runs well on Steam Deck.

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