How to Upgrade Weapons in The First Descendant

The First Descent throws a lot of weapons at you, but most are worse than others. However, if there’s a specific type of weapon you like but are having a hard time finding ones with high DPS, you can upgrade them with weapon transfers. Here’s how to upgrade weapons and improve your DPS stat in The First Descent!

Where to upgrade your weapons in The First Descendant

The first descendant of the workbench

To upgrade your weapons, you need to go to a workbench. You can find it near Deslin, the weapons merchant in Albion. Deslin has a weapon icon next to him, and he is near the area where you can research new spawns or upgrade modules.

Interacting with the workbench, you will see four options:

  • Weapons-grade transmission
  • Weapon Adjustments
  • Enhance unique abilities
  • Reactor enhancement

Weapon level transmission first generation successor

Weapon Level Transfer will turn any weapon into an upgraded version if you own another weapon of a higher base level. For example, let’s say you are level 34 and get a level 34 weapon drop. You own a level 24 hand cannon, but you can’t find any hand cannons of your level. You can use Weapon Level Transfer to combine your hand cannon with another level 34 weapon to upgrade it to level 34. This method does require some Phase Converter Materials, so it’s recommended that you don’t upgrade your weapon until you’re very late in the game.

Weapon Adjustment First Generation Descendants

Weapon tuning only applies to purple rarities and above. Since weapon tuning manipulates the properties of an item, any weapon below purple does not need any properties adjusted. If your weapon has a reduced recoil property or a critical hit chance for a gun, you can lock all of those properties in the weapon tuning page by selecting them.

Once locked you can then re-tune the weapon to get the new properties on the weapon. The locked properties will remain and you will continue to roll other properties until you get the properties you want. These require some re-tune materials, such as the Control Axe.

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