Incredibly Realistic FPS Bodycam Debuts in Early Access but Fails to Deliver

The extremely realistic first-person shooter Bodycam debuts but fails to deliver an enjoyable experience due to technical issues and a lack of content. Will Bodycam be the start of the next major shooter franchise, or is it just an over-the-top tech demo with no substance?

Bodycam is one of the world’s first ultra-realistic first-person shooters developed with Unreal Engine 5 and is a visual masterpiece. The game looks so realistic that it’s disturbing. Bodycam is a multiplayer shooter where you can play modes like body bomb or deathmatch, as well as engage in standard shooter gameplay. Apart from the realistic flashbang effects and combat system, the game doesn’t offer anything revolutionary in terms of gameplay, but it’s a step towards the exciting world of modern realistic gaming.

That being said, the highlight of the game right now is the graphics. Most people have praised the game’s visuals and ambition to reinvent the genre, but many have said that the game lacks content and technical polish to justify its $29.98 price tag, especially in Early Access. The game currently has 7,571 reviews on Steam, 2,296 of which are completely negative. These mixed reviews all point out similar issues with the game. Here are some of those Steam reviews.

Bodycam Steam ReviewBodycam Steam Review

From lags and glitches to poor technical optimization to a lack of playable content to poorly designed gameplay features and even cheaters, Bodycam faces a myriad of issues that frustrate players. Many reviews have suggested that players should wait for Reissad Studio, the developer behind Bodycam, to fix its issues and implement new updates in order to provide players with more playable content.

Bodycam needs more development time before it can be released to the world. While it still leaves a lot to be desired, Bodycam is the beginning of a new generation of shooters, and that’s something that all fans of the genre should be happy about.

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