Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made history by becoming only the third Indian Prime Minister to deliver 11 consecutive Independence Day speeches, following Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. He delivered his most recent speech on August 15, 2024 – his first since winning his third term in office.
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- Jawaharlal Nehru: The first Prime Minister of India, Nehru delivered 17 consecutive Independence Day speeches.
- Indira Gandhi: India’s only female Prime Minister, she delivered 16 speeches, 11 of which were consecutive.
Modi first gave an Independence Day speech in 2014, and he has addressed the nation every year since then. His speeches are known for their length, with an average of about 82 minutes, and his longest speech was in 2016, which lasted 94 minutes.
You are watching: Independence Day 2024: Narendra Modi Becomes 3rd PM to Deliver More Than 10 Speeches
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This significant achievement demonstrates Modi’s continued influence in Indian politics and his ability to engage with the public through these annual speeches. In addition to providing a forum for policy announcements, the Independence Day speech is an opportunity to honor our nation and build relationships with the public. Modi often mentions different organizations and initiatives in his speeches, which highlights the focus areas of his government.
When the length and content of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech is compared with the speeches of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, PM Modi’s uniqueness lies in this.
Length of speech
- Narendra Modi: Modi set a record of an average speech length of 82 minutes, with his longest speech reaching nearly 100 minutes in 2024. Over the years, the length of his speeches has increased, with his speeches in 2016 lasting 94 minutes and in 2020 and 2021 lasting 90 minutes.
- Jawaharlal Nehru: Nehru’s inaugural speech in 1947 was only 24 minutes long, much shorter than Modi’s speech. His longest speech was 72 minutes.
- Indira Gandhi: Gandhi’s longest speech was 54 minutes in 1972. She also gave shorter speeches, some as short as 14 minutes in 1966.
Speech content
- Narendra Modi: Modi’s speeches focus on ambitious national goals and initiatives, such as achieving a “developed India”, skill development, and technological self-sufficiency in semiconductor production by 2047. His speeches typically include policy statements, reflections on national pride, and criticism of opposition parties, especially the Congress Party, which he accuses of underestimating the capabilities of the Indian people.
- Jawaharlal Nehru: Nehru’s speeches often reflected the goals and difficulties of a newly independent country. In calling for national development and progress, he stressed the importance of unity, self-reliance, and hard work among the Indian people. Notably, in a 1959 speech, he called for greater diligence among the Indian people and expressed concern about the Indian work ethic.
- Indira Gandhi: Gandhi often stressed the value of perseverance and active participation in social progress in her speeches, which often touched on social issues and national unity. In her 1974 speech, she stressed the dangers of complacency and urged individuals to take responsibility for promoting social change.
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Compared to Nehru and Gandhi’s speeches, Modi’s speeches are longer and more focused on contemporary issues and future visions. Modi’s style is a blend of policies, criticisms, and motivational speeches for a modern audience, while Nehru and Gandhi’s speeches were more about laying the foundations for the newly independent country and addressing immediate social issues.
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Category: Optical Illusion