IQ Test: Are you a genius? Then guess the country name in 5 seconds!

A brain teaser is a puzzle that tests the reader’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It involves solving riddles or picture puzzles, finding hidden objects or bugs, or cracking codes.

Practicing challenges like these regularly can help improve problem-solving skills and provide a healthy workout for your brain.

Are you a genius?

Let’s find out now!

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Visual skills test: find the hidden cat in the picture in 7 seconds!

IQ test: guess the country name in 5 seconds

Source: YouTube

In the picture shared above, the readers are shown a jigsaw puzzle.

The challenge for readers is to guess the name of the country by deciphering the emojis and symbols in the picture.

This brain teaser question will be a great test of your intelligence.

Your time starts now!

Take a look at the image and study it carefully.

Did you find the name of this country?

Hurry up, time is running out.

Study the image carefully, notice the emojis and symbols, and try to find the closest country name you can think of.


Time is up.

Congratulations to those readers who identified the country within the specified time.

You are very smart.

Those who don’t know can scroll down to find the solution.

Also read:

If you can solve this math problem in 8 seconds, your IQ is 140!

Guess the Country: Solution

The name of the country is Cambodia. It is a combination of camera and body emojis and the letter a.

If you enjoyed solving this brain teaser, share it with your friends and family to see who performs best.

Also, check out more cool challenges in the Recommended Reading section below: