secret invasion
“Secret Invasion” is a miniseries produced by Marvel Studios exclusively for the streaming service Disney+. The series was created by Kyle Bradstreet and is based on the popular Marvel Comics storyline of the same name. As the ninth TV series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), “Secret Invasion” has continuity with the film series. The show revolves around Nick Fury and his allies as they try to stop the Skrulls from invading Earth.
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Kyle Bradstreet leads the show’s writing team, with Ali Selim serving as director. “Secret Invasion” premieres on Disney+ on June 21, 2023, with a total of six episodes. This highly anticipated series is the first of Phase 5 of the Marvel Universe, giving fans an exciting new chapter in the vast Marvel Universe.
You are watching: Is Agent Ross Dead in Secret Invasion? What Happened to Agent Ross in Secret Invasion? Is Agent Ross Always a Skrull?
Did Agent Ross die during the covert invasion?
Whether Agent Ross died during the covert invasion remains a mystery. Ross agrees to pass the information on to Fury, but their meeting takes an abrupt turn when Prescod suspects Ross is a Skrull. A confrontation breaks out between Rose and Prescod, leading to a struggle for survival. In a desperate act of self-defense, Ross managed to overpower Prescod, causing his death. With the evidence in hand, Ross realizes he must escape and contacts Maria Hill for immediate evacuation.
As Rose ran towards the designated rendezvous point, an unexpected development occurred. A mysterious man who speaks in Russian begins to pursue Rose relentlessly. During a thrilling chase, Ross finds himself in a dangerous situation and ends up falling off a building. Miraculously, he landed directly in front of Hill’s car, narrowly escaping further danger.
However, the danger is far from over. Hill attempts to save Ross, holding his Russian-speaking pursuer at gunpoint. To everyone’s surprise, the pursuer reveals his true identity as Talos, played by Ben Mendelsohn. Shockingly, “Rose” underwent a transformation, returning to his natural Skrull form upon death. This fact proves beyond doubt that the conspiracy they revealed is indeed real.
This series of events further intensifies the plot, raising questions about the extent and complexity of the Skrull’s infiltration. Ross’s encounter with Prescod and the subsequent chase involving Talos added a layer of suspense to the ongoing conspiracy, leaving viewers eager to learn what the secret agenda was all about.
What happened to Agent Ross in Secret Invasion?
The first episode of the series begins in Moscow, as Agent Ross, played by Martin Freeman, travels through the city’s backstreets. He enters a hidden safe room and meets Agent Prescod, played by Richard Dormer. Inside the room, Ross finds Prescod completely immersed in conspiracy theories, with newspaper clippings hanging on the walls. Prescod confidently asserts that these recent terrorist attacks are not just coincidence but part of an elaborate plan.
He claims that the Skrulls are a shape-shifting alien race who are plotting a secret invasion of Earth by assuming the identities of others to avoid detection. Ross initially dismissed these claims, claiming that there were only a limited number of Skrulls on Earth and that he did not believe they posed a significant threat. Furthermore, he was hesitant to contact Nick Fury, a man experienced in dealing with Skrulls, without concrete evidence.
However, Prescod insisted that he had such evidence and continued to show it to Rose. The nature of the evidence remains hidden from the audience, but it clearly affects Ross and makes him uneasy. As events unfold, Rose’s behavior becomes increasingly bizarre. Nonetheless, he offered to pass the information on to Fury. Before he could do so, however, Prescod suddenly launched himself at Ross.
While the attack seemed sudden, it was clear that Prescod suspected that Ross had been replaced by a Skrull and was aiming to prevent the spread of evidence. The opening episode left viewers curious and questioning the truth behind Prescod’s claims. Rose’s encounter with Prescod and the unexpected attack not only add an element of mystery, but also raise questions about who can be trusted.
Was Agent Ross always a Skrull?
In the prologue scene of Secret Invasion, Agent Ross is revealed as a Skrull, and shocking revelations unfold. The series begins with Agent Ross traveling to Moscow to visit the paranoid Agent Prescod.
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Prescod is convinced that a rogue faction of Skrulls is behind a series of seemingly unrelated terrorist attacks. During the melee, Ross accidentally killed Prescod, causing the situation to escalate further. Soon after, he found himself being relentlessly chased through the city streets by an unknown assailant.
The chase climaxed when Ross fell from a building and died on impact. As his lifeless body undergoes a startling transformation, it becomes clear that he was actually a Skrull all along. The truth is further revealed as Rose’s suitor is none other than familiar character Talos, who teams up with Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders). The sequence leaves the audience with many questions and uncertainties.
It’s unclear if Ross was recently replaced by a Skrull, or if he was a Skrull in disguise in previous appearances (such as in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever).
Since this appears to be an isolated prologue, the full details surrounding Ross’ transformation and his history as a Skrull remain uncertain. It remains to be seen whether subsequent events in the series or future projects in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will unravel this mystery.
Who plays Agent Ross in “Secret Invasion”?
Agent Everett Ross, played by Martin Freeman, reprized his role as a CIA agent in Black Panther (2018) and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022). In “Secret Invasion,” Ross becomes a key figure after receiving vital intel about an impending Skrull invasion. This newly discovered information comes from Agent Prescod, played by Richard Dormer.
After analyzing the intelligence provided by Prescod, Ross came to a decisive conclusion: Nick Fury, stationed on the SABER space station, must be recalled to Earth to confront and solve the upcoming Skrull threat. Ross recognized the gravity of the situation and realized that Fury’s expertise and involvement would be necessary to effectively counter the invasion.
Ross’s key role in gathering and understanding information sets the stage for the unfolding events in Secret Invasion, and he becomes a central figure in the battle against the infiltrating Skrulls. Audiences can expect Martin Freeman’s revenge on the character, as Ross plays a vital role in the fight to protect Earth from this secret alien threat.
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