Dream Movie 2023
“Dream” is an inspiring 2023 South Korean sports comedy film that follows the extraordinary journey of talented football player Yoon Hong-dae (played by the charismatic Park Seo-joon). The film is written and directed by famous film producer Lee Byung-hun and stars the talented Lee Ji-eun. Together they brought this touching story to the big screen.
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The story revolves around Yoon Hongdae, who faces a major setback after being disciplined, which shakes his football career to its core. Fate did not give up and had something extraordinary in store for him. He was assigned the challenging role of coaching the homeless national football team in the prestigious Homeless World Cup.
You are watching: Is Dream Based on a True Story? Plot, Trailer and Cast
As the plot unfolds, viewers are on an emotional roller coaster ride, witnessing the transformation of a once self-centered athlete into a compassionate and dedicated coach. Yin Hongdae’s journey not only rekindled his passion for the game, but also brought a sense of purpose and hope to his life.
Is the dream a true story?
Yes, “The Dream” is a true story. The 2023 Korean sports comedy film “Dream” is inspired by a very real and impactful event – the Homeless World Cup Championship. Organized by a respected association, this annual competition runs throughout the year and culminates in the much-anticipated World Cup finals.
The main goal of the Homeless World Cup Foundation is to address and ultimately eliminate homelessness on a global scale. The Championship is a platform that supports individuals facing homelessness, providing them with the opportunity to showcase their skills, determination and potential through the medium of sport.
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While The Dream utilizes fictional events and characters to tell its compelling story, it also pays homage to the spirit and mission of the real-life tournament. The film revolves around Yoon Hong-dae, a football player facing personal challenges who finds himself in the unique position of coaching a national football team made up of homeless people in the prestigious Homeless… World Cup.
In conclusion, while The Dream weaves a fictional story around the Homeless World Cup, it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of real events. The Homeless World Cup Foundation remains a beacon of hope, working tirelessly to change the lives of people around the world and end homelessness.
Dream movie cast list
actor |
Features |
Park Seo Joon |
Yin Hongdae |
IU (played by Lee Ji-eun) |
Li Sumin |
Kim Jong-soo |
Jin Huandong |
Gao Changxi |
Quan Xiaofeng |
Zheng Shengji |
Sun Beomshu |
Li Xianyu |
Kim In-sun |
Liang Xianmin |
Full text soo |
Hong An-pyo |
yingzhen |
Xu Junxi |
Huang Renguo |
Li Honey |
Byeongzo |
Li Zhixian |
Jinju |
Baek Ji-won |
Sunja (Hongdae’s mother) |
Cao Youzhong |
casters |
Dream movie plot
“Dream” revolves around the compelling character of Yoon Hong Dae, portrayed with extraordinary depth by the talented Park Seo Joon. Hongdae was once a promising football player, but his life took a dramatic turn when a game went terribly wrong.
In a moment of confusion and frustration, he attacked his teammate Park Sung-chan in front of the whole world, leaving everyone baffled by his actions. The coach is angry at Hongdae’s decision, and to make matters worse, a reporter asks him about his mother who is on the run, triggering an emotional outburst in which he punches Hongdae in the eye.
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The repercussions of this incident were severe, as the federation found Hongdae guilty, damaging his reputation. To save his image, the PR team stepped in and hatched a plan to rename him “Ho-rak.” They believe this new role will provide Hongdae with an opportunity to rebuild its reputation and return to playing football.
As part of the program, Hao Luo is reluctantly asked to coach a Korean homeless football team. The federation organized the Homeless World Cup as a fundraiser, seeing it as Haura’s chance to redeem herself. Filmmaker Lee So-min joined the project to document the process, hoping the documentary would help restore Ho-rak’s reputation.
Initially, Hongdae had no intention of coaching a team made up of homeless people, but his financial situation and desire to provide a better life for his fugitive mother forced him to accept the opportunity.
Throughout the film, viewers witness Hongdae’s transformation as he deals with the challenge of coaching a diverse and resilient group of homeless players. As he leads his team to the World Cup of Homelessness, he discovers the true meaning of compassion, teamwork, and the healing power of the sport he loves.
Dream movie trailer
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Source: https://dinhtienhoang.edu.vn
Category: Entertainment