Kill the stalker
Killing Tracks is a South Korean psychological horror manga written and illustrated by Koogi. The story revolves around Yoon Bum, a young man with a troubled past who becomes obsessed with Oh Sangwoo, a former military man who once saved him from a traumatic event. However, when Bum sneaks into Sangwoo’s home, he discovers a horrifying truth: Sangwoo is a sadistic serial killer.
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The story delves into the dark and abusive relationship that develops between the two characters, exploring themes such as manipulation, trauma, and the consequences of obsession. The series has received attention for its strong psychological elements and complex character dynamics, leaving a lasting impression on readers.
Killing Tracks ending explained
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In the final chapters of Killing Tracks, the story takes a dark and disturbing turn. Oh Sang-woo is revealed to be a callous serial killer who causes serious harm to the main character Yoon-beom. Despite Yoon-beom’s previous love for Sang-woo, their relationship becomes abusive and manipulative. The series ends tragically, with Sang-woo controlling Yoon-beom until the very end.
The ending leaves the reader feeling hopeless and underscores the psychological damage done by the characters’ twisted relationships. The story highlights themes of obsession, violence, and the devastating consequences of toxic relationships. Killing Tracks is a chilling exploration of the human psyche and the disturbing dynamics that can unfold between individuals caught in a web of darkness and manipulation.
Killing Stalking Conspiracy
Killing Tracks tells the unsettling story of Yoon Beom, a young man struggling with mental illness and a troubled past. His obsession with Oh Sang Woo, the soldier who once saved him, leads Yoon Beom to break into Sang Woo’s home. Inside, he discovers a captive woman and uncovers Sang Woo’s dark secret as a serial killer. Yoon Beom is caught in the act and faces brutal consequences when Sang Woo sprains his ankle.
Despite Bum’s initial feelings for him, Sangwoo draws him into an abusive and manipulative relationship. The storyline delves into themes of obsession, trauma, and the devastating effects of toxic relationships, creating a chilling story that explores the complexities of the human psyche and relationships.
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When will “Killing Stalker” be released?
Killing Stalking was first released on March 3, 2016, and the series ran until March 22, 2019. It is a Korean comic created by Koogi with a gripping storyline that combines elements of drama, horror, and psychology.
The series, which gained popularity for its intense narrative, was originally published online in Korean and English by Lezhin Comics. The story follows a young man with a troubled past who becomes entangled with a peer who harbors a dark secret. The success of Killing Tracks brought it widespread recognition and won the 100 million KRW Grand Prize at the 2nd Lezhin World Comics Contest.
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Category: Entertainment