london ladies
London Ladies is a reality television series that premiered on Bravo in June 2014 and follows the lives of six women living in London as they navigate their social, business and family responsibilities. The original cast included Juliet Angus, Caprice Bourret, Marissa Hermer, Annabelle Neilson, Noelle Reno and Caroline Stanbury. During each season, the cast changed, with Julie Montague, Caroline Fleming and Sophie Stanbury joining in subsequent seasons.
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The show received positive feedback, prompting Bravo to renew it for a second season in 2015, which aired in September of that year. Subsequently, in April 2016, the show was renewed for a third season. Unfortunately, designer Alexander McQueen’s muse Annabelle Neilson passed away in July 2018.
“London Ladies” has three seasons and 29 episodes, giving us a glimpse into the challenges and friendships faced by this group of London women. From executive producers Omid Kahangi, Jane Tranter and Travis Shakespeare, the show captures the essence of their lives in this vibrant city for reality TV fans Creates a compelling story.
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You are watching: Ladies of London Where are They Now? Where is the Cast of Ladies of London?
where are the ladies of london now
As of the latest news, the cast of “Ladies of London” have embarked on different paths in life.
Caroline Fleming:
Caroline Fleming made her debut in season 2 as a Danish character. During quarantine, she shared a photo with a special man. Her oldest child is now an adult, and her other two children are 12 and 8 years old.
Caprice Bray:
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Caprice continued her television career after the first season, appearing in various British reality shows such as The Jump, Celebs on the Farm and Dancing on Ice. In 2019, she married Tycomfort and they have two sons.
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You are watching: Ladies of London Where are They Now? Where is the Cast of Ladies of London?
Juliet Angus:
Juliet is a social media influencer while raising two children with husband Gregor Angus. She focuses on fashion, travel and beauty on her website and is a regular at London Fashion Week.
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You are watching: Ladies of London Where are They Now? Where is the Cast of Ladies of London?
Julie Montague:
Julie and her husband, Viscount Hinchinbrooke, continued to manage and expand Mapleton Estate in England. She runs her own blog and teaches yoga. She will be featured in a series titled “Aristocratic America’s Guide to Great Estates.”
Noel Renaud:
Noelle did not return for the second season after the tragic death of her then-boyfriend. In November 2016, she gave birth to her first child with her boyfriend Nick Perks. She values the friendships she has gained, especially with Caprice.
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You are watching: Ladies of London Where are They Now? Where is the Cast of Ladies of London?
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Sophie Stanbury:
Caroline’s former sister-in-law Sophie continues to work as an interior designer in the UK. She co-hosted the podcast “Caroline and Sophie’s Keeping It Real” until November 2019.
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You are watching: Ladies of London Where are They Now? Where is the Cast of Ladies of London?
Caroline Stanbury:
Original cast member Caroline Stanbury divorced husband Cem Habib in 2019. There were rumors that she was interested in joining The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but she seemed happy to take time for herself.
Where can I watch “Lady of London”?
You can watch London Ladies on a variety of platforms. It can be streamed on fuboTV, Peacock Premium, NBC, USA Network, and Bravo TV. If you want to own it, the show can be purchased and downloaded on Apple TV, Amazon Video, Vudu, and Google Play Movies. So whether you want to watch it live or anytime, there are plenty of options to watch the series on these popular platforms.
London ladies overview
The following table columns represent an overview of the “Ladies of London” program:
type |
reality tv show |
Starring |
Juliette Angus/Caprice Bourre/Marissa Helmer/Annabelle Nelson/Noelle Reno/Caroline Stanbury/Caroline Fleming/Julie Mun Tagu/Sophie Stanbury |
country of origin |
original language |
English |
number of seasons |
3 |
Number of episodes |
29 |
executive producer |
Omid Kahangi, Jane Tranter, Travis Shakespeare |
production location |
London, UK |
camera settings |
Various |
production company |
adjacent works |
original version |
June 2, 2014 – February 7, 2017 |
network |
bravo |
London ladies trailer
fashion trends
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Category: Entertainment