Locked: 7 Biggest Differences Between Bill Skarsgård’s Remake & The Original Thriller

The following contains spoilers for Locked, now playing in theaters as well as 4×4, now streaming on Tubi

Locked takes a lot of narrative departures from the film that inspired it. Starring Bill Skarsgård and Anthony Hopkins, the film centers on Eddie, a street criminal who finds himself trapped inside the custom luxury car belonging to a wealthy (and dangerous) doctor named William. The film is the English-language remake of 4×4, an Argentinian thriller directed and co-written by Mariano Cohn. Both 4×4 and Locked begin with a similar set-up, although Ciro and Enrique prove to have different personalities than their American counterparts.

Locked and 4×4 ultimately diverge in their endings, with both movies taking different moral tracts and concluding in very different manners. For Locked, the narrative remains focused on Eddie and William, highlighting Eddie’s growth and the lesson of his arc. By contrast, 4×4 takes on a more wide-scope perspective on society at large. The result is two films that start in a similar place but end in very different tonal places.


Locked’s Eddie Is Way Less Awful Than 4X4’s Ciro

Ciro Crosses Some Serious Moral Lines That Eddie Won’t


The largest difference between Locked and the Argentinian film that inspired it, 4×4, can be found in their central character. Both films largely follow the same set-up, following a small-time criminal after he breaks into a vehicle that he then can’t escape. However, Locked‘s Eddie is a very different character than 4×4‘s Ciro. From the on-set, Eddie is portrayed in a somewhat sympathetic light. For all his faults (and there are plenty of them), his love for his daughter and his growing regret over his treatment of her gives him a compelling and understandable arc.

By contrast, audiences don’t spend any time with Ciro’s family before he breaks into the car, during which is he is more dismissive and crude. Ciro steadily crosses some huge moral lines that Eddie never would, with the main characters of both films having very distinct opinions about the use of murder. Ciro’s story also features a far harsher ending than the one Eddie gets, who survives and ultimately thrives after his arc concludes.


Ciro’s Gunwound Is Worse Than Eddie’s

William Saves Eddie From The Physical Suffering Enrique Condemed Ciro To

4x4 Film 3

In both Locked and 4×4, the person trapped in the car is a career criminal with the supplies necessary for that lifestyle. After injuring themselves trying to break out of the car, both men pull out a pistol and try to break the glass with a gunshot. Ricocheting off the bullet-proof windows, the bullet ends up hitting both Eddie and Ciro in the leg. In Locked, this injury is a major problem for Eddie in the short-term, but William saves him after he passes out from blood loss by bandaging up his wounds.




Locked Clip Sees Bill Skårsgard Try To Punch His Way Out Of A Car

Exclusive: ScreenRant presents a clip from the new horror/thriller Locked in which Bill Skårsgard does everything he can to try and escape a car.


This establishes William’s profession as a doctor and teases that he’s a lot more in control of the situation than Eddie (or the audience) initially realized. It also means the leg injury is more or less resolved as a plot beat. By contrast, William’s equivalent in 4×4 is Enrique, a doctor who doesn’t make a similar effort to help Ciro. As a result, Ciro’s injury festers and becomes infected. This plays into the harsher treatment of Ciro as a character, who has a daughter like Eddie but doesn’t have as much of the story focused on his relationship with her.


Ciro Is Trapped In The Car A Lot Longer Than Eddie

4×4 Keeps Ciro Seperated From The Rest Of The World For A Longer Time


Both Eddie and Ciro spend a lengthy period in the car in their respective storylines. However, Ciro has a far rougher experience that is implied to last much longer. Eddie is stuck in the car for a few days, which is enough time to inflict serious physical and mental exhaustion. However, the more injured Ciro is trapped long enough for his mind to start snapping under the pressure, ranging from visions of murder to eating paper. This plays into 4×4‘s overall harsher treatment of Ciro over how Locked treats Eddie.

Eddie’s torture in Locked is more fast-paced and mental, while Circo suffers a longer physical and mental torment through 4×4.

While Eddie suffers plenty of injuries over the course of the film, William is more focused on the cerebral side of their antagonism. He threatens Eddie’s daughter in a way that Enrique never endangers Ciro’s family. In fact, Ciro’s wife and child are given a small fortune by the doctor in contrast to William almost running over Eddie’s daughter Sarah as a means of mentally breaking Eddie. Eddie’s torture in Locked is more fast-paced and mental, while Circo suffers a longer physical and mental torment through 4×4.


William & Enrique Both Have Daughters (But Only One Of Them Is Alive)

William Is More Overtly Villainous In Locked

Locked Anthony Hopkins

One of the big steady reveals of Locked is William’s motivation to keep Eddie trapped. William eventually reveals that his daughter, who also lived in the city, was killed during a mugging. Driven into a vengeful rage against the general concept of the criminal class who had taken her away from him, William had his car constructed and waited to take revenge on the next criminal who targeted him. This grim reveal has a connection to the original film, but the doctor’s daughter in 4×4 actually survived her encounter with criminals.

During a conversation early in the film between Enrique and Ciro, the former reveals that his daughter and grandson were robbed at gunpoint in their home. However, despite Enrique’s grandson having a gun pointed at his head for hours, both of them survived the experience. The pair are revealed to have moved to Barcelona. Enrique’s rage, as revealed in the climax, stems more from his fury over constantly hearing “at least nobody got hurt.” It’s still an attack on a family member that breaks his view on society, but it doesn’t kill the daughter.


Ciro Escapes The Car On His Own (Before The Finale)

Eddie Doesn’t Escape Until After William Has Crashed The Car

4x4 Film 5

Ciro and Eddie both escape the car eventually, but Ciro does it quicker in the narrative. After a lengthy period that exhausts and mentally breaks both Ciro and Eddie, Enrique and William join them in the car. Using a gun and the electroshock seats that his car has, William is able to keep Eddie in submission long enough to get him tied up and incapable of making an escape attempt. This sets up William to join Eddie for a drive that leads to the climax of the movie.

Film Title

Year Of Release

Country Of Origin








David Yarovesky

Michael Arlen Ross

Bill Skarsgård

Anthony Hopkins



United States of America

Mariano Cohn

Mariano Cohn & Gastón Duprat

Peter Lanzani

Dady Brieva

By contrast, Enrique is distracted by a phone call when he sits next to Ciro. Putting his gun down, Enrique is caught by surprise when Crio musters enough strength to grab the gun, shoot him, and make his escape. It’s another show of the difference between Eddie and Ciro as characters, as Ciro proves quicker on the draw and more willing to use lethal methods. A slightly injured Enrique catches up to him but is spotted by the police, setting up a very different third act of 4×4 from the one that Locked uses.


Locked’s Torture Remains A Secret (And Is More Public In 4X4)

The Climax Of 4×4 Takes Place In Front Of The Cops


Custom Image by Yailin Chacon

Locked never reveals what William has done to the public, which is a departure from the ending of 4×4. In Locked, William eventually joins Eddie in the car and drives away from the city with a bag of tools in the backseat. William intends to kill Eddie and dispose of his body, but Eddie is finally able to get one over on William and deactivates the car at a critical moment, leading William to crash and give him a chance to escape. Eddie doesn’t seem to tell anyone what has happened, returning to his old situation as a changed man.

This is where the real difference between Locked and 4x4 comes into play

By contrast, the arrival of the police turns the confrontation between Ciro and Enrique into a much more public spectacle. Holding Ciro at gun-point, Enrique rails against the system in front of a crowd of police officers, negotiators, and onlookers. This sets up the real third act of the film, where Ciro becomes a passive observer while Enrique squares off with the police negotiator Julio. This is where the real difference between Locked and 4x4 comes into play, as the public’s reaction to Enrique speaks to the theatic core of the film.


The Endings To Locked And Ciro Are Completely Different

4×4 Has A Way Darker Ending Than Locked

4x4 Film 6

While both films are bleak and paint a grim portrait of modern times, Locked is ultimately a far more uplifting movie than 4×4. Locked is ultimately about a bad guy who learns to appreciate the things he has instead of focusing on the way the world has treated him. He escapes William’s grasp and ends the film reunited with his family. Locked is a dark film, but it’s one with a flawed but sympathetic protagonist who learns an important lesson. By contrast, 4×4‘s ending is more concerned with pointing an accusatory finger at society.

Cornered by the police, Enrique calls on the public to support his claims that the world is broken — and many agree. It’s a far darker ending, with the town becoming split on whether or not Enrique is justified in his actions. By making William’s vendetta more personal and keeping it out of the purview of the public, it comes across as a self-contained villainous act. Enrique’s decision to kill himself and the far darker Ciro being arrested afterward highlights how the themes and ending of 4×4 take on a far darker perspective than the conclusion of Locked.


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Release Date

March 20, 2025


95 minutes


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