Only the most intelligent minds can spot the second man in the bar in 8 seconds!

The word illusion is derived from the Latin verb illudere, meaning to ridicule or deceive. Visual illusions are cleverly crafted images that can deceive human perception and are a straightforward test to determine intelligence and visual acuity.

Optical illusion puzzles are very popular among netizens because they are highly attractive and can also improve problem-solving skills.

Do you have a high IQ?

Let’s find out!

READ ALSO: Only a genius can spot a fake millionaire in five seconds!

Visual illusion: Find the second person in 8 seconds

Source: American Puzzle Cards

The image shared above is a vintage puzzle card in which a bartender can be seen pouring a glass of liquor.

But who is this wine made for?

Can you find him in 8 seconds?

Your time starts now!

Test your observation skills with this retro optical illusion puzzle challenge.

Examine the image carefully.

Have you found the second man?

Anyone with a keen eye would have spotted the second man in the bar first.

Take one last look at the image before time runs out.


time up.

How many of you managed to find the second person?

Congratulations to those who succeeded in finding the second man; your level of intelligence is extraordinary.

Those who are still looking for a solution can stop looking and check out the solution below.

Also read: If you can figure out who is faking illness within 7 seconds, you have a really high IQ!

Finding the Second Person: Solution

Turn the image upside down to reveal the second person. He appears in the bartender’s beard.

Isn’t that interesting?

If you enjoyed this optical illusion challenge, don’t forget to try out more challenges in our recommended reading section below.

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