Onyx Storm Signets Explained: Every New Power & Who Has Them

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros.In Rebecca Yarros’ recently released Onyx Storm, several new signets are introduced to the storylines, helping to expand the magic system found within the Empyrean Series novels. Signets are abilities or powers that riders can channel through a bond with their dragon. These abilities are always unique to the rider, based on their relationship with their dragon and their overall deepest needs, making no two signets exactly alike. While several Fourth Wing characters already have powerful signet abilities, Yarros makes sure to increase this number in Onyx Storm.

Some signets in Fourth Wing‘s magic system are thought to be more common, with a select few signets achieving a truly rare status among the riders. Where at first both Violet and Xaden’s powerful signets were thought to be the exception, Yarros makes sure to give her other characters in Onyx Storm a power boost as well. Some of the new signets found in Onyx Storm have also been alluded to in previous Empyrean books, while other signets have evolved past their known abilities, becoming stronger than ever previously recorded.



Aaric Greycastle’s Signet

The cover of Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros against a background with blue lightning and pink and orange

Custom Image by Yailin Chacon

For most of Onyx Storm, it’s assumed that Aaric — a first-year rider also known as Cam Tauri — has not yet developed his signet ability. However, once he’s revealed to have the power of precognition, there are several moments throughout the narrative in which his signet’s presence is evident. Precognition grants Aaric the ability to see into the future, and while this is very similar to General Melgren, who has the specific ability of battle foresight, Aaric’s signet is less limited in what he can see.

Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros Book Cover


Onyx Storm’s Most Annoying New Character Confirmed A Popular Violet Theory

There were many promising theories ahead of Onyx Storm’s release, but one regarding Violet was proved right, albeit with the most annoying character.


The use of Aaric’s precognition signet can be seen during several scenes in the early narrative. The first is when Aaric pulls Lynx out of the way of an opened door, and later when he instructs Violet to protect the Dunne Temple in Aretia, provides Violet with the weapon to kill Thehiophanie, and sends Sloane to help save Mira. These moments before his signet reveal felt incredibly random, but looking back, they were cluing readers into his signet manifestation and what he can do. Yet this is likely just the surface of what his precognition will accomplish in future novels.


Rock Wielding

Imogen’s Second Signet

Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros turned at an angle and a city being rained on with lightning

Custom Image by Yeider Chacon

Rock wielding is one of the signets that is incredibly rare, and in Chapter 7 of Onyx Storm, Sawyer even tells Violet that he “can’t think of a single rock or earth wielder in [their] history“. This ability has barely been discussed throughout the narrative, so the full extent of what the signet can do is unknown. However, the signet’s early mention in Onyx Storm happens to help set up Imogen’s second signet reveal. Onyx Storm finally confirms that those with a rebellion relic have the ability to wield a second signet, and rock-wielding just so happens to be Imogen’s secondary one.

This is the only moment Imogen’s second signet is displayed, but it’s assumed to operate as other elemental signets do, giving Imogen the ability to transform or manipulate rocks, or the earth, at will.

During Onyx Storm‘s final battle, Imogen and Dain are readying to attack a venin from behind, but the dark wielder turns around and sends a blast of fire straight at them. It’s at this moment that Imogen’s rock-wielding abilities are seen as Imogen transforms a normal shield into a rock that can withstand a fire blast. This is the only moment Imogen’s second signet is displayed, but it’s assumed to operate as other elemental signets do, giving Imogen the ability to transform or manipulate rocks, or the earth, at will.


Air Wielder

Garrick’s First Signet

Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros Book Cover

Custom image by Yeider Chacon

Garrick’s signet was kept under wraps throughout both Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, and it’s not until Onyx Storm that Yarros officially confirms what Xaden’s best friend can accomplish through his bond to his dragon. Garrick’s officially recorded signet is air-wielding, giving him the ability to manipulate the air in strong gusts of wind.

This can be seen when he helps to train cadets during Xaden’s signet sparring class. On multiple occasions, Garrick is depicted using his wind to blow weapons far out of another person’s hands and counter other strong elemental signets, like fire and ice-wielding. Violet first confirms this during their conversation in Samara, noting Garrick’s air-wielding signet still couldn’t have gotten him to her location as fast as it did.


Distance Wielder (Walker)

Garrick’s Second Signet

A custom image of Onyx Storm and Iron Flame with a mountain-filled blue and red background.

Custom Image by Yeider Chacon. 

However, like Xaden and Imogen, Garrick is one of the many riders known as “the marked ones,” or in other words, a child of the Tyrrish Rebellion. Thus, his rebellion relic also grants him a second signet ability. Garrick’s second signet is distance wielding, providing him with the ability to “walk” from one place to another hundreds of miles away, in only a matter of seconds. This is first revealed during Garrick and Violet’s interrogation with the silver-haired venin, Theophanie, during which she calls Garrick a walker.



Onyx Storm Set Up THAT Garrick Reveal More Than A Year Earlier

Onyx Storm was able to set up that major Garrick reveal more than a year earlier, adding even more possibilities to The Empyrean Series.


In Onyx Storm‘s later chapters, Garrick is seen utilizing this ability as he walks to both Cordyn and Basgiath to retrieve Jack Barlowe and bring him to Theophanie in the Rybestad Chest. Iron Flame also alluded to the potential unveiling of this signet. When Violet is attempting to guess what Xaden’s second signet could be, she brings up the possibility of distance wielding. This is another signet that Xaden claims hasn’t been seen in centuries, making it incredibly rare and powerful.


Dream Walking

Violet’s Second Signet

Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros book cover

Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Violet’s second signet was debated for over a year, the duration of the hiatus after Iron Flame‘s release, especially after Rebecca Yarros let readers know it did manifest in the second Empyrean book. Thankfully, Onyx Storm finally confirms the power Violet has been gifted by her second dragon, Andarna. Towards the end of the narrative, Violet and Xaden both discover her second signet is dream walking, lending her the power to enter into other characters’ dreams and witness their worst nightmares. This is discovered when both characters awake from a nightmare, and Violet’s just so happens to be the exact description of Xaden’s.

This signet is the type that others cannot shield themselves from, and Violet would be able to enter someone’s mind in their most vulnerable state.

The dream walking signet is also considered to be a type of inntinnsic ability, as it is a mental power that gives Violet access to another’s mind. However, Xaden believes Violet’s is even more dangerous. This signet is the type that others cannot shield themselves from, and Violet would be able to enter someone’s mind in their most vulnerable state, likely without their knowledge. Her power also allows her to “meddle,” which is why she is able to speak with Xaden, and alter his dreams throughout Onyx Storm.


Storm Wielding (Evolved)

Theophanie’s Signet

Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros with a blue stormy background and blood splatters

Custom Image by Ana Nieves

Storm wielding is not necessarily a newly introduced signet, but, the level of power shown through Theophanie’s abilities proves the signet has evolved. Violet’s mother, General Lilith Sorrengail, was also a storm wielder, and an incredibly powerful one. Storm wielders are typically given the power to manipulate the weather, and both Fourth Wing and Iron Flame show Violet’s mom creating powerful rainstorms.

However, Theophanie’s signet has evolved past the rudimentary basics of storm wielding, and she possesses abilities even Violet’s mom did not have. Theophanie, in addition to the typical skills of a storm wielder, can conjure massive tornadoes that can toss dragons and their riders from the skies, and enact mass levels of destruction. After everything Onyx Storm reveals about the venin, including their agelessness and immortality, it’s clear Theophanie has had decades to hone her signet abilities into what they have become, making her signet more powerful than those with mortal lifespans.


Ice Wielding (Evolved)

Ridoc’s Signet

Onyx Storm book cover on smokey background

Custom Image by Yeider Chacon

Ridoc has the signet ability to wield ice, gifting him with the power to freeze, melt, or wield ice as a weapon at will. This signet is considered to be one of the more common abilities that rider cadets will manifest. However, in Onyx Storm, Ridoc’s power seems to have grown immensely. This is first seen early in the book, as Ridoc, in a passionate attempt to relay to Violet why he needs to be on the “quest squad,” extracts all the water from an orange in his hand, and cracks it in half.

While Violet and her friends are stunned, Ridoc admits that he’s been attempting to hone and evolve his skills, clearly testing out every possibility that comes with being an ice wielder. Ridoc eventually gets to put his new skills to the test during the final battle in Onyx Storm, in which he pulls all the water out of a wyvern’s body, cracking it in half, and kills it. This is the only other signet ability aside from Violet’s that has proven to work effectively against the venin-made beasts.



Kylynn’s Signet

The cover of Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros and a green forest background

Custom Image by Yeider Chacon

Kylynn, also nicknamed “Battle-Ax” by Violet, is a member of Aretia’s assembly and a leader in the revolution. While her character is briefly introduced in Iron Flame, and it’s known she’s a rider, her signet was never revealed before. However, during a brief interaction between sisters Mira and Violet in Onyx Storm, Yarros adds another unique signet ability to the Empyrean Series’ magic system — that of an agrarian.

Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros turned at an angle and a city being rained on with lightning


Onyx Storm Ending Explained

Onyx Storm has an ending on par with those of Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, and here are the biggest things that happen during the book’s conclusion.



Violet’s response to Mira’s revelation confirms that an agrarian is someone who can manipulate plants and nature, although the extent of this ability has yet to be seen. Onyx Storm could be foreshadowing Kylynn’s power to have a more utilitarian use, such as speeding the growth of crops to provide supplies, or she could just use plants as actual weapons. Knowing Yarros doesn’t drop details like this without a reason, it’s expected the agrarian signet ability will play a larger role in a future Fourth Wing novel.

Onyx Storm Book Cover

Onyx Storm


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Violet Sorrengail faces new political intrigue and battles old enemies while uncovering the secrets of her second signet. As she strives to save Xaden from venin corruption, her relationships with allies and dragons are tested, leading to intense confrontations and unexpected revelations in a world of dragons and magic​.




Entangled: Red Tower Books

Publication Date



The Empyrean Series




Rebecca Yarros
