Optical Illusion IQ Challenge: Only 1% with high IQ can find three ducklings in the picture in 7 seconds!

The word illusion is derived from the Latin verb illudere, meaning to ridicule or deceive. Visual illusions are cleverly crafted images that can deceive human perception and are a straightforward test to determine intelligence and visual acuity.

Neuroscientists often use these images as a medium to study the complexity of the brain and how our brains interpret the world around us.

Optical illusion puzzles have become a favorite among Internet users. Not only are they fun, but they also help improve problem-solving and lateral thinking skills.

Are you one of the top 1% of puzzle solvers?

Let’s find out!

READ ALSO: Visual illusion tests your IQ: Find the penguin in the jungle in 4 seconds!

Optical IQ Challenge: Find the three little ducks

Source: Pinterest

In the picture shared above, we can see a mother duck waddling around in a pond.

She is searching for something.

Her three little ducks are hiding.

Can you find them in 7 seconds?

This will be an excellent test of your vision.

Your time starts now!

Examine the image carefully.

If you pay attention to the details in the picture, you might be able to spot the three little ducks.

Visual readers will be able to identify the three ducklings the quickest.

Did you find them?

Look around the picture, they are hiding somewhere.

Hurry, the clock is ticking.

Take another quick look at the image to see if you can spot the three ducklings.


time up.

Stop looking!

How many of you can spot all three ducklings within the time limit?

Readers who can find the three little ducks in 7 seconds are among the top 1% of puzzle solvers in the world.

Those who failed to spot the duckling can try again to improve their observation skills.

Now, let’s check out the solution.

READ ALSO: Riddle IQ Test: If you can answer these 5 tricky riddles in 10 seconds, you have a high IQ!

Find the three little ducks: Solution

The three ducklings are hiding in three different areas of the pond. The locations of the ducklings are marked with circles.

If you like this optical illusion challenge, share it with your family and friends to see who can solve it the fastest.

Before you go, don’t forget to try out some more challenges in our recommended reading section below.

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