Optical Illusion: Only hawk eyes can find the hidden frog in 7 seconds!

Optical illusions are clever visual effects that make us see something differently than it actually is. These illusions demonstrate how our brains process visual information and remind us that our perceptions are not always as accurate as we think they are.

Visual illusions can be roughly divided into three categories: literal illusions, physiological illusions, and cognitive illusions.

Optical illusion puzzles are one of the most popular pastimes among Internet users today because they are highly engaging and can enhance brain capabilities.

Do you have the sharpest eyes?

Find out now!

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Optical illusion: Find the hidden frog in 7 seconds

Source: Reddit

In the picture shared above, an outdoor scene is presented to the reader.

There was a little frog hiding in the stone.

Can you spot it in 7 seconds?

Test your visual acuity with this challenge!

Your time starts now!

Examine the image carefully.

If you pay attention to the details in the picture, you might be able to spot the hidden frog pretty quickly.

Visual readers will spot the frog faster than others.

Did you find it?

Because of the way it’s mixed in, it can be hard to spot the frog at first glance.

Hurry, the clock is ticking.

Quickly check the image again.


Time is up.

Stop looking!

How many of you can find the frog?

Congratulations to those readers who completed the challenge within the allotted time.

You people have the sharpest eyes.

Those who have trouble finding the numbers need to practice more such challenges regularly to improve their observation skills.

Now, let’s check out the solution.

Also read:

Word Search Puzzle: Find the word “pass” in 9 seconds!

Find the Hidden Frog: Solution

On the left side of the picture you can see the hidden frog, it is the same color as the stone.

If you like this optical illusion challenge, share it with your family and friends to see who can solve it the fastest.

Before you go, don’t forget to try out some more challenges in our recommended reading section below.