Personality Test: Your Face Shape Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits

Face Shape Personality Test: Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered if the shape of your face reflects your inner self? For centuries, physiognomy (the practice of assessing personality through facial features) has been practiced by cultures around the world. Physiognomist Jean Haner has delved into this connection, arguing that the structure of our faces can provide insight into our basic personality traits and how we respond to challenges in life.

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Research has shown that there is an interesting connection between face shape and personality. A study titled “LinkedIn Profile Physiognomy Based on Face Shape” has shown that profile photos uploaded to LinkedIn can be used to analyze the personality of a job seeker or contact by examining their face. The study further states that with technological advancements, profile photos on social media pages can be used to predict someone’s personality and improve physiognomy.

Research in the 1990s showed that three elements of a person’s personality – strength, warmth and honesty – could be accurately inferred by looking at their facial features.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery into the fascinating world of face shapes and personalities?

Share this fun face personality test with your friends and family so they can also discover their personality traits based on the way they hold their phone.

Personality Test: What Does Your Face Shape Reveal?

Face shape reveals personalityTake a look at the picture above to see what face shape you have. Your face shape reveals surprising personality traits. Read more about the personality traits associated with your face shape below.

1. Personality traits of an oval face

Personality traits of an oval face

If you have an oval face, your personality traits suggest that you may have a muscular or athletic physique, according to research. You may be practical, methodical, and tend to be a workaholic. Women with oval faces are often competitive and focus on careers rather than family. You may often have difficulties in relationships due to your inflexible personality.

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You can be difficult to get along with and be accepted by others because you are very picky about who you let into your life. You set high standards for yourself and others. You can be stubborn, decisive, short-tempered when boundaries are crossed, and very meticulous. You can’t ignore things or red flags. You can be very detail-oriented, focused, and visionary. You may like power and a position of affluence.

2. Round face personality traits

Round face personality traitsIf you have a round face, according to research, your personality traits suggest that you may be emotional, sensitive, and caring. You may exude cheerfulness, attentiveness, thoughtfulness, and reliability. You may also be an over-giving person due to your soft-spoken, generous, kind, gracious, trustworthy, forgiving, helpful, easy-going, and nurturing nature. You may often prioritize the happiness of others over your own.

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You are usually able to form stable relationships. You may be good at handling relationships smoothly. You may be extremely attractive, or more commonly find yourself with too many suitors. This may be due to your round face, which makes you look younger than your actual age. You may often be told that you have a baby face.

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