Planet of Lana Walkthrough, Guide and Gameplay

Planet of Lana Wiki

“Planet of Lana” is a puzzle-platform game developed by Wishfully Studios and published by Thunderful Publishing in 2023. It is available for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. The game follows the story of Lana, a teenage girl, and her cat companion Mui, as they navigate a fictional planet that has been invaded by hostile alien machines. 

Drawing inspiration from cinematic platformers like Inside, the game also incorporates visual elements inspired by the renowned films of Studio Ghibli.

Upon its release, “Planet of Lana” garnered generally positive reviews from critics. The game’s art direction, storytelling, and sound design were particularly praised. However, some criticism was directed towards the lack of innovation in its puzzles and its relatively short length.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough

1) Home

The beginning of “Planet of Lana” serves as a tutorial to familiarize players with the game mechanics. The protagonist, Lana, receives a call from her sister and the player takes control of Lana. By following the prompts, players navigate through the introductory area. They move to the right, drop down, go to the left, crouch under a wall, and follow their sister as they climb buildings. They eventually fall into the water and swim to the left, reaching a boat that leads them to the market area.

Inside a butcher’s shop, players must crouch and sneak past the butcher when she isn’t looking. Successfully sneaking past unlocks the Sneaky Sisters’ achievement. Continuing onward, Lana reunites with her sister on a taller platform. They find a cart, which they push to the left and use to reach an upper platform. Moving quickly is necessary as the cart rolls back to the right. Eventually, Lana’s sister is captured in a cutscene.

Regaining control of Lana, players run back to the right. They encounter a flying robot with a surveillance camera, which can be avoided by crouching in tall grass. Moving when the robot flies away, they proceed through a village overrun by alien invaders. Players continue running and swimming, avoiding the surveillance bots until they reach a safe moment to proceed.

Further ahead, there is a wall blocking the path. Players tear it down by following on-screen prompts and crawl through while the surveillance bot flies over the roof. They encounter a spider bot and wait for it to turn around before running underneath. After it turns back, they run to the right and outpace the surveillance bot. Dropping into the water, they tear down a wall in a cave and hide inside. Using a rope, they climb ledges in the cave until reaching the other side. Players continue until a cutscene concludes the Home chapter and progresses to the Alone chapter.

2) A New Friend

In the game “Planet of Lana,” players encounter various puzzles and challenges as they progress through the story. When faced with a large gap and an extended platform, players instruct their cat companion, Mui, to stop on flowers while they run and jump over the gap using the extended platform. They continue by standing on the next set of flowers to extend another platform and have Mui follow them across the gap.

In subsequent sections, players navigate through different environments, utilizing Mui’s abilities and following on-screen prompts. They crawl, climb ropes, break down obstacles, and interact with various objects. Mui’s actions, such as climbing on rocks and breaking ropes, assist players in advancing.

Players encounter surveillance bots and aliens along the way, and they learn to hide in tall grass and send Mui to different areas to manipulate the environment. They must coordinate their movements to avoid detection and progress through the level.

At certain points, players discover secret shrines that unlock achievements. They push carts, break wooden planks, and solve platform-based puzzles. They also encounter traps and obstacles that require careful navigation and problem-solving.

The chapter concludes with a cutscene, and players proceed to the next chapter titled “Secrets In The Dark” by dropping down ledges and continuing to the right.

3) Secrets In The Dark

As you continue your journey in “Planet of Lana,” you venture deeper into a cave. You come across a luminescent plant, and by commanding Mui to stand on it, the path ahead is illuminated. Running and jumping over chasms, you reach another light source where you can call Mui back to your side.

In this cave, you encounter several light sources, and you instruct Mui to stop at each one to light the way. As you progress, you reach a light source that is out of your reach. Commanding Mui to stand on it reveals a rope that you climb to proceed. Along the way, you encounter a spider, and with the use of light, you navigate past it by commanding Mui to create darkness and then light again.

Continuing through the cave, you eventually reach a large door blocking your path. By commanding Mui to climb above it, the door opens. You enter a dark area with temporary light sources, running amidst mysterious cave paintings. Paying attention to the symbols depicted in the paintings, you solve a puzzle involving moving slides on pipes. Once solved, you open a door and obtain an amulet, unlocking the “A Key From The Past” achievement.

After obtaining the amulet, you command Mui to interact with flowers, opening a path to a lower ledge. Hanging from the ledge, you drop down and continue to the right. Along the way, you encounter a sleeping slug, which you maneuver by commanding Mui to move and push it, allowing you to climb higher platforms.

Finally, you reach a slope where you slide down, completing the chapter and progressing to “The Highlands.”

4) The Highlands

In this section of the game, proceed towards the right until you reach a slope where you slide down. There, you’ll encounter a puzzle. Position your pet to the right to extend the platform, and move the crate towards the middle of the two platforms. Flip the switch to raise the crate. Now, crawl through the opening on the left and jump up the platforms. From there, you can jump to the upper right and call back your pet. As you progress, you’ll come across a large wooden structure with a platform in the upper right and a weight in the lower left. Run past it and climb up the rope.

To unlock a shrine, swing on the rope to build momentum. When you swing to the left, you’ll see a ledge on the right wall. Jump to this ledge to find the shrine. Discovering this shrine will unlock the “Finding Secret Shrine 5/10” achievement.

Afterward, climb up the rope again. You’ll notice that this area is too high for your pet to follow. At the top of the rope, jump to the left and take the lower path. Jump onto the platform to lower it. Once it’s on the ground, command your pet to stand on it. Now, return to the right side. You’ll notice that the weight of the platform is not enough to keep it raised with just the pet. Climb the rope again and call back your pet at the top. Proceed towards the upper left path now that you’re reunited. Command your pet to jump up to the rope and lower it so you can climb up and continue to the right.

Next, you’ll need to navigate past another robot. It will jump along the lower platforms and patrol the topmost platform. Wait for the robot to be at the top and jump to the platform underneath it. When the robot is looking to the left, command your pet to go through the hole to the right. Quickly instruct your pet to burrow through the hole to avoid being seen by the robot. Climb up to the tall grass in the upper left when it’s safe, and then command your pet to dig through the hole again. The robot will spot your pet and chase after it, so immediately command your pet to dig to safety. Climb to the highest platform and jump down towards your pet when the robot jumps back to the lower platform. By doing this, you can continue safely. Proceed along the path to the right to complete this short chapter and enter The Swamp.

5) The Past

In “Planet of Lana,” you continue your adventure by running ahead and interacting with a control panel to open a door. You swing across a rope and drop down to the right, sliding down a slope and reaching another rope. From there, you jump down to the right and continue onwards.

You encounter an area with an electrified floor. Sending Mui under the electrified platform, you interact with a switch to cut off the power, allowing Lana to safely cross. As you continue running, you enter a dark room with a monster below. Commanding Mui to wait on a switch, you lure the monster away and quickly cross the electrified floor, activating it with Mui to kill the monster. Proceeding forward, you tell Mui to lower a rope and climb up.

As you run ahead, you come across a projection depicting how the creatures came to Earth. Shortly after, you drop down and press a button to extend a bridge. Commanding Mui to stay on a switch, you cross the bridge and instruct Mui to retract it. After recalling Mui, you run to the right.

In the next area, you command Mui to climb up to a switch in the top left. Two objects on tracks need to be pulled into the water, and you swim to the right side. Instructing Mui to activate a switch, the water becomes electrified. Lana activates another switch to extend a bridge, and Mui deactivates the power and climbs up to join you. Crossing the extended bridge, Mui lowers a rope, and you climb up the platforms and follow Mui to the right.

Swinging on a rope, you reach a platform to the right and interact with a control panel, receiving a bracelet and unlocking the “In Control” achievement. Continuing ahead, you hop onto a platform that lowers your weight.

In a tricky area, you jump to the far left and activate a computer terminal. Using the terminal, you control an elevator and position it correctly. Moving quickly, you reach the platform before it lowers completely and flips a switch below. Opening a vent, you return to the computer terminal and position it in the same area. Commanding Mui to wait on the platform, you adjust the elevator again, ensuring it is positioned above a wire that Mui can break. Flipping off the power and having Mui break the wire, you successfully navigate the obstacle.

With the bridge lowered, you return to the computer terminal one last time, positioning it above the gap between the bridge and a top left platform. Using the terminal, you reach the bridge and continue to the right. Sliding down a slope shortly after, you complete this chapter and proceed to “The Ocean.”

6) The Swamp

In this section, we encounter a small creature that dislikes water. To help it cross water obstacles, we push a log into the water and swim with it to create a path. We command the creature, named Mui, to hop onto the log and swim to the other side. At another water section, we dive into the water and extend a platform using flowers. Mui follows us across the extended platform, and we continue our journey.

There is a hidden shrine in a wall to the right before proceeding. Finding it unlocks an achievement. We then use the extended platform to jump to the next area and leave Mui behind temporarily with a digging worm. By interacting with the worm, we raise the water level and swim across. After lowering the water level again, we call Mui back to us and proceed.

Another hidden shrine is found by swimming into a wall on the left side. We swim to the right, climb a rope, swing on it, and reach a platform to the left. We remove some boards for Mui to rejoin us, and together we explore a cave. We continue running and eventually reach a log.

We raise the water level slightly to get the log over a platform, lower it again, and carry the log to the left. After raising the water level all the way, we swim to the left with the log and recall Mui to join us. We swim to the right, exit the water, and guide Mui to open a path in a cave ahead. Climbing ropes and platforms, we move to the right above to complete this chapter and progress to the next one, called “The Past.”

7) The Turning Tide

In this section of the game, there are several steps you need to follow:

  • Find the pig: Move forward until you locate the pig.
  • Use Mui to interact with the pig: Send Mui into a small opening and have it make eye contact with the pig. This will allow you to control the pig’s actions.
  • Extend the platform: Push the pig to the flowers on the far right to extend the platform. Climb up this platform with Lana.
  • Manipulate the pig’s movement: Pull the pig back to the left so that Mui is positioned below Lana in the small opening. Break the gaze between Mui and the pig, causing the pig to charge at Mui and hit its head on a rock. Quickly jump to the right and recall Mui as you do so.
  • Escape the pig: Continue moving to the right and climb the platform ahead to escape from the pig. Command Mui to climb this platform and push down the rope to create a way for Lana to climb up and proceed.
  • Next, you will encounter a surveillance bot:
  • Hide from the surveillance bot: Conceal yourself in the tall grass until the surveillance bot flies away.
  • Crawl through a small opening: After the bot passes to the left, crawl into the small opening depicted in the provided image.
  • Navigate past the surveillance bots: Hide in the bushes to evade the surveillance bot as it moves to the left. Run and jump over the black substance on the ground, which slows you down. Hide in the tall grass again and wait for the bot to pass to the left. Move only when it is safe, and crawl through the small opening in the wall ahead.

You will then encounter a puzzle involving a surveillance bot and black vines:

  • Command Mui to climb the upper platform: Instruct Mui to climb the platform before the black substance and lower the rope.
  • Swing over the black substance: To avoid the deadly black vines in the substance, position yourself at the lowest point of the rope and swing over it. Jump at the end.
  • Control the surveillance bot: Crawl under the platform ahead and use the computer terminal to control the surveillance bot. Fly with the bot and eliminate all the vines you encounter, including the ones behind you.
  • Reach the shrine: Before losing control of the bot, fly to the highest platform where a shrine is located. Place the bot on the flowers to extend the platform above the rope to your left.
  • Proceed through the level: Drop back down to the left and continue to the right. Pass through the area where the vines were eliminated. Jump into the water and climb the platforms using the rope. Swing across when you reach it. Drop down to the far right and head back to the left. Move a log to open a door, then command Mui to cross the water on the log. Continue to the right, climb the extended platform, and rescue more captured villagers.
  • In the next section, you will encounter another surveillance bot and a pig:
  • Hide from the surveillance bot: Use the tall grass to avoid being detected by the surveillance bot.
  • Lure the pig: Find a pig to the far right and attract its attention towards the surveillance bot. Hide with Mui in the tall grass while leaving the pig exposed, so the bot spots and eliminates it.
  • Extend platforms: Push the pig’s carcass to the right, extending the lowest platform. When the surveillance bot starts flying to the left, quickly position Mui on the left set of flowers, causing the two lowest platforms to extend.
  • Climb up and recall Mui: Ascend the platforms and promptly recall Mui before the surveillance bot notices it. Control the surveillance bot: Access the computer terminal and use it to control the surveillance bot. Fly the bot up to the top platform and place it on the flowers, extending the highest platform.
  • Use Mui on the flowers: Climb up the extended platform and place Mui on the same set of flowers as shown in the image provided.
  • Return to the computer: Return to the computer terminal and regain control of the surveillance bot. Fly it down to the ground on the right and place it on the rightmost set of flowers.
  • Jump across and recall Mui: Climb back up to the top platform and jump across the gap from the extended platform. Recall Mui so that it can open the path ahead.
  • Encounter the water-controlling worm and surveillance bots: Proceed and enter an area where a worm controls the water level, and there are two surveillance bots.
  • Lower the water level and swim: Lower the water level and swim to the far right while avoiding the surveillance bots. Climb the platforms at the end and start jumping to the left over the bots. Utilize the tall grass for hiding as needed.
  • Move the log and keep running: Push the log off the platform to the left, making sure not to be detected by the surveillance bot. Swim with the log to the left when it’s safe. Command Mui to get on the log and push it to the far right when the surveillance bots aren’t looking. Keep running forward until you encounter a board blocking your path.
  • Break through the boards: Jump onto the higher platform to the right of the boards and crash through them. Continue onward until you reach the next surveillance bot.
  • You’ll encounter another puzzle involving the surveillance bot:
  • Climb the platforms: As the surveillance bot flies to the left, climb the platforms on the right side of the room. Wait on the top-rightmost platform for the bot to fly towards you quickly.
  • Hide in the tall grass: Once the bot flies back to the left, follow it and hide in the tall grass. Wait for it to fly to the right again.
  • Control the bot and place Mui: Jump to the computer on the left to take control of the bot. Fly it towards yourself and command Mui to stand on it. Then, fly it to the upper right, where you’ll find a rope you can break.
  • Disconnect from the computer: Drop down and proceed to the right. Climb the rope to continue ahead.
  • Finally, you’ll encounter an area filled with spider webs:
  • Choose a path: The path will split between a higher and lower path. Begin by jumping on the higher platforms first.
  • Command Mui and evade the spider: Instruct Mui to stand on the far right edge of the platform. Drop back down to the left and swim to the right. You’ll come across a large spider. When it begins to wake up, quickly run back to the left. Interact with the prompts on the screen to prevent the spider from eating Mui. Climb up with Lana and cross the spider’s back to reach the next platform. Recall Mui once you’re on the other side.
  • Keep running: From this point on, continue running until you reach the end of this chapter. It’s time to move on to The Desert.

8) The Desert

In this chapter, the gameplay involves a running section without obstacles at the beginning. After some time, we encounter a surveillance bot. We wait for it to turn right, climb up to the highest platform, hide and wait for it to pass under us. Once it does, we run to the right, crawl through a small cave, and reach an elevator.

In the cave, we command Mui to stare at a worm and lower the platform by blocking the light shining on the worm. We push the worm to the left with Mui, lower the elevator, climb out of the cave, and jump onto the elevator. Pulling the worm back to the right activates the elevator. We recall Mui, ride the elevator up, and proceed.

We encounter another elevator section where Mui jumps to a switch to raise the elevator and make a rope fall. We jump onto the rope, command Mui to press the switch again to raise us, and jump onto a platform with Mui. Lowering the elevator, we jump on it, and Mui raises the platform. We follow a surveillance bot, press a button to raise the right elevator, return to the left elevator, and wait for it to rise. Once the bot flies back to the right, we follow it again, lower the right elevator, and safely land on it. We recall Mui and continue onward.

Next, we face a puzzle with a surveillance bot. Pressing a switch opens a hole in the floor that the bot patrols. We command Mui to wait on the switch, climb up to the right, and fall into the hole when the bot flies to the right. Mui presses the button, keeping us safe from the bot. As the bot passes to the left, we climb out, jump to the right, and access a computer. We control a magnet above and push the bot into the hole. Mui quickly shuts the floor on it before it flies away. We find a shrine and unlock an achievement. Returning to the computer, we place the magnet on the far right side to climb up to the upper left section. After climbing a rope, Mui breaks a rope, and we encounter a large fan.

While leaving Mui next to the computer, we navigate through the area with fans and electrified floors. We move slowly, waiting for the fans to turn off, and get past the second fan. We wait for the surveillance bot to fly upwards, jump to a platform, turn off the force field and electrified floors, and drop back down to the left. We head back towards Mui, ensuring to wait for the fans to shut off. Now we can access the computer terminal and control the surveillance bot. We fly it through a higher fan and split the path. Taking the lower path, we smash through the floor, return to Mui and Lana by going left.

We command Mui to stand on the bot and fly it through the fan when it’s off. We activate switches to shut off the power and cut a wire. Returning with Lana, we climb a rope and run to the right.

In the next section, we make Mui wait in a hole to the left and crawl through an opening. We hide in tall grass when a bot passes by, command Mui to crawl through the hole, and run to the next patch of grass. We wait on a platform between tall grass, crouch into an opening when the bot spots us, and command Mui to dig through a tunnel and run to the tall grass behind the bot. After the bot loses interest, we run back to the left, and Mui returns to us.

When the next bot jumps down, we command Mui to the top left platform, crawl to the right, recall Mui when the bot jumps up,

9) The Oasis

  • Meet the stranger and follow him: Run to the right until you encounter a stranger. Follow him as he leads you.
  • Activate the computers: The stranger will activate the computers. Prior to reaching them, pay attention to the writings on the wall for instructions on how to activate the bot. Set up the terminals as shown in the provided image and activate them using the computer on the far right.
  • Ride the bot through the desert: Once the terminals are set up and activated, you’ll be able to ride the bot through the desert. This section is mostly cinematic, but be prepared for quick time events and press the indicated buttons accordingly.
  • The bot breaks down: Eventually, the bot will stop functioning, and you’ll be back on foot.
  • Enter the cave: Quickly run and crawl into the cave that lies ahead.
  • Continue forward: Simply continue moving ahead to complete this short chapter and proceed to the next one, “The End Of The Road.”

Enjoy playing the game and have fun exploring the next chapter!

10) The End Of The Road

In this chapter, you will encounter surveillance bots and spider bots as obstacles. You need to navigate through various platforms and caves while avoiding detection. Along the way, you will use a magnet to manipulate objects and control the surveillance bots.

  • At the beginning, you will encounter a surveillance bot and need to wait for it to pass before proceeding. You will climb platforms, crawl through caves, and ride elevators to progress. There are puzzles involving switches, crates, and magnets that you need to solve with the help of your companion Mui.
  • In one section, you will control a surveillance bot to navigate through fans and electrified floors. You will switch between controlling the bot and controlling Mui to manipulate the environment and clear the path.
  • Later, you will encounter spider bots and hide in tall grass or small openings to avoid detection. There will be a large spaceship that you need to board to continue the journey.
  • In another section, you will control a magnet to move objects and solve puzzles. You will reunite with Mui and continue the adventure together. There will be more platforming challenges and avoiding surveillance bots.
  • Towards the end of the chapter, you will have a sequence where you need to run and follow Mui to escape from a spider bot. Finally, you will reach the core of the ship and need to navigate through a room filled with dangerous flashes. By timing your movements and using the switch-controlled floors, you will deactivate the core and progress to the next chapter, Tailo Village.

11) Tailo Village

Final chapter: The game concludes with one final chapter where you simply run to the left while appreciating the scenery.Catch up with Elo: Keep running until you catch up with Elo, and at that point, the credits will begin to roll.Achievement unlocked: Upon completing the game, you will unlock the “Home At Last” achievement.Additional challenge: For those seeking a greater challenge, there is an achievement called “Flawless.” To earn this achievement, you must complete the entire game without dying.Enjoy the final chapter and congratulations on your progress in the game!


Planet of Lana Gameplay

“Planet of Lana” is a puzzle-platforming game that follows the story of Lana, a young girl, on a planet invaded by hostile alien machines. Lana’s objective is to rescue her abducted sister. Alongside her is Mui, a cat-like creature who accompanies her throughout the adventure. Together, Lana and Mui must navigate the world and solve puzzles.

Lana possesses the ability to swim and can give commands to Mui, who can access unreachable areas and create new paths for Lana. Mui’s agility and size make it a valuable companion. It can also hypnotize certain hostile creatures, turning them into allies.

In the game, Lana and Mui rely on stealth tactics and environmental manipulation to avoid detection and overcome threats. They cannot directly attack alien machines or other hostile creatures. As the game progresses, players unlock the ability to temporarily tame creatures and hack into machines.

Embark on an exciting journey with Lana and Mui as they explore the planet, solve puzzles, and overcome challenges to rescue Lana’s sister.

Planet of Lana Trailer

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