Prove Your Genius! Only 3 in 39 People with High IQ Can Spot the Hidden Bell

Optical illusions are popular among puzzle and brain teaser enthusiasts. These fascinating images are fascinating, often making it difficult to discern hidden details or anomalies.

The human brain is a remarkable organ, capable of processing vast amounts of information in an instant.

However, when faced with challenges like finding hidden elements in a detailed scene, our brains can sometimes be tricked by their own efficiency.

Try: Seek and find puzzle: 9 second spider hunt that only 1 in 13 people with perfect vision can conquer! Are you ready?

Today we bring you a challenge that will test your vision and help you improve your observation skills.

In the picture below you will see a library scene with kids reading books and your challenge is to find a missing hidden bell.

Before you start solving this puzzle, we have prepared a difficult problem for you: you need to find the hidden bell within 13 seconds.

So, are you up to the challenge and prove your detective skills?

Start the timer and begin your search. Good luck!

Try it: Dare to test your IQ? Only three out of ten people can find the hidden cat in this optical illusion

Optical Illusion: Find the Hidden Clock in 13 Seconds


So, how is your search going?

Did you spot the hidden bell?

The time limit adds extra pressure to finding the hidden bell in this puzzle.

But don’t worry. Here are some tips to make this puzzle easier for you:

Avoid distractions: Seek and find puzzles usually require your full concentration. So, keep other devices quiet for a few minutes and focus on this image.

Zoom in on the image: Another trick that can help you find the clock is to zoom in on different parts of the image and look for it.

Now, hurry up and try to find the bell before the time limit ends.

Time is almost up!

Oh no! The 13 seconds are over.

How close are you to discovering the hidden bell?

If you find it, great! You have a great visual skill.

If you don’t find the hidden bell, it’s okay, don’t give up! Keep trying these seek and find puzzles and you’ll definitely become a true puzzle master.

Now, that’s the solution to this confusing finding puzzle.

Try: Optical Illusion: Left-brained, high-IQ minds have 7 seconds to find the turtle – can you handle the pressure?