Spot the 3 Mistakes Picture Puzzle IQ Test: Only 1 out of 10 can spot the 3 Mistakes in this Jogging Image in 12 seconds!

Brain Teasers

Brain teasers are puzzles or riddles designed to test thinking and problem-solving skills. They often require lateral thinking, logic, and creative reasoning to arrive at the correct answer or solution.

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Brain teasers come in many forms, including math problems, word games, visual puzzles, and logic conundrums. They are popular as entertainment, educational tools, and exercises for keeping the mind sharp.

Find the 3 Mistakes Picture Puzzle IQ Test: Only 1 in 10 people can find the 3 mistakes in this jogging picture in 12 seconds!

In the “spot the error” puzzle, the challenge is usually to identify three subtle or not-so-subtle errors in a given image.


These errors could be anything from mistakes in detail, misplaced objects, inconsistent patterns or colors, or even logical errors in the scene. Participants were asked to look closely at the image and analyze each element to spot the differences.

The difficulty often lies in being able to spot these errors quickly in a short period of time, thereby improving observation skills and cognitive processing speed.

Find the 3 Mistakes Picture Puzzle IQ Test: Only 1 in 10 people can find the 3 mistakes in this jogging picture in 12 seconds!

Find the 3 Mistakes Picture Puzzle IQ Test: Only 1 in 10 people can find the 3 mistakes in this picture of a jogger in 12 seconds! – Solution

Three errors have been discovered in the jogging image puzzle. First, two moons can be seen in the sky, which is astronomically impossible and an obvious error.

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Second, a shoe appears to be missing from the jogger’s foot, suggesting an inconsistency in the image.

Finally, upon closer inspection, we noticed that the plant in the front of the image had grapes growing on it, which was unexpected for a jogging track.

These three errors challenge people’s perception and attention to detail, while also making for an engaging puzzle experience.

Find the 3 Mistakes Picture Puzzle IQ Test: Only 1 in 10 people can find the 3 mistakes in this jogging picture in 12 seconds!

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