Star Wars: What Would Be Your Greatest Force Power, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Each of the 12 Zodiac signs perfectly fits these Star Wars Force abilities. There are myriad Force powers in Star Wars, on the dark side and on the light. As Star Wars movies and TV shows have expanded over the years, the list of known Force powers in Star Wars canon has also grown considerably.

Because of these developments, Force powers have been explored in much greater detail. Often, specific Force powers require particular skills or strengths from the Jedi who wields them. Based on the specific strengths required, each of the Zodiac signs would excel with these 12 canon Force powers.

The Aries Temper Is Perfectly Suited To Force Choke

This Force Power Would Come Naturally To An Aries


No one sign is all bad or all good, but the fiery passion of an Aries nevertheless perfectly suits the typically dark side Force power, Force choke. Force choke was first seen in the original Star Wars trilogy used by Darth Vader, so it has long been associated with him. Since then, some of Star Wars’ most powerful Sith, including Count Dooku, have also been shown using it, as have dark side Force users who aren’t Sith, such as Kylo Ren and Asajj Ventress.

It’s worth mentioning, this power hasn’t exclusively been used by dark side Force users. While Luke Skywalker didn’t use Force choke in Return of the Jedi, as has often been said, Ahsoka Tano used it in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, as did Anakin (before he fell). This power is therefore not exclusively a dark side Force ability, but because Force choke often comes from a burst of anger, this power is perfect for an Aries Force user.

Because Force choke often comes from a burst of anger, this power is perfect for an Aries Force user.

Force Stasis Would Be Ideal For A Taurus’ Stubborn Nature

This Is The Perfect Force Power For A Taurus


Force stasis provided one of the earliest cool moments in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, when Kylo Ren froze a blaster bolt in midair until Poe had been put on his ship. Even with the sequel trilogy still being among the most controversial additions to the Star Wars franchise, many found this moment to be a brilliant use of the Force. The specific nature of this Force ability, which completely freezes whatever object the Force user is suspending, is ideal for a Taurus.

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The Taurus Zodiac sign, symbolized by the bull, is best known for its stubborn nature, although there is of course more to a Taurus than that. Even so, stubbornness is the best-known Taurus trait for a reason, and that makes Force stasis the perfect power for this Zodiac sign. With this ability, a Taurus could simply halt whatever was irritating them or going against their desires—which is surely a dream come true for this Zodiac sign.

Gemini Jedi Would Love The Jedi Mind Trick

A Gemini’s Playful Nature Is Ideal For This Force Power


The Jedi mind trick is one of the first and most easily recognizable Force powers in Star Wars. It was first used by Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope with his iconic line, “These are not the droids you’re looking for.” Since then, this Force power has been used countless times, including in hilarious moments such as Obi-Wan telling a man to go home and rethink his life in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.

Because this Jedi power has a major potential to be fun and (harmlessly) troublesome, the Jedi mind trick is absolutely perfect for a Gemini. Geminis are known for being playful, outgoing, and charming, which means they would master this Force ability and no doubt use it in ways similar to Obi-Wan in Attack of the Clones.

A Cancer’s Protective Nature Goes Perfectly With Force Barrier

Force Barrier Is A Force Power Meant To Shield, Not Attack


The Cancer Zodiac sign, symbolized by the crab, is known for being protective of itself and of others (which the hard shell of the crab symbolizes). This protective nature means that Cancers would frequently use Force barrier/Force shield. As the name suggests, this power focuses on defense and protection rather than attack.

This power focuses on defense and protection rather than attack.

This power has been shown several times in Star Wars, including by several Jedi in The Clone Wars and by Ahsoka Tano in the World Between Worlds in Star Wars Rebels. Even Grogu used this power, in fact, in The Mandalorian season 3 ending. In addition to arguably representing what the Jedi should really be focused on, Force barrier/Force shield would be ideal for a Cancer Jedi whose priority is preventing harm.

Impatient Leos Would Love Force Mind Probe

This Force Power Would Give Leos Exactly What They Want


Like Aries, Leos aren’t automatically on the dark side, but many of their traits would make them excellent Sith if they chose that path. Force mind probe is a great example of how well Leo traits lend themselves to the dark side. Like the other fire signs, Aries among them as well, Leos are known for their passion and temper.

Leos are specifically known for being a bit arrogant and stubborn, too, which both reflect how perfect Force mind probe would be for a Sith Leo. This power, which allows the user to enter another’s mind to obtain information, was used heavily by Kylo Ren in the sequel trilogy, especially when he was interrogating people. Leos would no doubt be delighted to simply go in and take what they wanted rather than patiently wait for what they needed.

Perceptive And Analytical Virgos Would Master Shatterpoint

This Is An Incredibly Difficult Force Ability To Wield


Shatterpoint is a fascinating Force power in Star Wars, almost exclusively wielded by Mace Windu—who also invented the ability. Shatterpoint allows the Force user to identify their opponent’s weakness and exploit it. This of course requires significant discipline, focus, and perceptiveness, all of which make Virgos the perfect fit for Shatterpoint.

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Virgos are known for being logical, analytical, and intelligent. This would give a Virgo Jedi the ability to see the weaknesses in their opponent’s fighting style, especially when it comes to lightsaber battles, and use it to their advantage. This power also runs the risk of pushing someone closer to the dark side, but, like Mace Windu, a Virgo would remain controlled enough to avoid that fate.

Force-Enhanced Athleticism Would Suit Sagittarians’ Adventurousness

This Force Power Is Perfect For The Personality Of A Sagittarius


Force athleticism has long been a staple Force power in Star Wars. This ability comes in many forms, although some of the most notable include Anakin’s ability to jump out of a speeder and fly through the Coruscant sky, Ahsoka’s incredible feats as she survived Order 66, and Obi-Wan’s jump that saved his life in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace when he was fighting Darth Maul. Given how bold many of these moves are, Force athleticism perfectly suits Sagittarians.


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The Sagittarius Zodiac sign is known for curiosity, adventurousness, and independence. All these traits would make a Sagittarius Jedi particularly skilled with Force athleticism, and they would likely have no trouble mirroring the Force feats exhibited by several of Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi. In fact, given the Sagittarius’ penchant for spontaneity, they may also be inclined to do something as daring as jump out of a speeder.

Balanced Libras Are The Most Likely To Become Force Ghosts

Not Every Jedi Can Become A Force Ghost


Although Star Wars has increasingly shown Jedi becoming Force Ghosts—now including Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Qui-Gon Jinn—becoming a Force Ghost is actually no easy feat. This power is exclusively available to Jedi, never Sith, and it requires specific training. Because of those steep requirements, a Libra Jedi is the perfect fit to master the ability to become a Force Ghost.

A Libra Jedi is the perfect fit to master the ability to become a Force Ghost.

Libras are known for being balanced, fair, and harmonious. These traits make Libras the ideal Zodiac sign to learn this Force power. A Jedi must be truly at peace and one with the Force to become a Force Ghost once they pass on, and Libras would be naturally inclined to have these traits even before receiving this specific training.

Scorpios Would Thrive With Force Concealment

Scorpios’ Secrecy Is Perfect For Force Concealment


Scorpios are yet another Zodiac sign that may seem aligned with the dark side, and, while this sign can often be misunderstood, Scorpios would nevertheless get plenty of use out of the Force power Force concealment. Force concealment has been most prominently shown in the prequel trilogy with Palpatine’s ability to hide his presence in the Force from the Jedi so that they didn’t discover he was a Sith. The ability to conceal one’s nature would no doubt appeal to a Scorpio.

Scorpios are known for their secrecy, for better or worse, which is precisely why they are a perfect fit for this Force power. It’s worth noting, that doesn’t have to mean a Scorpio being a Sith or a dark side Force user at all. There are plenty of reasons why a Jedi may need to conceal their identity (after all, this is what all Jedi had to do during the Dark Times), and that would still suit a Scorpio’s nature.

Intelligent Aquarians Would Use Force Visions To Their Advantage

Force Visions Are A Particularly Tricky Force Power


Force visions may have a negative reputation in Star Wars because of how terribly Anakin’s Force visions ended, but this Force power can also be an incredible strength. In fact, whereas Anakin was unable to use his Force visions to actually save Padmé (which Yoda arguably contributed to with his lack of concrete advice), Ahsoka was able to use very similar Force visions to save Padmé’s life in The Clone Wars. Clearly, Force visions come with major risks, but that is why Aquarians are the perfect Zodiac sign for this power.

Force visions come with major risks, but that is why Aquarians are the perfect Zodiac sign for this power.

Aquarians have many positive traits, but one of the most prominent is their intelligence. Because of this, an Aquarius Jedi would be able to avoid the common pitfalls of Force visions and instead use them to chart the best path forward. This would also make Aquarians incredibly powerful Jedi, as they would wield a power that few can—especially safely and without being tempted by the dark side.

Capricorns Would Use Their Discipline For Force Psychometry

A Hardworking, Determined Capricorn Could Use This Rare Force Ability


Psychometry is one of the most fascinating and perhaps most helpful Force powers in Star Wars canon. Psychometry allows the Force user to touch an object and experience its past, which has now been exhibited by Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Ahsoka Tano in Ahsoka. In The Force Awakens, Rey touched Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber and experienced a series of scenes tied to it, and in Ahsoka, Ahsoka touched the star map and learned what happened to Sabine Wren. Quinlan Vos was yet another Jedi known to have this power.

Because this power requires so much discipline to master, Capricorn Jedi would be perfect for it. Capricorns are known to be determined, hardworking, and disciplined, all of which would certainly come in handy as they worked to gain control over this ability. Interestingly, this power is thought to be innate rather than something that can be learned, but Capricorns would be the ideal Jedi for this power even so.

Pisces’ Empathy Is Ideal For Force Awareness

The Intuition Of A Pisces Is Perfect For This Classic Force Power


Finally, Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, is the perfect fit for Force awareness. Like Force athleticism, Force awareness comes in many forms, but it is also easy to recognize. In fact, the single most iconic line in Star Wars (though it can be uttered by non-Jedi as well), “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” is a perfect example of this Force power.

Because Pisces are so intuitive, they would be excellent when it comes to Force awareness. More than the average Jedi, a Pisces Jedi would be able to perceive what was going on around them, be it emotions, intentions, or actions. While there are many facets to Force powers in Star Wars, these 12 are perfectly suited to the Zodiac signs based on their shared traits and skills.