The Harry Potter franchise is full of important themes of messages such as family, friendship, hope, and, of course, love, both platonic and of a more romantic nature. The Harry Potter franchise is thought of as more of a fantasy coming-of-age story than a story of love, but love provides the foundation of Harry’s world when his mother’s love saves his life as a baby. Harry repeatedly sees how love triumphs as his friends fall for one another and love brings a bright spot to the middle of the wizarding war.
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Harry Potter
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As is the case with so many of the deeper issues explored by the Harry Potter films and books, there is a slew of romantic quotes that will leave a smile on the faces of fans and leave them appreciating the power of love. Many of the Harry Potter love quotes are more so nuggets of wisdom about love and its power, but there are definitely some lines of in-the-moment romance that will leave fans both happy and maybe even slightly jealous of what they have.
You are watching: The 20 Most Romantic Harry Potter Quotes
20 “To Have Been Loved So Deeply, Even Though The Person Who Loved Us Is Gone, Will Give Us Some Protection Forever.”
Albus Dumbledore
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry and the audience first get an inkling of just how important the idea of love is to the franchise. While it’s not always romantic love that is highlighted in the books and the movies, love is a huge theme, and that starts when Dumbledore explains to Harry just why Voldemort and Professor Quirrel couldn’t touch him without literally being burned by the love Harry’s mother had for him.
In context, this line isn’t exactly romantic. It’s the idea of the love someone has for another, their sacrifice as armor for the other person, that saves Harry’s life. Lily Potter giving up her life for Harry is the ultimate selfless act of love. This kind of love doesn’t have to be maternal though; it could be platonic, familial, or romantic. In any of those respects, the sentiment and explanation of being touched by love and love making life better stands.
19 “We’ve Got One Thing That Voldemort Doesn’t Have — Something Worth Fighting For.”
Harry Potter
It’s that love that helps Harry realize that he and his allies have a fighting chance against Voldemort, no matter how bleak things might seem.
The franchise’s titular character spends a lot of Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix angry, though that’s showcased better in the novel than it is on the screen. Many of his lines are full of venom and he spends more time yelling than talking. Harry, however, also learns that, sometimes, the people he cares about are leaving him in the dark for his own good. He also learns that he isn’t completely alone even though Voldemort has been targeting him since birth.
It’s his connection to the people he loves that keeps him going in the book. From Hermione and Ron coming up with the idea that Harry should teach them and their classmates defense against the dark arts to Ginny, Luna, and Neville agreeing to travel with him to save someone in the middle of the night without knowing the whole story, Harry begins to understand just how much he is loved.
It’s that love that helps Harry realize that he and his allies have a fighting chance against Voldemort, no matter how bleak things might seem. They aren’t fighting for their own power, but for each other.
18 “I’m Mad For [Luna]. I Think It’s About Time I Told Her, Since We’ll Probably Both Be Dead By Dawn.”
Neville Longbottom
Neville realizes he and Luna both deserve to have a little love in their lives, even if it’s only momentary.
Neville Longbottom is never revealed to have feelings for Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter novels, but that isn’t the case for the movie franchise. In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2, Neville reveals his feelings for her to Harry with this line.
It’s both hilarious and heartbreaking when Neville says this line with an air of excitement and desperation during the Battle of Hogwarts. Much like Ron and Hermione finally admitting their feelings and kissing during the chaos of the battle, Neville realizes he and Luna both deserve to have a little love in their lives, even if it’s only momentary.
The Battle of Hogwarts is chaotic and terrifying and the culmination of seven movies worth of journeys and tension for the hero and the villain. For some characters, it’s the last time they’ll be alive. Neville recognizes the very real danger and how the fight could mean he never sees Luna again, so why not take a risk? That’s romantic.
17 “Dumbledore Would Have Been Happier Than Anybody To Think That There Was A Little More Love In The World.”
Minerva McGonagall
There are a lot of romantic subplots in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. While the movie doesn’t pay much attention to them, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks have quite a bit of conflict in the book because he keeps pulling away despite his feelings, and she is miserable because she’s in love with him. When the two of them have yet another argument about their fledgling relationship after the death of Dumbledore, Lupin tries to put Tonks off by saying it isn’t an appropriate time to talk about their love lives.
Professor McGonagall, however, is having none of that. As one of his closest colleagues, she might have known Dumbledore better than anyone else, and she knew how important others finding love and understanding that love was necessary to keep out the darkness in the world was to him. She said as much to the two of them, brokering no room for arguing.
16 “He’s Already Used You As Bait Once, And That Was Just Because You Were My Best Friend’s Sister. Think How Much Danger You’ll Be In If We Keep This Up. He’ll Know, He’ll Find Out. He’ll Try And Get Me Through You.”
Harry Potter
Harry Potter is the kind of hero who never thinks about his own safety, but constantly worries about the safety of those he cares about. He wants to do things alone because he’s afraid of putting Ron and Hermione in danger multiple times, but they don’t allow him to go it alone. Harry, however, doesn’t allow the argument that she can help him to be made when it comes to Ginny at the end of the book Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince.
Though it takes him until then to realize that his own feelings for Ginny have grown and that she never got over her own crush on him, he breaks up with her almost immediately after admitting his own feelings. He cannot bear the thought of something happening to Ginny because Voldemort or his Death Eaters turn her into a target to get to him.
This quote might not seem romantic, but it’s the sentiment behind it that’s romantic. Harry cares for Ginny more than anyone else, and he doesn’t want to be the reason Ginny doesn’t survive the impending war. He wants Ginny to have every chance to live, even if he’s going to be in danger.
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15 “You Are Protected, In Short, By Your Ability To Love!”
Albus Dumbledore
Love isn’t just the theme of many great Harry Potter quotes, but it’s a core element of all the books and movies. Love is what separates Harry from Voldemort, with Voldemort’s power stemming for his unlimited lust for power, fear of death, and capacity for hate. On the other hand, both Harry’s unwavering determination to stop Voldemort and the ancient magic that prevented Voldemort from killing him more than once all stem from Harry’s capacity both to love and be loved.
This Harry Potter love quote from Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Halfbood Prince perfectly encapsulates this fact. Dumbledore doesn’t just imply that Harry’s ability to love is a great defense against everything Voldemort tries to demoralize him, he states that it’s a key reason Voldemort will always struggle to harm him. It may not be the most romantic Harry Potter quote, but it is the one which best demonstrates how important love is to the overall story.
14 “I Never Really Gave Up On You.”
Ginny Weasley
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This Harry Potter love quote comes from the woman Harry ultimately ends up with — Ginny Weasley. It’s a line she says to him in the Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince novel, and comes at an incredibly touching moment. Harry ultimately knows he has to break up with Ginny until Voldemort is truly defeated, as worrying about her will make his task that much more difficult. Ginny takes the news incredibly maturely, though does take the time to explain to him that she’d waited for him for years, and would continue to wait if that’s what it took.
Ginny always believed that sooner or later she and Harry would end up together.
Ginny reveals that Hermione had advised her several years prior to live her life and not wait around for Harry, but Ginny never gave up hope. Even though they both had other partners, such as when Harry dated Cho Chang, Ginny always believed that sooner or later she and Harry would end up together. It’s an incredibly sweet moment, even if it does come when they’re parting ways, and shows why she was always right for Harry.
13 “And I Heard it. A voice. Your Voice, Hermione. You Said My name… And I Knew It Was Going To Take Me Where I Needed To Go.”
Ron Weasley
This is one of the most touching Harry Potter love quotes to stem from Ron and Hermione’s long-gestating relationship. It comes in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when the emotional effect of one of Voldemort’s Horcrux’s leads to Ron leaving Harry and Hermione to finish the search by themselves. However, once out of the range of its effects, Ron immediately realizes he’s made a terrible mistake and desperately tries to find his friends again (a difficult task, since the trio had originally taken several measures to ensure being found was all-but-impossible).
However, thanks to the Deluminator given to Ron by Dumbledore, he was able to locate Harry and Hermione. More specifically, he was able to find Hermione, due to his intense love for her. Ron was far from in touch with his feelings — a fact Hermione would often scold him for — but this was a key point in their relationship as it showed just how much Ron cared for her deep down.
12 “Numbing The Pain For A While Will Make It Worse When You Finally Feel It.”
Albus Dumbledore
Albus Dumbledore is responsible for many great Harry Potter love quotes in both the books and movies, but one of his most profound comes from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This quote doesn’t directly come from a romantic moment — on the contrary, Dumbledore says this to Harry after he returns to Hogwarts following the death of Cedric Diggory and the resurrection of Voldemort. However, it’s also a quote that fits as perfect advice for those mourning a lost love.
Ultimately it’s better in the long run to face the upset head-on, as delaying those feelings will only serve to intensify them.
Dumbledore is incredibly wise, and here he gives Harry the sound advice that time cannot heal wounds until those they’re inflicted on face the pain they cause. While it may feel like it’s easier to try and numb oneself to the hurt caused by a failed romance, ultimately it’s better in the long run to face the upset head-on, as delaying those feelings will only serve to intensify them.
Related Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore’s 10 Wisest Quotes
Albus Dumbledore found a place in Harry Potter and its spin-off, especially loved for the wisdom he imparted generously.
11 “Ginny Seemed Very Prone To Knocking Things Over Whenever Harry Entered A Room.”
The Narrator (J.K. Rowling)
Harry and Ginny may end up together by the end of Harry Potter, but Harry’s feelings for his best friend’s younger sister didn’t emerge for several years. The same cannot be said for Ginny, however, who had a phenomenally large crush on Harry from the moment the two met. This Harry Potter romance quote comes from when Harry first arrives at the Weasley home in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. While it may not be the most profound line about love in the series, it’s certainly one of the most astute.
It’s completely believable that young Ginny — who would go on to be a fierce Quidditch player and so is by no means clumsy — would become something of a klutz whenever Harry was around. It’s a moment that accurately portrays the effects of burgeoning romantic feelings at such a young age. This may be a relatively minor moment of romantic subtext in Harry Potter, but it’s definitely one of the most funny and adorable.
10 “Always.”
Severus Snape
As far as romantic quotes go, this may well be the most controversial quote that the Harry Potter franchise has to offer the fans. However, that is perfectly in line with Snape, who is more often than not the franchise’s most controversial character. This Harry Potter romance quote comes from one of Snape’s memories as he confesses to Albus Dumbledore that he still loves Lily Potter. They had a friendship as children that blossomed into love on his end, but not hers.
To those who love this quote and the moment surrounding it, Snape’s iconic admission of ”
” could be the Wizarding World’s most romantic line.
The unrequited feelings Snape has for Lily Potter are among the most complex aspects of the Harry Potter franchise. From one point of view, Snape’s adoration and deep-rooted care for Lily is beautiful; from another, it is obsessive and creepy. Nevertheless, to those who love this quote and the moment surrounding it, Snape’s iconic admission of “Always” could be the Wizarding World’s most romantic line.
9 “The Ones Who Love Us, Never Truly Leave Us.”
Sirius Black
Love is a key theme throughout Harry Potter, though it’s not just romantic love that’s importanct, but familial and other kinds of platonic love too. A handful of wonderfully delivered quotes on love in the Harry Potter movies may not necessarily be said about romantic love but cannot help but be thought about in that sense, such as this from Sirius. He might be talking about the loss of Harry’s parents, but the quote can apply to plenty of other relationships.
For both family and romance, it is the very same message; those who are loved do not leave as they stay in the hearts and the memories of those who loved them. It is a lovely message from Sirius to his godson, and this softer side to his personality is what has drawn so many fans to adore him.
8 “What Do I Care How He Looks? I’m Good Looking Enough For The Both Of Us.”
Fleur Delacour
Harry and Ginny may be the most well-known couple in the Harry Potter books and movies, with Hermione and Ron being a close second, but many of the sweetest relationships are actually those between background characters. While Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley’s romance may not be the most popular in the eyes of the latter’s family, nor the most prominent relationship in the Potter films, they are a strong unit and gave fans this incredibly romantic quote.
It is a line that will resonate with many, showcasing that looks in a romantic partnership are far from the most important thing
This Harry Potter love quote is not just great for its obvious romantic implications, but also because it is pretty funny from the former Beauxbatons student. It is a line that will resonate with many, showcasing that looks in a romantic partnership are far from the most important thing and that the love will stay there even if one person wrongly feels as though their physical appearance is not good enough for their partner.
7 “Oh, To Be Young And Feel Love’s Keen Sting.”
Albus Dumbledore
Dumbledore may be an incredibly Stoic character at points, but he’s shown more than once that he’s a firm believer in love, romance, and the importance of matters of the heart. As he does for most of life’s most meaningful aspects, Albus Dumbledore has many quotes regarding love that can definitely be taken as appreciation for the romantic. He offers his own observations on the love blossoming among his teenage students, seemingly looking back on love fondly.
This Harry Potter love quote from Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince is in response to Ron saying Hermione’s name and not Lavender’s while unconscious from an accidental poisoning. It’s a comment not only on young love and the infatuation many teens get wrapped up in, but also on the risk that comes with love and how incredibly worth it that risk is more often than not.
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Taylor Swift is the queen of romantic songs, and her sparkling tunes capture exactly the type of sweet and enduring love that Harry Potter depicted.
6 “When You Have Seen As Much Of Life As I Have, You Will Not Underestimate The Power Of Obsessive Love.”
Horace Slughorn
Many of the characters either know first-hand or will come to know the immense power of love, with Horace Slughorn demonstrating himself to be one of those people with this incredibly memorable Harry Potter love quote. Professor Slughorn demonstrates that he’s both intelligent and observant many times throughout his appearances in the movies, though he often uses his intelligence for selfish gains instead of to help his students.
It is great to think that when it is true, consuming, obsessive love, the depths of its power can never get counted out.
There appear to be few things, if anything, more powerful than love. With all of his life experience, Slughorn is aware of this. It is great to think that when it is true, consuming, obsessive love, the depths of its power can never get counted out. It’s especially powerful given that it comes from Slughorn, one of the greatest potions makers who ever lived, and an incredibly knowledgeable wizard. Few wizards know the true extent of power as thoroughly as Slughorn, so if he vouches for love as one of the most powerful forces, then it must certainly be true.
5 “But She Wants You.”
Arthur Weasley
Hermione and Ron or Harry and Ginny may be the more well known romantic couplings in Harry Potter, but they’re far from the only characters who end up together. Tonks and Lupin may well be one of the most beloved relationships among Harry Potter fans despite its severe lack of depth and screentime in the films. Tonks and Lupin fall in love during the war, but Lupin tries to avoid his feelings for her, believing she deserves better than him.
This Harry Potter romance quote from Arthur Weasley is one of the many great moments involving them in the books — one that many feel should have been in the movies. This is Arthur’s reply to Lupin when Lupin says Tonks deserves better than him, a fear so many have. Arthur’s response encapsulates what can so often make romance so incredible; of all the people Tonks could have, she chose Lupin and loved them despite what flaws Lupin thinks he has, and that is a beautiful thing.
4 “And Without Thinking, Without Planning It, Without Worrying About The Fact Fifty People Were Watching, Harry Kissed Her.”
The Narrator (J.K. Rowling)
The romantic spark between Ginny and Harry in the films has so often been bombarded with criticism for not existing — a fair assessment — but in the Harry Potter books, it is a far more enjoyable and natural pairing. As Ginny grows up and out of her awkward shyness around Harry, the two become friends in the novels. Harry grows to have feelings for her as well.
A moment that far exceeds anything the films showcase between the two.
This quote from Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince is not from the mouth of a character but rather just a written passage that showcases the passion and the lack of care that can come in moments of pure romance. Harry was just consumed by his desire to kiss Ginny, and with a brilliant air of spontaneity, he did just that, creating a moment that far exceeds anything the films showcase between the two.
3 “It Is Impossible To Manufacture Or Imitate Love.”
Horace Slughorn
For all the wonders of magic and potions in the Potter movies, not everything can be perfectly replicated, and love is at the top of that list, being a natural thing that can never be matched by something synthetic. Being a master of potions, Slughorn is better aware of this than most others, and the point that he puts forward is wholly romantic. The idea that love is so raw, so beautiful, and so powerful that to make any attempts to imitate it would be futile is one many can take solace in. Love cannot be created or stopped.
This might seem like it contradicts the existence of love potions in the world of Harry Potter, but that’s not the case. Slughorn knows that love potions don’t last. It’s one of the more subtle Harry Potter love quotes, but also one of the most powerful. It shows that, for all the great things magic can do in the wizarding world, there’s no substitute for genuine affection.
2 “So It’s Now Or Never, Isn’t It?”
Ron Weasley
Fans have their thoughts on the many romances in the Harry Potter books and movies, including that between Ron and Hermione. There’s a school of thought that believes Harry and Hermione should have ended up together, and the debate around this is one of the fiercest in the Harry Potter fandom. However, there is no denying the romance oozing from their climactic kiss in the books.
The whole excerpt is incredibly touching.
What is so great about it is how it is triggered — by Ron, mid-battle, saying that the heroes should tell the House Elves to leave Hogwarts, to flee to safety rather than stay and be killed or fight. Even though Harry shuts the kiss down due to the Battle of Hogwarts still raging around them, Ron musters this response. They may die, so Ron knows if he doesn’t show his love for Hermione he might not get a second chance. The whole excerpt is incredibly touching.
Related Harry Potter: Ron & Hermione’s Relationship Timeline, Movie By Movie
Ron and Hermione are one of the central couples of Harry Potter, but their budding relationship definitely had its ups and downs.
1 “Do Not Pity The Dead, Harry. Pity The Living, And Above All, Those Who Live Without Love.”
Albus Dumbledore
The best and most profound Harry Potter love quote comes, somewhat unsurprisingly, from the franchise’s wisest character — Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore lived a long life, experiencing all the trials and tribulations it had to offer, and at the end of it, despite all the controversy and divisiveness surrounding him, he valued the most important ideas, such as friendship and love.
This may well be his best quote on the latter. Life without love is far worse than death, and even though that may be a scary thought for many, there is love all around people, whether that be platonic, familial, or romantic. The dead experienced that love and therefore have no need to be pitied. It is those like Voldemort who live a life void of all love that should get that. This line isn’t just one of the best Harry Potter love quotes, but also one of Dumbledore’s most poignant.
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Harry Potter is a multimedia franchise about an orphaned boy who enrolls at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family, and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Adapted from the novels, Harry Potter is an eight-episode film saga that follows the journey of Harry Potter and his friends, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, as they navigate the tricky world of growing up, school life, and magic. Starting from year one and moving to their seventh year, the films chronicle the students’ time at Hogwarts while unfurling a sinister plot that centers around the unsuspecting Harry. With the return of the dark wizard, Voldemort, the students and professors at Hogwarts will fight to carry on as the world around them may change forever. Harry Potter has expanded beyond the world of its films and novels with several video games, a spin-off film series titled Fantastic Beasts, and even attractions at Universal Studios.
Created by J.K. Rowling Cast Daniel Radcliffe , Emma Watson , Rupert Grint , Tom Felton , Alan Rickman , Matthew Lewis , Bonnie Wright , Evanna Lynch , Maggie Smith , Michael Gambon , Richard Harris , Ralph Fiennes , Helena Bonham Carter , Alfred Enoch , Harry Melling , Gary Oldman , Robert Pattinson , Warwick Davis , Oliver Phelps , James Phelps , David Bradley , David Thewlis , Katie Leung , Jason Isaacs , Imelda Staunton , David Tennant , Jamie Campbell Bower , Timothy Spall , Robbie Coltrane , Eddie Redmayne , Jude Law , Katherine Waterston , Ezra Miller , Dan Fogler , Alison Sudol , Johnny Depp , Mads Mikkelsen First Film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone First TV Show Harry Potter Expand See at AmazonSee at TargetSee at Walmart
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