The 35 Best Clue Quotes That Will Make You Feel Flames On The Side Of Your Face

The best Clue quotes have ensured that the movie remains a beloved classic. Based on the Parker Brothers game of the same name, Clue was dismissed by fans and critics alike when it hit theaters in 1985. Despite an all-star comedy cast and a darkly funny script, it never made back its budget and critics mostly dismissed it. Another complaint was that the movie had three different endings, and they played at random theaters across the country. However, as the years rolled on, people began to reappraise the film, and it has since become a beloved cult classic.

Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, Christopher Lambert, Michael McKean, Martin Lull, Leslie Ann Warren, and Eileen Brennan led the cast as the characters from the game, plus one sarcastic butler, who ends up involved in a locked room murder mystery. However, Clue spoofed the genre it resided in, and it was the jokes about murder mysteries and some fantastic comedic performances by the cast that helped the film rise as the years passed. Much of the success is largely thanks to the script, with instantly memorable quotes.


“Yvette, Would You Attend To The Colonel And Give Him Anything He Requires… Within Reason”


Colleen Camp as Yvette cleaning in Clue

When Wadsworth, the butler, begins to welcome the night’s guests, the first he brings in is Colonel Mustard (a pseudonym) and he takes him straight to the study and introduces him to the maid, Yvette, with this quote. Later in Clue, Yvette’s past comes to the surface, and this line ends up making more sense, although it still remains a rude one for Wadsworth to deliver to the young lady.


“Sit! No, Not You Sir”


Wadsworth by a sitting Mr. Green in Clue.

From the start of Clue, it is clear that Wadsworth is more than just a butler, and he has everything under control and is in charge of the situation. When the meek Mr. Green arrives at the mansion for the night, the dogs outside are getting a little too close and Wadsworth yells, “Sit!” The funny part about this is that Green immediately sits down without a pause and Wadsworth has to patiently explain he wasn’t talking to him.


“Ours Not To Reason Why; Ours But To Do And Die”


Tim Curry as Wadsworth talking to the guests in Clue.

When Wadsworth has everyone gathered together at the dinner table after they have all arrived, he is quizzed about his part in this event. He assures them that he is just a butler, and explains this is a dinner party for them, not him. He then delivers this quote, which stuns Professor Plum. It is a hint of the deaths to come and is a quote from the poem The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson. It means following orders, even if facing death.


“I Think Most Men Need A Little Practice, Don’t You Mrs. Peacock?”

Miss Scarlet

Lesley Ann Warren as Miss Scarlet and Michael McKean as Mr Green eating soup in Clue

From the moment she arrives, Miss Scarlet mostly bites her tongue when the men at the party objectify the women, touch them without consent, and make comments about a woman’s self-worth. Mrs. Peacock is trying to force the conversation at dinner, and Professor Plum explains he is a doctor but is not practicing.

This leads Scarlet to deliver this zinger and direct it at Peacock, who has started to get on people’s nerves as well.

This leads Scarlet to deliver this zinger and direct it at Peacock, who has started to get on people’s nerves as well. It shows Scarlet is willing to say anything no matter how uncomfortable it makes those around her.


“I’m Supposed To Be Polite.”


Tim Curry as Wadsworth talking to Lee Ving as Mr Boddy in Clue

Once again, Wadsworth is not someone to be trifled with. While he has shown to be someone who can control the dogs and has made sure everyone knows that he runs this house, when Mr. Boddy shows up, he refuses to let the man put him down. When Boddy asks what Wadsworth is supposed to do, this was his answer, although he also adds, “Though when talking to you, I find that the task is almost beyond me.” It quickly shows that Wadsworth is the one person here Wadsworth does not respect or even like.


“I’ve Never Done Anything Wrong”

Mrs. Peacock

Eileen Brennan as Mrs Peacock in the mansion in Clue

When Wadsworth tells everyone that they were invited here because someone has been blackmailing them all for years, Mrs. Peacock is the first to speak up. While everyone else looks on, knowing it is true, Mrs. Peacock goes on for so long about how ridiculous it is and how she could never be blackmailed. It made her look guiltier than everyone else combined.


“Oh, I’m Being Blackmailed All Right, But I Did What I’m Being Blackmailed For”

Miss Scarlet

Lesley Ann Warren as Miss Scarlet sitting on a table in Clue

After Wadsworth told everyone that they were being blackmailed for certain things, he started to tell everyone what they were accused of. All the guests began to deny everything, but Scarlet bucked the trend and delivered this perfect Clue quote. It showed that, out of everyone in this room at the dinner party, she was the only one with the guts to admit what she did – and she seemed proud of it.


“You Don’t Need Any Help From Me Sir”


Martin Mull as Colonel Mustard talking to Tim Curry as Wadsworth in Clue

After Scarlet admits to working as a madame in Washington, D.C., the guests at the party put two and two together from an earlier conversation and realize that Mustard frequented the establishment. When Mustard starts to argue and claim his innocence, Wadsworth gets in his face about it, which causes Mustard to say he is trying to make him look stupid. Wadsworth’s comeback is not only brilliant, but it went over Mustard’s head, making the insult sting even harder.


“Why Would He Want To Kill You In Public?”

Miss Scarlet

Lesley Ann Warren as Miss Scarlet sitting by Tim Curry as Wadsworth in Clue

Miss Scarlet had some of the best Clue quotes since she was willing to say anything to anyone without a filter. However, she also had moments where she seemed as clueless as others. When Miss White admitted that before her husband’s death, he had threatened to kill her in public, it caused Scarlet to ask this question. The best part was Wadsworth instantly explaining the wordplay and Scarlet just shrugging her shoulders and going on as she kept needling Miss White.


“He Wasn’t A Very Good Illusionist”

Miss White

Madeline Kahn as Mrs White talking about her dead husbands in Clue

Miss White explained how her husband was killed and beheaded in their home (although she was not home when it happened), Wadsworth mentioned it wasn’t her first husband to disappear. Miss White then quipped it was her first husband’s job since he was an illusionist. When Wadsworth said he never reappeared, she delivered this fantastic line in a deadpan manner. At this point, Miss White proved she was not someone to be trifled with while remaining stone-faced.


“Unless She Dies Too”

Mr. Green

Everyone watching to see if Eileen Brennan as Mrs. Peacock dies in Clue

This Clue quote is funny thanks to what happened immediately following it. After someone killed Mr. Boddy, everyone tried to figure out what happened. They quickly figured out it wasn’t a gun and then wondered if he was poisoned, which they said just as Miss White was finishing his drink.

Everyone then rushed over and stared at Peacock, waiting to see if she died as she looked around uncomfortably, a perfect punchline to the gag.

Miss Scarlet realized they would never know if it was poisoned, and Mr. Green suggested there was one way to find out. Everyone then rushed over and stared at Peacock, waiting to see if she died as she looked around uncomfortably, a perfect punchline to the gag.


“There Is Safety In Numbers, My Dear”

Colonel Mustard

Martin Mull as Colonel Mustard talking to Lesley Ann Warren as Miss Scarlet and Colleen Camp as Yvette with a lead pipe in Clue

After hearing that there was a murder, the maid, Yvette, begins screaming and when everyone runs to her, she explains she is scared because one of them is a killer. Colonel Mustard delivers this quote, trying to make her feel more comfortable, but since he is holding a big lead pipe while saying it and knowing one of them is a killer, it doesn’t quite come across as assuring.


“What Could Be More American Than That?”


Tim Curry as Wadsworth looking up in Clue

When Wadsworth finally breaks down after Boddy’s death and explains that he is the one who invited everyone to the house to stop the blackmailing. He says Boddy blackmailed them because he felt they were “un-American.” The guests ask why Boddy was blackmailing them instead of turning them in if he was in fact a patriotic American. Wadsworth then delivered this perfect quote, saying that Boddy decided to make some money off the situation, and “What could be more American than that?


“I Didn’t Do It!”

Mr. Green

Michael McKean as Mr Green holding the dead cook in Clue

Every one of the suspects was together as they were discussing the fact that one of them was a murderer. That is when they realized there was still one other suspect in the house and that was the cook. They rushed to the kitchen together and as Mr. Green stood by the freezer, the cook fell out of it, dead, with a knife stuck in her back. What was hilarious was that Green caught her and then said, “I didn’t do it!” which was a common quote by many people throughout the rest of the film.


“If I Was The Killer, I Would Kill You Next”

Colonel Mustard

Martin Mull as Colonel Mustard threatens Miss Scarlett in the kitchen in Clue

After the group finds the cook dead with a knife in her back, someone asks why anyone would kill the cook. Miss Scarflett quips, “Dinner wasn’t that bad,” which made Colonel Mustard very angry, asking how she could joke at a time like this. Scarlet says it is her coping mechanism and then Mustard delivers this ominous line, which was not the best thing to say when one (or more) of them was, in fact, the killer. He finally said, “I said, If…


“Husbands Should Be Like Kleenex, Soft, Strong, And Disposable”

Miss White

Madeline Kahn as Mrs. White arguing with Martin Mull as Colonel Mustard in the kitchen in Clue

When Colonel Mustard tries to deflect attention away from himself, he starts to accuse Miss White of being the murderer. He makes comments about her being a Black Widow and alleges she killed her previous five husbands. That is when Miss White delivers this hilarious quote, where she explains exactly what she thinks of husbands, and men in general, proving Mustard might want to rethink his strategy of accusing her of murder in her face.


“I Like To Keep The Kitchen Tidy”


Tim Curry as Wadsworth suggests moving the cook's body in Clue

While Wadsworth was seemingly leading the proceedings, he also seemed to be the one to deliver the best one-liners and zingers to the rest of the characters. After they discovered the cook’s body dead in the kitchen, he suggested they move it to the study. When the others asked why, he said he was the butler and delivered this line, which honestly made no sense considering the situation, making it funnier.


“No, No. I Just Want To Powder My Nose, Thank You”

Miss Peacock

Eileen Brennan as Mrs. Peacock standing beside Colleen Camp as Yvette in Clue

Sometimes, a great Clue quote is just a silly one-liner that could pass off as a dad joke. In this case, the guests are arguing about what happened to Mr. Boddy’s body when Miss Peacock asks Yvette if there is a bathroom in the hall. Yvette, who is French, says “Oui Oui, Madame,” and Miss Peacock, proving her ignorance, says this line, showing she had no idea that Yvetter was simply saying “Yes” in French.


“That’s What We Call Overkill”

Colonel Mustard

Martin Mull as Colonel Mustard around other suspects looking at Mr Boddy in Clue

This was one quote in a series of puns that all the characters delivered after finding Mr. Boddy’s body again – and this time with new fresh injuries to his corpse. It all started with Wadsworth asking why anyone would want to kill him twice, and the characters all delivered their own puns, including this one by Colonel Mustard.


“I’m Shouting, I’m Shouting, I’m Shouting!”


Tim Curry as Wadsworth standing in the doorway shouting

After finding Mr. Boddy’s body a second time, everyone is throwing around quips and that is when Wadsworth finally loses it. It was a shocking moment since Wadsworth was in complete control of the evening, but now he realized he had lost all control and realized that he was, in fact, shouting after denying it. The punchline came when the candlestick dropped on his head from above the door after he lost control of his emotions.