“The World, Chico, And Everything In It.” – 30 Best Scarface Quotes

The best Scarface quotes are a key reason Tony Montana has gone down in history as one of the greatest movie gangsters of all time. Al Pacino created one of the most iconic movie characters of all time with the Cuban immigrant turned drug lord Tony Montana. He is a terrifying, brutal, and unpredictable force of nature, however, he is also fascinating as his journey to become a man of power is incredibly entertaining, and filled with unforgettable Scarface quotes.

Scarface is a warped and violent take on the American dream and so much of the dialogue reflects Tony’s twisted ambition that leads a path of violence in his wake. These impactful Scarface quotes help to define the lasting legacy of Brian De Palma’s 1983 masterpiece and showcase why Tony Montana was a career-defining role for Al Pacino. Scarface is a movie that still packs a punch after 40 years, the Brian De Palma movie has remained prominent in pop culture throughout the decades thanks to the many memorable quotes.

30 “What’d You Think Of That, Huh? What You Think, I’m A F*cking Worm Like You?”

Tony Montana

Tony about to kill Alberto in Scarface

This quote comes during a very chaotic scene in Scarface. Tony Montana is driving in his car with Alberto in the passenger’s seat and two other men in the back. Tony is furious as he watches Alberto getting ready to detonate a car bomb and thinks about Alberto (Mark Margolis) setting off the car bomb and possibly killing an innocent woman and two children as collateral damage. Finally, before Alberto can trigger the bomb, Tony shoots him in the head and kills him.

“I told you, man, I told you! Don’t f*ck with me! I told you, no f*cking kids! No, but you wouldn’t listen, why, you stupid f*ck, look at you now.”

This is a huge moment because it shows that, as evil as Tony Montana is, he has limitations. Alberto has someone they are supposed to kill, but when a woman and two kids get into the activist’s car, Tony won’t allow the hit to go down as long as they are in the line of fire. This leads to Tony double-crossing Sosa (Paul Shenar), but he won’t ever step over that one line, even if that would lead to his death.

29 “We’re Not Winners, We’re Losers”

Elvira Hancock

Elvira fighting with Tony at the restaurant in Scarfece

Tony Montana is having dinner at an expensive restaurant with Elvira and Manny when things start to spiral out of control. Tony sees that Elvira isn’t eating, and he starts to mock her, calling her a junkie. She sits there taking it, but Tony has a lot of frustration built up and he just keeps piling on. He says they will get old and have nothing that means anything. He then insults her and says she is so messed up that they can never even get pregnant and have a child.

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Brian De Palma’s Scarface stars Al Pacino as Tony Montana, a powerful drug lord – but was Tony Montana real? Here’s the story behind Scarface.

That causes Elvira to lose it. She throws her drink in his face and starts to lash out at him. She hits him where it hurts most, saying he would be a terrible father, wouldn’t be there to take their kids to school, and would probably be dead before their kids even start school. She then delivers this stinging line, revealing the truth of what she feels – no matter what Tony has achieved, she still sees him as a loser. He dismisses her insults but realizes deep down she is right.

28 “You Can’t Tell Me What To Do, Tony. No More. I Am Not A Baby Anymore.”

Gina Montana

Tony threatens his sister Gina in Scarface

Tony Montana is overly protective of his sister, Gina. This leads to many moments that cause problems between them, and it also leads Tony to kill his closest friend in the world because he likes his sister. However, before that can happen, Tony sees Gina at a nightclub where she is getting a little too close to other guys and Tony loses control. He attacks a guy who gropes her and then he takes Gina to the back and orders her to leave. This leads to her lashing out at her brother and telling him she’s not a kid anymore.

“I’ll do what I wanna do. I’ll see whoever I wanna see. And if I wanna f*ck ’em, Tony, then I’ll f*ck ’em!”

This really plays into the tragedy of the story by the ending when Tony finds her with his best friend, Manny. Instead of finding out what is going on, he murders his best friend and then finds out that Manny and Gina have just gotten married. By the end, Gina shoots her brother, is murdered by one of Sosa’s gunmen, and then Tony finally walks to his own death after that. His sister ended up bringing his downfall.

27 “You Remember. I Like To Forget That.”

Tony Montana

Tony Montana driving his car in Scarface

Tony and Manny are driving, and Tony has big dreams for what they can achieve. They have achieved some success, and Tony believes that the entire world can be theirs. Manny, on the other hand, wants to keep their expectations low and not get in over their heads. It is one reason why Tony ends up becoming so successful and Manny remains by his side and never rises any higher. However, Manny is smart, and he wants to keep Tony grounded.

Manny asks Tony to remember that they were in cages at a refugee camp in Miami after they were caught arriving illegally from Cuba. Tony dismisses the warning by saying that Manny can remember those bad times, but he prefers to forget about them. Of course, Manny is right, and if Tony had remembered where he came from and what could happen if things went wrong, Tony might not have gotten too far in over his head and possibly could have survived.

26 “I Watched The Guys Like Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney … I Like Those Guys”

Tony Montana

Tony Montana talking to immigration officials in Scarface

At the start of Scarface, Tony Montana is on a boat coming into Miami illegally from Cuba and ends up captured and taken to immigration officials. They seem surprised that he can speak English and ask where he learned it. He explains he learned it in school and by watching movies. He then name-drops two of his favorite actors – Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney, and he admits he likes those guys.

This is big because that is really how Tony learned to be a gangster. He wasn’t raised to be a gangster. He wasn’t groomed to be a mobster. He learned what he learned by watching others. It is clear that he based his personality and speech patterns on the mobsters he watched in movies, especially someone like James Cagney. Tony Montana was a mobster straight out of the movies and that is because that is where he developed these big dreams.

25 “I Didn’t Come To The United States To Break My F***ing Back.”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino and Steven Bauer looking around a pool in Scarface

As intense and violent as Scarface is at various times, it is also a funny movie with Tony as such an outlandish character that it is hard not to laugh at some of his antics. Even within this ambitious search for the distorted American dream, Tony is unintentionally funny — as this hilarious and refreshingly honest Scarface quote shows.

Tony is upset that his path to fortune and a life of luxury is taking more work than he envisioned and that he feels his American dream should require less effort.

Tony Montana is an intriguing character as far as movie gangsters go, as he is found at the start of Scarface as a Cuban refugee, building his criminal empire in Miami with little-to-no ties to the US. After getting his green card and starting his new life (a gift given by Miami gangster Frank Lopez in exchange for Tony murdering one of Castro’s former henchmen), Tony is upset that his path to fortune and a life of luxury is taking more work than he envisioned and that he feels his American dream should require less effort.

24 “You Want A Job, Ernie?”

Tony Montana


Mercy is not an attribute that many people would associate with Tony Montana, but even he can be in a charitable mood at times. After confronting his former boss Frank and the corrupt cop Bernstein, Tony executes them both in cold blood. It would seem likely that his massacre would extend to the men who worked for Frank, such as Arnaldo Santana’s Scarface character Ernie.

However, when Tony steps up to the terrified henchman Ernie, he offers him a job which Ernie gratefully accepts — as if he really had a choice. It seems that, despite his violent nature, Tony recognizes both innocence and potential in the employees of his enemies when he sees it. Tony knows that Ernie’s ties to Frank was simply a job, and that he’d be much more useful working for him than he would dead.

23 “I Only Tell You Once. Don’t F*** Me, Tony. Don’t You Ever Try To F*** Me.”

Alejandro Sosa

scarface sosa

Part of the thrill of watching Scarface is seeing Tony continue to climb to new levels of success in the seedy underworld that is the Miami narcotics trade. As vile and violent as Tony Montana can be in the movie, it is hard not to root for him a little. However, when he meets Sosa, it seems that Tony has come across someone who may be too powerful for him.

Sosa is one of the most intelligent characters in Scarface, and he takes Tony under his wing in some way. However, his warning to Tony hints that he is not someone who can be crossed lightly and sets up the inevitable end for Tony Montana. Sosa isn’t one to mince his words, and his incredibly blunt warning for Tony remains one of the best Scarface quotes.

Scarface Al pacino 1932 scarface Related Every Major Change Al Pacino’s Scarface Makes To The 1932 Original

A classic remake of a classic, Brian De Palma’s Scarface made several major changes from the 1932 original, achieving a far more bombastic production.

22 “I Kill A Communist For Fun, But For A Green Card, I Gonna Carve Him Up Real Nice.”

Tony MontanaManny and Tony looking at something together in Scarface

Unlike some crime stories that follow the gradual corruption of the main character, Tony Montana was fairly ruthless right from the beginning of Scarface. That penchant for violence and his willingness to do just about anything opens up some enticing opportunities when he is stuck in a refugee encampment.

When Tony is offered the deal to assassinate a communist officer living in the encampment, Tony admits that he would have done the deed for free but the fact that it will get him one step further to his new life in America means that he will really relish the job. This quote is another moment that stems from the rather unique premise of Scarface, as his journey from Cuban refugee to Miami drug lord adds an element that isn’t present in many other gangster movies.

21 “All I Have In This World Is My Balls And My Word, And I Don’t Break ‘Em For No One!”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino

This is another Scarface quote that shows both the typical bluntness of Tony Montana, and is also quite funny due to his unique way with words. After Sosa exposes Tony’s accomplice, Omar, as a police informant and hangs him from a helicopter, he turns his interrogation on Tony to find out if he can be trusted or if he will have to meet a similar fate.

Tony immediately responds with this quote before challenging Sosa to work with him or make a move against him. It’s enough to convince Sosa — who is equally blunt and so clearly appreciates the fact that Tony is a straight-talker — that Tony Montana is a man of his word, even if his feelings towards Tony’s boss are less than desirable. Tony presents himself as a man of principles as odd as it may seem given his many other flaws.

20 “You Still Gonna Show Up Here And Throw Some Money Around And You Think You Can Get My Respect?”

Georgina Montana


The relationship between Tony Montana and his mother is one of the most fascinating and underrated aspects of the movie, and it led to one of the best Scarface quotes not from Tony himself. Georgina ‘Mama’ Montana (played by Miriam Colón) doesn’t have much screen time, but she’s pivotal to Tony Montana’s character.

Instead of the cliché of the character growing up in an unloving home which turns him to his life of crime, or comeing from a family like the Corleone’s in the Godfather trilogy, Tony’s mother seems to reject him because he is a criminal. When he comes around with his money and offers to let her in on some of his wealth, she shuts him down and shows she is unimpressed with what he achieved. In truth, she is perhaps the one character Tony has no power over at any time.

19 “Every Dog Has His Day.”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino

This is another incredibly memorable Scarface quote that stands as common wisdom, even though it’s a repetition of a common idiom that originated in the Shakespeare play Hamlet. When Tony’s drug lord employer, Frank, gets tired of his newfound independence and ambition, he plans to have him killed to protect his empire. After a hit job that goes sour, Tony returns to confront both Frank and the crooked cop, Bernstein, who orchestrated the hit.

After making Frank beg for his life to the point where he’s kissing Tony’s shoes, he’s killed by Manny after briefly being given false hope for a second chance. After the deed is done, Tony sits down and utters this quote to call an end to an era. Seeing him rise to his new seat of power is both an exhilarating and chilling moment.

Related Scarface: The Main Characters, Ranked By Intelligence

The 1983 movie, Scarface serves several fictional characters from the Miami, Cuban and Bolivian underworlds, all with varying levels of intelligence.

18 “Who Ever Said You Was One?”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino aiming a gun in Scarface

If there is one character in Scarface whose confidence and lack of fear rivals Tony’s own, it is Mel Bernstein (played by Harris Yulin). The corrupt Miami cop is entirely comfortable blackmailing criminals with a self-assured smile on his face. Even after Tony has Frank killed right in front of him, Bernstein doesn’t seem at all worried for his own life.

However, that confidence is taken away when Tony shoots him in the gut. Despite the corruption, Bernstein thinks his badge still protects him and tells Tony he can’t shoot a cop, but Tony assures Bernstein he doesn’t see him as a cop but rather some lower life form. It’s also a moment that shows the audience just how fearless Tony Montana truly is, since not many movie gangsters would so brazenly shoot a police officer knowing the immense trouble it could get them in.

17 “The World, Chico, And Everything In It.”

Tony Montana

Scarface Quotes - World

This is one of the most memorable quotes in Scarface, which is unsurprising given as it’s directly about Tony Montana’s unquenchable greed and ambition, which is a central theme of the entire movie. When Tony begins taking his first steps into a much more dangerous world, his ambition and arrogance are amplified to the point where he begins seeing himself as unstoppable.

This is shown in a scene of Tony driving with Manny in the passenger seat, conversing about their newfound employer. Clearly unsatisfied with what he already has, Tony explicitly says that he wants what’s coming to him, prompting Manny to ask. Tony’s response is an indication of Tony’s untethered ambition and a hint that even when he is at the top, he will never be satisfied.

16 “You Need People Like Me So You Can Point Your F***in’ Fingers And Say, ‘That’s The Bad Guy!'”

Tony Montana

Tony Montana delivers his famous Say Goodbye to the Bad Guy speech in Scarface

A drunk and angry Tony Montana flips out in the middle of dinner and causes his wife Elvira to storm out in rage. When the chaos dies down and the rest of the patrons sit there staring in disbelief at what just transpired, Tony turns and addresses them with a terrific monologue. This Scarface quote represents a moment of self-reflection for Tony that he twists in order to justify his criminal behavior.

This is one of the best
quotes as it establishes Tony Montana as more than a straightforward gangster character and as something more interesting.

Rather than take responsibility for his unwillingness to utilize the American dream positively, he chastises those who look down on him. This is one of the best Scarface quotes as it establishes Tony Montana as more than a straightforward gangster character and as something more interesting. It’s one of several moments in Scarface that demonstrates why it’s so popular since — for all its violence and adult content — it does have some cerebral depth to it too.

15 “Why Don’t You Try Sticking Your Head Up Your Ass. See If It Fits.”

Tony Montana


Part of the reason Tony always seems in control in any situation is that he doesn’t ever exhibit any fear. Even in Scarface‘s infamous chainsaw sequence, he is a cool and calm operator. The scene, while incredibly memorable for its violence, also contains one of the best and funniest Scarface quotes. Tony Montana knows how to make memorable threats, though sometimes his colorful and creative use of the English language can’t help but elicit a laugh from viewers, even when the context is murderous.

Tony is uneasy about the drug deal from the beginning and his reservations prove absolutely right with him quickly getting double-crossed and facing a horrific death. Yet Tony still manages to throw this confrontational suggestion at his foes with the kind of confidence that would make it seem like he was the one wielding the chainsaw.

Scarface chainsaw scene cut shot Related The Shot Cut From Scarface’s Infamous Chainsaw Scene (& Why)

Scarface isn’t shy when it comes to violence and bloodshed as its infamous chainsaw scene shows, but here’s the one shot Brian De Palma cut out.

14 “Every Day Above Ground Is A Good Day.”

Mel Bernstein

Detective Mel Bernstein shakes own Tony in Scarface

Though not a major role in the movie, Mel Bernstein is one of the most interesting characters in Scarface. He is not intimidated by Tony and seems to have a laid-back view of this dangerous world in which he finds himself. He also delivers one of the most interesting Scarface quotes, and it’s yet another line of dialogue that has a surprising amount of philosophical depth to it, considering the movie is about violence and crime.

This Scarface quote from Bernstein can be considered both optimistic and pessimistic at the same time. From one perspective, it’s great to think about life in such a positive way and value every day of life. However, from another, making survival the ultimate aim rather than actually living a healthy life might not be the best course of action.

13 “He’s The Best Lawyer In Miami. He’s Such A Good Lawyer That By Tomorrow Morning, You Gonna Be Working In Alaska.”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino taking to cops in Scarface

The true story of “Scarface” is loosely the life of Al Capone. Just like with the infamous real-life gangster the authorities do not go after Tony Montana in the midst of a massive drug deal or for his countless murders, but rather, they go after his illegal money. This Scarface quotes is one that rings incredibly true to the real-life figure who inspired Tony Montana, as Capone was also notoriously brazen when it came to taunting those who enforce the law.

After walking into a sting operation for his money laundering and being arrested, Tony’s arrogance once again takes over, and he begins calmly telling the arresting officers that putting the handcuffs on him is the biggest mistake they could make and the result will be a very unpleasurable career transition for them.

12 “Okay, Here’s The Story. I Come From The Gutter. I Know That. I Got No Education, But That’s Okay.”

Tony Montana

Scarface's scar

If not for the brutality and corruption of his actions, Tony Montana’s story would be quite endearing and even one many people could find inspiration from. Not everyone is born into a good family or gets the right education and opportunities, but that doesn’t have to diminish their ambition. Unlike many other movie gangsters, Tony doesn’t begin Scarface with the resources or connections to set himself up for a rise to the top.

It is easy to forget that Tony’s story is a rags-to-riches tale, albeit within the context of a gangster story. He has ambition and determination that to overcome his humble beginnings, making it a movie where the underdog becomes the villain. However, despite the fact he becomes the antagonist in his own movie, the unique criminal career path of Tony Montana in Scarface makes it incredibly difficult for viewers not to root for him.

11 “Who Put This Thing Together? Me, That’s Who! Who Do I Trust? Me!”

Tony Montana


Director Brian De Palma crafts a stunning saga in Tony Montana’s story which begins as an engrossing rise to power and then becomes a destructive downward spiral. Part of the reason that Tony became such a success was because of his self-made drive and unwillingness to work for Frank. However, as his pride in the empire he has built grows, his arrogance leads him to not trust those around him.

This toxic combination of traits more-or-less guaranteed he’d meet a violent end.

Ironically, the most impressive thing about Tony — his ability to make his own path — ends up being the thing that fuels his destructive paranoia. This Scarface quote perfectly captures the toxic elements of his personality that led to his downfall. Tony is paranoid and untrusting. However, he also has an overinflated sense of confidence in his own abilities. This toxic combination of traits more-or-less guaranteed he’d meet a violent end.

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