Tanked is a reality television show that aired on Animal Planet from August 7, 2011 to December 28, 2018. The series focused on the activities of Acrylic Tank Manufacturing, a Las Vegas-based company owned by brothers Brett Raymer and Wayde King. The show followed their journey in building custom aquariums and featured participation from family members including Brett’s sister Heather and their father, Irwin Raymer.
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You are watching: What Happened to the Show Tanked? Why Was Tanked Cancelled?
Although the show ran for 15 seasons and soared in popularity, it was eventually canceled due to declining ratings. Tanked gave viewers a glimpse into the unique world of aquarium manufacturing and the family dynamics of the industry.
What happened to the show failing?
The beloved Animal Planet series Tank Wars faced cancellation in 2019 after 15 successful seasons. Although the show’s fish tank installation in Las Vegas received global acclaim, the decision to cancel the show was not solely related to the domestic violence incidents involving hosts Wade King and Heather.
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The network announced that the series had come to a natural end due to declining ratings. Reports say the decision to end Tanked was made before the aforementioned incident to ensure the show’s fate wasn’t solely tied to personal issues between the hosts.
While the show bid farewell to our screens on Animal Planet, it has been given a new lease of life on streaming platforms like Max and Apple TV+, giving fans a chance to revisit its fascinating content. Whether the show will be revived (if ever) remains uncertain, leaving viewers to continue enjoying the seasons they have already enjoyed.
What is Tank Show about?
“The Tanked” is an American reality television show that takes an in-depth look at Acrylic Fish Tank Manufacturing Company in Las Vegas. Owned by brothers Brett Raymer and Wayde King, the company specializes in creating unique and luxurious aquariums. The show provides an in-depth look at the company’s day-to-day operations, highlighting the challenges and creativity involved in designing custom fish tanks for different clients.
Family plays a central role, with Brett’s sister Heather managing the company’s finances and their father, Irving Reimer, running the office. Known for its blend of reality and comedy, the series ran for 15 seasons, showcasing the intricacies of aquarium construction and the dynamics of a family business in the vibrant city of Las Vegas.
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How many seasons are there in Tank Wars?
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Tank Wars ran for 15 seasons. The show aired on Animal Planet from August 7, 2011 to December 28, 2018, during which time viewers were introduced to the fascinating world of acrylic tank manufacturing. The series follows the adventures of brothers Brett Reimer and Wade King as they build unique and extravagant aquariums at their Las Vegas company.
The family dynamic adds a special touch to the show, with Brett’s sister Heather managing the company’s finances and their father, Irving Reimer, running the office. The cast also includes other regulars like store manager Robert “Robbie” Redneck and sales coordinator Agnes Wilczynski. Known for its blend of reality and comedy, Tank Wars managed to keep viewers hooked for 15 seasons before ending in 2018.
Why was Tanked cancelled?
In 2019, Animal Planet canceled Tanked due to declining ratings, a decision made before domestic violence incidents between host Wade King and Heather. The channel said the show ended naturally after 15 successful seasons to avoid being canceled solely due to the host’s personal problems.
The show’s cancellation was attributed to falling ratings rather than the incident between the hosts, and there are currently no plans to revive the show.
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Category: Entertainment